
  1. 福建省旅行社经营调查研究

    Investigation and Study of the Operation of Travel Services in Fujian

  2. 云南省旅行社经营中存在的问题与思考

    On the Challenging Problems and Countermeasures of Yunnan Travel Agency Operation

  3. 旅行社经营机制转换中存在的问题及对策

    Problems and Countermeasures in Transform of Travel Services Operation Mechanism

  4. 计调岗位是旅行社经营管理的核心岗位。

    Tour operation is a core position in management of travel agency .

  5. 泉州中国旅行社经营战略研究

    Operational Strategy Research of China Travel Service in Quanzhou

  6. 战略管理是现阶段我国旅行社经营管理中的一个薄弱环节。

    Strategic management is a weakness in the management of our Chinese travel-agencies .

  7. 《旅行社经营管理》课程项目驱动教学法实施探讨

    Study on the Implementation of Project-driven Teaching Methods of the Management of Travel Agents

  8. 实施有效的市场营销策略是旅行社经营成败的关键

    Stressing on the key Management Action of travel Service-An Efficient strategy for Market running

  9. 本市实行旅行社经营许可制度。

    This Municipality shall institute a permit system for the business of travel agencies .

  10. 试论中国旅行社经营管理

    The Management Discussion of China Travel Service

  11. 在旅行社经营管理教学研究中,教学意识研究占有重要地位。

    The study of teaching consciousness plays an important role in Travel Agency Management teaching .

  12. 旅行社经营战略的选择

    Strategic Selection in Travel Agency Management

  13. 论我国旅行社经营体系调整的目标模式

    On the Target Model for the Readjustment of the Management System of China ′ s Travel Services

  14. 接着介绍了战略管理理论的研究状况及国内外旅行社经营战略的成功经验;

    Secondly introduce research situation of strategic management theory and operational strategic successful experience of travel agency at home and abroad .

  15. 旅行社经营中三高一低现象分析

    An Analysis of the Phenomenon of " Three High Costs and One Low Profit " in the Operation of Travel Services

  16. 由此可见,导游人员不仅对旅行社经营有着重要意义,而且在旅游业发展的过程中也发挥着不容小觑的作用。

    Thus , guides not only for the travel agency management is of great significance , but also in the tourism development process also plays an important role .

  17. 对新形式下我国旅行社经营管理危机的表现形式、类别、解决危机的办法与措施进行分析与探讨,以期使旅行社行业能未雨绸缪,为迎接旅游业新的发展机遇和挑战做好准备。

    This paper is intended to make a survey of various problems the travel agencies are faced with and present some solutions in hopes of their taking opportunity and challenge in tourism development .

  18. 此外,依据南京市出境游旅行社经营绩效的评价结果提出有针对性的对策措施,为未来南京市提升旅行社的经营绩效提供可操作性的应用指导,从而体现了本文的应用创新。

    In addition , based on outbound travel agencies in Nanjing performance evaluation results of targeted countermeasures proposed for the future business performance of travel agencies of Nanjing to enhance the interoperability of applications will provide guidance to reflect the application of this innovation .

  19. 单团核算&旅行社有效经营的基础

    Single Accounting : the Basis of Effective Travel Agency Management

  20. 旅行社跨国经营模式研究

    A Study on Transnational Operation Patterns of Travel Services

  21. 对我国旅行社品牌经营管理模式的探讨

    Discussion on the Mode of Travel Agency 's Brand Operating Management in Our Country

  22. 试论旅行社的经营战略

    On the management strategy of travel agency

  23. 旅行社办事处经营的市场合理性及与现行法规的矛盾协调

    Market Rationality for the Operation of Travel Agency Branches and Their Harmony with Current Statutes

  24. 本文创设“第二代”旅行社特许经营战略模式力图解决上述问题。

    It suggests " the second generation " franchise management strategic mode to solve such problem .

  25. 国内旅行社的经营范围仅限于国内旅游业务。

    The scope of business for domestic tourist agencies shall be limited to domestic tourist services .

  26. 旅行社虚拟经营

    Virtual Operation in Travel Agent

  27. 第五条旅行社按照经营业务范围,分为国际旅行社和国内旅行社。

    Article5Travel agencies shall be categorized into international travel agencies and domestic travel agencies according to their business scope .

  28. 浙江省旅行社连锁经营策略探讨&兼与广东省旅行社的比较

    A Study on Strategies of Chain Operation of Travel Agencies in Zhejiang Province-Comparison with Travel Agencies in Guangdong Province

  29. 从与旅游合同订立有关的法律纠纷中,分析旅行社的经营管理问题。

    From the legal dispute of working out the traveling contract , analysis travel agency 's management and operation question .

  30. 旅游业务的复杂性,导致旅行社的经营管理中会遇到很多法律纠纷问题。

    Because of traveling service complexity , causes travel agency 's management and operation to meet many legal dispute question .