
  • 网络Travel Insurance
  1. 我们建议您为所有假期都购买旅行保险。

    We recommend that you take out travel insurance on all holidays .

  2. 如果您对此项保险有什么疑问,请与旅行保险服务有限公司联系。

    If you have any queries about this insurance , please contact Travel Insurance Services Limited .

  3. 另一种是大病保险旅行保险也有这个功能;但你可能不用为此烦恼,因为欧盟(eu)公民在成员国内可以享受廉价医疗。

    Another is insurance against catastrophic medical expenses , another role for travel insurance ; but you may not be bothered about this , as EU citizens get cheap health-care in member countries .

  4. 你订票时就可以获得旅行保险。

    You can get travel insurance at the time of booking .

  5. 你们提供飞行服务也提供旅行保险吗?

    Do you do travel insurance as well as flights ?

  6. 为您解决人寿,建康,旅行保险上的需要。

    Provide you with professional services to fulfill all your insurance needs .

  7. 在出行旅游之前,你应该购买旅行保险。

    Before a tour , you should buy traveling insurance .

  8. 购买旅行保险,以防你遇到糟糕的天气。

    Buy travel insurance to protect you in case of bad weather .

  9. 银行会为你办好旅行保险。

    The bank can arrange travel insurance for you .

  10. 这场危机重新引起人们对旅行保险数十亿的市场的关注。

    The crisis brought new attention to the billion-dollar market for travel insurance .

  11. 旅行保险单是在国外发生意外医疗费用的预防措施。

    Travel insurance acts as a safeguard against unexpected medical costs while abroad .

  12. 那家医院接受我的旅行保险吗?

    Does that hospital accept my traveler 's insurance ?

  13. 问题34.学生购买国际旅行保险的缺陷是什么?

    Question 34 . What is the drawback of students buying international travel insurance ?

  14. 我的旅行保险范围包括这个吗?

    Will my traveler 's insurance cover this ?

  15. 在计划你的度假时,千万不要忽略你的旅行保险。

    When planning your holiday , make sure not to overlook your travel insruance .

  16. 我可以使用旅行保险吗?

    Can I use the travel insurance ?

  17. 4.购买旅行保险

    Step 4 Buy travel insurance

  18. 费用包括在工场的支出(食、住、当地交通等)、团体旅行保险以及中信行政费。

    Costs include room and board , local transportation , group travel insurance , and CCM administration fee .

  19. 旅行保险公司可以给你一个检查清单所有重要的安全提示行。

    Travel insurance companies can give you a check list of all the important tips for a safe trip .

  20. 你无法预知你在国外何时会得重病,所以买旅行保险是个好办法。

    You never know when serious illness will strike you abroad , so it 's a good idea to take out travel insurance .

  21. 行前必须提供本人购买的本次旅行保险保单复印件。

    Prior to the trip , copies of Trip Insurance , which is supposed to be purchased by each participant , should be submitted .

  22. 通常有两种不同类型的健康保险你可以考虑购买,国际旅行保险和你抵达国的学生保险。

    There are often two different types of health insurance you can consider buying , international travel insurance and student insurance in the country where you will be going .

  23. 然后我想到旅行保险可不保自然灾害,那么我的医疗保险自然也不包括自己干的蠢事。

    And then I thought about how , much as travel insurance doesn 't cover acts of God , probably my health insurance did not cover acts of idiocy .

  24. 旅行保险是否会就您具体的慢性病症给予赔付,您的健康状况是决定性因素。

    Your state of health can as such be a deciding factor in determining whether or not you are covered by the travel insurance in relation to your specific chronic disease .

  25. 她还说,游客应当警惕周围的环境,并购买旅行保险,这样就可以在遭遇危险事件而被迫取消行程时获得补偿。

    She added that travelers should stay aware of their surroundings and buy travel insurance so they can be reimbursed if they have to cancel their trip because of dangerous events on the ground .

  26. 是的,这就是我国外旅行意外保险卡。

    Yes , this is my overseas travel accident insurance card .

  27. 我有旅行平安保险。

    I have travelers insurance .

  28. 确保你有能覆盖所有医疗费的旅行医疗保险:包括治疗疾病或者伤害(包括国外住院和医疗疏散)、贵重物品的遗失或遭窃、行李的损坏、航班取消或中断等。可以考虑参加女性自我防卫的课程。

    Make sure you have travel health insurance that covers all medical expenses for illness or injury ( including hospitalization abroad and medical evacuation ) , loss or theft of valuables , damage to baggage , and flight cancellations or interruptions.Consider taking a self-defence course for women .

  29. 我国旅行社责任保险制度法律问题研究

    Legal Issues Study on the System of Travel Agency Liability Insurance in China

  30. 旅行社责任保险初探

    An Inquiry into the Commitment Insurance in Travel Agencies