
  1. 第二部分,建立产品导向型旅游景区规划模式。

    Part two , establish product orientation of tourist attraction planning .

  2. 研究了旅游景区规划设计的实施方案。

    Tourism scenic spot planning and design scheme are studied .

  3. 基于景观生态思想的旅游景区规划设计研究

    Research of Tourist Areas Planning and Design Base on Landscape Ecology Theory

  4. 产品导向型旅游景区规划实例研究

    Study on Product Orientation of Tourist Attraction Planning

  5. 关于生态旅游景区规划问题的探讨

    Approaching the Ecotourism Scenic Spot Planning Problems

  6. 第三部分归纳了国外旅游景区规划的方法经验。

    In the third part , the experience and method of tourism attractions planning abroad are summarized .

  7. 提出了组成旅游景区规划系统的11个子系统,并就每个子系统的运行分别进行了论述。核心内容在于景观结构斑块廊道基质的协调布局以及合理设计。

    The core content lies in coordinating the layout of landscape structure " Patch-Corridor-Matrix " as well as reasonable design .

  8. 提出了对黑龙江省乡村旅游景区规划的启示:科学制定景区规划;增强绿色旅游意识;重视社区参与规划;对原有景区实施二次开发等。

    This article advances the Heilongjiang rural tourism attractions planning suggestions . For example , scientifically make strategic plans , strengthen a green tourism sense , pay attention to community involvement in planning , implement secondary development of the original scenic area and so on .

  9. 制定了北武当山旅游景区总体规划方案设计。

    Formulated the north Wudang mountain tourism scenic area overall plan design .

  10. 森林旅游景区旅游规划模式研究&基于休闲旅游的视角

    Study on Model of Tourism Planning of Forest Tourism Scenic Areas & Based on Leisure Tourism

  11. 如何做好红色旅游景区的规划设计,将是我们面临的一个新课题。

    How to plan and design the revolution sites , will be a new topic which we face .

  12. 其中,羌族旅游景区的规划建设,是四川灾后重建的一项重要工作。

    Among them , the planning and construction of the Qiang tourist attractions is an important task in post-disaster reconstruction of Sichuan .

  13. 本着研究理论联系实际,结合国内外同类旅游景区道路规划的成功案例,提出新的梅岭旅游道路景观绿化共生设计概念方案。

    In line with research theory with practice , combining domestic and foreign similar scenic road planning successful cases , this paper puts forward a new MeiLing tourist road landscape greening symbiotic design concept scheme .

  14. 对五常市旅游景区进行规划设计,同时,对旅游产品区域合作提出具体规划措施。对五常市旅游形象要素的主要组成部分、竞争优势进行分析。

    Tourist attractions in Wuchang City planning and design , at the same time , a major component of the specific planning measures for the tourism image elements in Wuchang City , regional cooperation in the tourism product and competitive advantage analysis .

  15. 本文主要研究了传统人文景观类旅游景区的景观规划,并以满城汉墓景区为研究对象,重新探讨了该类旅游景区的景观规划。

    This article mainly studies landscape planning for the traditional cultural attractions .

  16. 交城石壁沟玄中寺旅游景区控制性规划方案

    The Control Planning of Tourism Areas of Xuanzhong Temple in Shibi Valley , Jiaocheng County

  17. 在此基础上,分析了乡村景观的5种构成,认为乡村旅游景区应加强规划设计,并提出规划设计的初步建议。

    On the basis of these , this paper analyses the composing of rural sight , argues the importance of the planning of rural tourism region , then put foward some advice on the planning .

  18. 旅游资源三维可视化平台为旅游景区的科学规划与管理提供强有力的手段,为游客提供有关旅游景观的全方位立体信息,具有广泛的应用前景。

    Tourism resources 3-D visualization platform provids powerful means for the scientific programming and the management of tourism sight and full-sided information about tourism sight and has a broad appliance foreground .

  19. 旅游环境承载力的评估是实现对生态旅游景区合理规划、有效管理及最终实现可持续发展必不可少的工具。能源效率、能源多样化和实现可持续发展

    Ecological carrying capacity is a necessary tool for effective tourism management . Energy Efficiency , Energy Diversification and Realization of Sustainable Development

  20. 该课题得到旅游863项目资助,并作为真三维虚拟旅游与景区规划设计系统的重要组成部分。

    This thesis is donated by the 863 project , because it has become the important part of the virtual tour and landscape planning system of the real three dimension .

  21. 在现实中旅游开发规划理论多运用在指导某个旅游景区的开发和规划上,而对于某个地区的旅游开发规划并没有系统指导理论。

    In reality , tourism development planning is used to guide the development and planning of one Scenic Spots , not for one area .

  22. 这一模式是对现有旅游产品结构模式体系的一种补充和完善,其对旅游景区(景点)规划及产品设计有着独到的指导意义。

    The new mode is a kind of supplement and improvement to the structural modes system of current tourism commodities , and provides original direction of tourism spot program and product design .

  23. 最后结合烟台张裕葡萄酒旅游进行了具体分析,并对烟台葡萄酒旅游的形象设计、旅游线路和景区规划进行了讨论。

    At last , taking wine tourism in Yantai Zhangyu as an example , discusses landscape visualization design , the tourism roads , spatial structure planning of wine tourism and how to realize these plans .

  24. 从上世纪90年代开始,国内兴起了旅游目的地形象策划的研究,用于企业管理的CIS理论也逐渐运用到旅游景区规划当中。

    Since the nineties of the 20 ~ ( th ) century , China has started the studies on brand image of tourist destination and gradually mor and more VIS theories only in previous enterprises management were applied to the schemes for the development of the tourism scenic spots .