
  1. 这个城市是重要的交通枢纽(集散地)。

    The city is an important transportation hub .

  2. 交叉口是城市交通的主要集散地,是交通拥挤产生的主要环节。

    Crossroads are the main distributing centre of traffic and the cause for the urban crowding .

  3. 水上旅游成为黄河口生态旅游的重点项目、区内重要的水上交通节点和游客集散地。

    Water tourism become the focus of the river estuary ecological tourism projects , an important distributing center of water traffic node and tourist area .

  4. 公司所处聚源镇是川西北交通枢纽和物资集散地之一。

    Juyuan Town is the traffic hinge of northwest China and one of materials distributing centers and it is called " East Gate of Dujiangyan City " .

  5. 独特的区位、便利的交通使商丘成为重要的交通枢纽、物资集散地和区域性商贸中心。

    The unique location , convenient transportation makes shangqiu become important traffic hub , material distribution center and regional business center .