
  • 网络Exchange Service
  1. 基本形成了上海市城市空间信息交换服务平台的雏形。

    Structure embryonic form of Shanghai Urban Spatial Information Exchange services platform basically .

  2. 精英节点组成结构化网络,通过一个微支付平台有偿交换服务;普通节点组成无结构网络,通过基于推荐的信誉管理机制管理服务。

    Super peers compose a structured P2P network using a micro-payment platform that we design to exchange services .

  3. 基于CORBA的XML数据交换服务体系结构与实现

    CORBA-based Architecture of XML Data Interchange Service and Its Realization

  4. 特定数据交换服务采用MODBUS/TCP协议,典型应用是通过此服务得到PLC的不同参数。

    On-demand data exchange service adopts the MODBUS / TCP protocol to get the different parameters from PLC .

  5. SSL使用数字证书为加密、服务器验证以及客户机验证(可选)提供密钥交换服务。

    SSL uses digital certificates to exchange keys for encryption , server authentication , and optionally , client authentication .

  6. 如果数字化的内容是使用一些DRM方案保护的,可能还需要票据交换服务。

    If digital content is protected using some DRM solution , a clearing house service may be required .

  7. 针对该问题,给出了一种基于SAML的安全数据交换服务和基于该服务的面向企业应用协作的协同电子商务安全服务系统。

    In this paper , the authors present a new SAML-based security information exchange service and a cooperative e-Commerce security service system for enterprise application integration .

  8. 基于SAML的安全数据交换服务提供了丰富的编程接口,企业遗留安全系统经过少许编程,就可以在其提供的服务的基础上,实现与其他安全系统间的数据互操作。

    By providing various appli-cation programming interface , the SAML-based security information exchange service enables the legacy security system interoperate with other SAML-aware systems by simple programming .

  9. 装饰(Decorator)模式是一种结构模式,它定义了缓存、发布与交换服务声明的封装器,用于连接合适服务与可重用的代理类。

    Decorator is a structural pattern that defines a wrapper for caching , publishing , and exchanging service assertions used for connecting to appropriate services and re-utilizing proxy classes .

  10. 为了说明这个问题,让我们创建一个客户端存根,它允许我们调用在Xmethods上建立的货币交换服务。

    To illustrate this , let 's create a client stub that allows us to invoke the Currency Exchange service hosted at Xmethods .

  11. 通过构建大连出口加工区电子商务及EDI平台,为大连出口加工区乃至大连口岸的相关企业从事集装箱运输及物流业务操作提供单证报文传输与交换服务、提供物流领域电子商务信息;

    By constructing the EPZ E-business and the EDI operation platform , we can offer document transmission and service exchange and provide E-business information in logistics field to enterprises concerned engaged in container transportation and logistic service in areas from EPZ to port of Dalian .

  12. 在PF远程控制系统中,通过构建托管控件,集成身份验证和授权、数据交换服务及数据加密等多种安全技术,实现了该系统的多层安全控制。

    In the poloidal field remote control system ( PF - RCS ), its security mechanism is deployed on the identification and authorization , data ex - change , encryption technique , and mandatory control to access the experimental facility , which realizes the multi - layer security control .

  13. 油田数据共享与交换服务研究与设计

    Study and design of oilfield data sharing and exchange service

  14. 他们认为责在网上歌曲交换服务,它们使得在网上音乐唾手可得。

    They blame song-swapping services for making music easy to get online .

  15. 基于构件的电子政务协同工作安全数据交换服务层的研究

    Study of Component-based Security Service Layer for Data Exchange in E-Government Collaborative Business

  16. 另一个问题是,目前的网络是为电路交换服务而建立起来的。

    Another issue is that the current network was built for circuit-switched services .

  17. 每个用户至少使用文档交换服务,并选择其他服务。

    Each user uses at least the Document Exchange and optionally the other services .

  18. 资源的分配和有效使用是实现应用网络流多服务转发或交换服务的关键。

    How to manage resources is the key issue for implementation of multiservice switching or forwarding .

  19. 全球信息网:网际网络主要的信息交换服务。

    World Wide Web ( WWW ): or Web ; Leading information-exchange service of the Internet .

  20. 这类应用以文件资源共享为目的,为用户提供简便的文件交换服务。

    The application aim at file sharing , provide convenient way for file exchange between users .

  21. 实验性分组交换服务网

    Experimental packet-switched service , EPSS

  22. 咱们应当获得赞助,由于咱们也是通过增进中国与天下的交换服务于民众。

    We deserve those because we also serve the public by helping China communicate with the world .

  23. 同时也开展航材部件的存储、寄售、大修管理以及交换服务。

    EASL also focuses on parts and components inventories for consignment , overhaul management , exchanges and trades .

  24. 通过可编程机制动态适应应用和网络环境的变化,并在单一物理基础设施之上同时支持多类交换服务,是未来网络路由器发展的趋势。

    It is a trend that dynamic adaptation to applications and network environment is realized through programmability of routers that support multiservice switching .

  25. 复制:在服务建模工具和流程建模工具之间交换服务模型,是为了充分利用服务模型进行流程编排。

    Copying : Exchanging a service model between a service modeling tool and a process modeling tool in order to leverage that service model for process orchestration .

  26. 无线控制器是无线局域网重要的网络设备,负责管理无线接入点和提供数据交换服务。

    The wireless access controller ( for short , AC ) is a WLAN network equipment , responsible for the management of wireless access points and data exchange service .

  27. “他们得追究音乐交换服务的责任,而不是那些下载音乐的人。”一位承认下载过“几百首歌曲”的音乐爱好者说。

    " They need to go after the music-swapping services , not the people who download ," said one music lover who admitted to downloading " hundreds of songs " .

  28. 本文介绍一种应用于多种操作系统平台的网络数据传输软件,并简要说明基于该软件建立数据分发系统和数据交换服务系统的方法和实现的功能;

    A Network Data Transfer Software Applied on Multi - System platforms is introduced in this paper . This paper also explicates the method of establishing Data Distribution System and Data Exchange System based on that software and functions the systems offer .

  29. 针对数据源的复杂性,提出数据视图的概念,将数据库表、交换服务等变换为统一的数据形式,但它们的语义还依赖于原始数据源。

    Aiming at the complexity of data source , the concept of data view is proposed . Database tables and switch services are transformed into unified data form via data view . Meaning of data view relies on its original data source .

  30. 使用规定XML消息交换的服务定义是Web服务与早期分布式编程的最显著区别。

    The use of service definitions specifying XML message exchanges is what sets web services apart from earlier technologies for distributed programming .