
  • 网络trading floor;trading hall;market hall
  1. “7月份时,我们交易大厅里的人还很少,”中国招商证券(chinamerchantssecurities)某营业部经理蔡浩宁(音译)表示:“但是过去10天里,又热了。”

    " In July the number of people on our trading floor was thin , " said Cai Haoning , manager of a branch of China Merchants Securities in Shanghai . " But in the last 10 days the heat has been back on again . "

  2. 或许纽约证券交易所(nyse)看上去像是一家老式的交易所,包括它的交易大厅和开盘钟声,但其背后的那家公司,却越来越专注于衍生品。

    It may look like an old-fashioned stock exchange , complete with trading floor and opening bell , but the company behind the New York Stock Exchange is increasingly about derivatives .

  3. 然而,当中国人寿(chinalife)在1月9日登陆上海证交所,并在开盘后一分钟便上涨近1倍时,挤在交易大厅的投资者和企业高管齐声为这条消息欢呼。

    Yet when the price of China Life shares almost doubled in the first minutes of trading in Shanghai yesterday , the news was greeted with cheers from investors and company executives thronging the trading floor .

  4. 纽约证交所(NYSE)交易大厅里充斥着浓厚的兴奋情绪。

    The excitement was thick in the air on the floor of the New York Stock Exchange .

  5. 今年2月,在美国康涅狄格州的苏格兰皇家银行(RBS)交易大厅里,交易员们面对屏幕,震惊地倒吸了一口凉气。

    Back in February , traders on the floor of Royal Bank of Scotland in Connecticut gasped in shock at their screens .

  6. 一笔购买铜ETF的大单可能造成交易员冲进交易大厅,买下所有能买到的实物铜。

    A large order to buy a copper ETF causes a trader to dash out onto the floor and buy all the physical copper he can .

  7. 纽约证券交易所周一将关闭交易大厅,这在2011年9.11恐怖袭击事件之后尚属首次。此前,东海岸另外的一些企业也表示,因受飓风桑迪(Sandy)影响将调整营业时间。

    The New York Stock Exchange will close its trading floor Monday , the first time it has done so since the Sept. 11 , 2001 , terror attacks , joining other businesses along the East Coast altering their routine because of Hurricane Sandy .

  8. 是留给在银行交易大厅里工作的某人

    Someone at the bank , working on the trading floors .

  9. 这种情形同样适用于投资银行的交易大厅。

    Or on the trading floor of an investment bank .

  10. 交易大厅里通告是你签发的吗?

    The notice at the trading hall has your signature . right ?

  11. 参加仪式的来宾进入交易大厅;

    The visitors to the ceremony enter the bargaining hall ;

  12. 二是完善房地产交易大厅功能。

    Second , the real estate business hall functions .

  13. 交易大厅每小时都有人轮班

    Traders come to work at all hours .

  14. 是否保留交易大厅还有待讨论,但马上关闭似乎并不可能。

    Retention of the trading floor is open to debate but immediate closure seems unlikely .

  15. 这两名经纪人电告纽约股票交易所的交易大厅。

    Both brokers wire their orders to the floor of the New York Stock Exchange .

  16. 交易大厅里有300名工作人员会是谁呢

    Well , there 's 300 people up there , who was it meant for ?

  17. 北京国际花卉物流港交易大厅罩棚结构设计

    Structure Design of the Canopy in Trade Center of the International Flower Expo in Beijing

  18. 纽交所交易大厅在9.11恐怖袭击后关闭了四天。

    Trading on the NYSE floor was suspended for four days after the Sept. 11 attacks .

  19. 但纽约证交所的竞争优势之一就是,它还拥有实际的交易大厅。

    The one competitive advantage , though , the NYSE still has is the actual trading floor .

  20. 1984年,科伦坡经纪人协会建立了公共交易大厅,并通过公开喊价系统进行交易。

    In 1984 Colombo Brokers association established a public trading floor and commenced trading on " open outcry system " .

  21. 敬畏:关于在纽约证券交易所交易大厅工作了交易商周三开盘后。

    IN AWE : A trader worked on the floor of the New York Stock Exchange after the opening bell Wednesday .

  22. 交易大厅让玩家可以在这里交换卡片、竞赛门票、补充包以及其他可交易的物品。

    The trade lobby is where players meet to trade cards , event tickets , booster packs , and other tradeable objects .

  23. 由官方金融机构组成的所谓“国家队”,曾通过该券商在北京的旗舰交易大厅,发出多笔交易指令。

    The so-called " national team " of state financial institutions directed many trades through the brokerage 's flagship trading hall in Beijing .

  24. 首先,它洗出了大批投机性更强的散户资金,那些聚集在当地证券公司交易大厅的短线投资者。

    First , it flushed out a lot of the more speculative retail money , the day-traders who had been thronging to local brokerage halls .

  25. 战后几十年间,经纪商主管们的席位一直设在交易大厅内,但之后他们搬到了角落的办公室里。

    Whereas in the postwar decades the directors of brokerages took their seats each day in the ring , they later retreated to corner offices .

  26. 多数银行家的工作地点仍然是银行分行,而不是交易大厅;多数资产经理希望为投资者谋求利益。

    Most bankers still work in branches , not on trading floors ; most asset managers want to perform for the benefit of their investors .

  27. 今后的新华集贸中心市场将会有一个更大的发展,逐步改造棚式交易大厅,建设现代化大型批发市场。

    Xinhua future central market country will have a larger development , the gradual transformation of studio-style trading floor , building a modern large-scale wholesale markets .

  28. 然而,这次的金融危机却让人力资源部背上了新的情感包袱,如同纽约证券交易大厅里的交易员一样。

    But the current crisis has put a new emotional load on this department , much like that on the floor traders at the New York Stock Exchange .

  29. 周一上午,胡志明市西贡证券公司的交易大厅里人声鼎沸,其时股票收盘价几近再创历史新高。

    THE trading floor at Saigon Securities in Ho Chi Minh City is buzzing [ 1 ] on Monday morning , as shares edge towards another record closing high .

  30. 她乐于与该券商交易大厅里另外100多个人分享股市的变化无常。对这些人来说,盯盘就是一种生活方式。

    She enjoys sharing market vicissitudes with the other 100-odd people in the brokerage house 's public trading room , for whom stock watching is a way of life .