
shì pín fànɡ dà qì
  • video amplifier
  1. 视频放大器里高频补偿的一种调节方法

    A method of adjusting the high frequency compensated circuit of a video amplifier

  2. 视频放大器及其时序增益控制电路

    Video Amplifier and Its Time Order Gain Control Circuit

  3. 检波对数视频放大器(DetectorLogarithmicVideoAmplifiers)是测量高速微波脉冲的重要部件。

    Detector Logarithmic Video Amplifiers ( DLVAs ) are the key components in measuring high speed microwave pulses .

  4. 介绍基于PSPICE电路分析程序的自动优化设计系统及其在对数视频放大器设计中的应用和实验结果。

    The automatic optimal design system is based on the circuit analysis software-PSPICE . In application , a video log amplifier is designed and the results are presented .

  5. 功率集成电路简称PIC,它被广泛应用于包括功率转换器、马达控制、荧光灯整流器、自动开关、视频放大器、桥式驱动电路以及显示驱动等多个领域。

    Power Integrated Circuits ( PIC 's ) have been developed for applications including : power converters , motor controllers , fluorescent lighting ballasts , automotive switching , video amplifiers , bridge circuit drivers , display drivers , etc.

  6. 叙述用于雷达接收机的三种对数放大器,即检波对数视频放大器(DLVA)、连续检波对数放大器(SDLA)、以及真对数放大器(TLA)。

    Three types of logarithmic amplifiers used for radar receivers , i. e. detection log video amplifiers ( DLVA ), successive detection log amps ( SDLA ) and true log amps ( TLA ), are described in the paper .

  7. 中文描述:四,单,三和双视频放大器。

    Description : Quad , single , triple and dual video amplifiers .

  8. SH320大闭塞量低噪声视频放大器

    A Large Blocking Volume , Low-Noise Video Amplifier

  9. 带同步电平视频放大器水平同步脉冲基底电平

    Video amplifier with synchronous leveling horizontal sync pedestal

  10. 双,产量高,视频放大器。

    Dual , High Output , Video Amplifier .

  11. 专用视频放大器模块的设计原理

    The Design of a Special Video Amplifier Module

  12. 本文介绍一种空间半导体带电粒子探测器,扼要地叙述了仪器的设计原理,分析了仪器主要电子学线路&对数视频放大器。

    A semiconductor detector for measuring the charged particles in space is presented in this paper .

  13. 本文介绍了SH320大闭塞量低噪声视频放大器的设计和研制。

    The design and development of a large volume , low noise video amplifier are described in the paper .

  14. 该电路在视频放大器、有源滤波器、高速数据转换器等电子系统中有着广泛的应用前景。

    This circuit finds wide applications in video amplifiers , active filters , high speed data conversions and other electronic systems .

  15. 专用视频放大器模块集高增益、大动态、低噪声于一体,而且处理的信号比较复杂,在设计上具有相当难度。

    A special video amplifier incorporates high gain , large dynamic range and low noise in-to one module , and processes complex signals .

  16. 并根据研制过程重点介绍了脉冲调制器、中频放大器、视频放大器、滤波器等几个关键系统部件的设计及研制情况。

    Also the designing process of pulse modulator , intermediate frequency amplifier , video frequency amplifier and analog filter is introduced in the dissertation .

  17. 最后以文献[5]中的一个视频放大器为例进行比较,结果表明本文的诊断方程及算法效果优异。

    A video amplifier in [ 5 ] is used as an example for comparison and the results show that our diagnosis equation and algorithm are novel .

  18. 结合电子系统使用环境,介绍了低噪声宽带放大器、运算放大器及比较器、中视频放大器、模拟乘法器等模拟集成电路的国内外发展动态。

    The latest development of low-noise wideband amplifiers , operational amplifiers and comparators , intermediate or video amplifiers , and analog multipliers and their applications in electronic systems are elaborated .

  19. 该视频对数放大器是在自制单片IC基础上混合集成,单片IC采用PN结隔离双极工艺制作。

    This video log amplifier is based on a monolithic IC , which is fabricated using PN junction isolation bipolar process by SISC , and all peripheral devices are integrated using hybrid IC process .

  20. 一种大动态视频对数放大器的设计

    Design of a Large Dynamic Range Video Logarithmic Amplifier

  21. 一种低噪声高增益宽带视频对数放大器

    A Low-Noise High-Gain Wide-Band Logarithmic Amplifier

  22. 介绍了一种大动态范围视频对数放大器的设计,并给出了研制结果。

    A large dynamic range video log amplifier is presented . The design of the circuit is described and test results is provided .

  23. 高速,低功耗,单电源,多通道,视频多路复用放大器。

    High-Speed , Low-Power , Single-Supply , Multichannel , Video Multiplexer-Amplifiers .

  24. 视频信号补偿放大器的设计

    Design of video signal compensation amplifier

  25. 一种高性价比的视频电缆均衡补偿放大器

    A Video Cable Equalization Amplifier with High Performance Price Ratio

  26. 本文介绍一种用于浅海话音通讯、图象视频传输的功率放大器。

    The paper describes a power amplifier used for transmitting speech voice and video image in shallaw water .

  27. 利用视频选通器和视频放大器实现了视频图像的远程传输,并解决了利用一台主机完成双测点图像采集过程中的时序冲突问题。

    The paper utilizes a host computer and video branch to solve the conflicting problem of two pictures collected from two positions .

  28. 采用单端接地法、在视频信号传输回路中接入一只高频变压器抑制地电位干扰,研制了视频隔离均衡放大器。

    To suppress the interference from the earth potential by using single-end grounding and connecting a high-frequency transformer in the videosignal transmission circuit and to develop a video isolated equalization amplifier .