
  • video;Video Player;MoboPlayer
  1. 一个应用于嵌入式Linux浏览器的视频播放器

    One Video Player Which Runs on Embedded Linux Browser

  2. 基于ARM的AVS视频播放器的设计与实现

    The Design & Realization of Arm-based AVS Video Player

  3. 主要介绍了嵌入式浏览器中视频播放器的设计和实现,它运行于我们自行研制开发的嵌入式窗口系统和嵌入式浏览器之上,操作系统平台是嵌入式Linux。

    In this paper , we introduce a video player which runs on our embedded Linux and our embedded browser .

  4. 基于DirectShow的流式立体视频播放器的设计与实现

    Design and Implementation of a Stream Stereoscopic Player Based on DirectShow

  5. MPEG-2视频播放器是龙芯系列处理器的重要应用之一。

    MPEG-2 video playback is one of the potential target applications for Godson microprocessor series .

  6. Flash(filename[,width,height])&使用可选的width与height渲染Flash视频播放器,播放指定文件。

    Video . Flash ( filename [ , width , height ] ) - Renders a Flash video player for the specified file with optional width and height .

  7. 您可以编写音乐或视频播放器,而不是编写MP3播放器或者AVI/DivX播放器。

    Instead of writing an MP3 player or an AVI / DivX player , you can write a music or a video player .

  8. 然后重点讲述Android客户端的数据库和视频播放器,从Android工程框架的角度逐步剖析了客户端的应用开发实现。

    Then focuses on Android client database and video player , from the point of view of the Android engineering framework gradually analyzes the client application development realization .

  9. 本文的主要贡献有:1.设计并实现了一种基于ARM的嵌入式AVS视频播放器,为软硬件协同完成AVS视频解码的设计思路提供了一个可行的解决方案。

    Designed and implemented an ARM-based embedded AVS video player . Provide a feasible solution of " completing the video decoder by cooperation of the hardware and the software " .

  10. 不管怎样,这些API已经是API了,没有必要去封装,并且可能更像被作为插件而不是框架的一部分去使用,如视频播放器。

    Anyway those API are already APIs and doesn 't really need to be encapsulated , and again , will be more likely to be use as plugins than part of the framework like a video player for instance .

  11. 不用多久,就会出现一种超级装置,可以囊括电话、音乐和视频播放器、PDA、照相机、便携式摄影机、电子书和你能想到的任何东西。

    One day soon , there may well be a single uber-device that will be your phone , music and video player , PDA , camera , camcorder , electronic book and anything else you can think of .

  12. 由于iPad受到普遍欢迎,多家厂商(数字视频播放器企业Roku和谷歌就是其中两家)正在竞相角逐的外围应用比以往任何时候都更可能成为现实。

    With the ubiquity of iPads , this fringe application that numerous players are chasing ( roku and Google to name two ) , is ever closer to becoming a reality .

  13. 本论文设计实现了基于DirectX技术的音视频播放器控件,着重论述了控件的整体框架设计和控件内模块的设计和实现。

    The Object of this dissertation is the media player control system based on DirectX technology . The dissertation is focused on the design and the implementation of the framework of the control .

  14. 我用Cairngorm构建了一个视频播放器,想把它移植到另一个需要多个播放器实例的应用程序中。

    I had built a video player in Cairngorm and wanted to port it to another application that required multiple instances of the player to be on stage at once .

  15. 随着各种手持视频播放器的出现,以及摄像功能在手持终端上的应用,视频播放功能越来越多的被集成到手持终端产品中。

    Video player is integrated by more and more mobileproducts .

  16. 数字视频播放器的实现

    The Implementation of A Digital Video Player in Military Popular Science Show Platform

  17. 口袋中的秘密&便携式视频播放器大检阅大学与中学英语教学的衔接

    Pocket secret The Dovetailing of the English Teaching in Middle Schools with That in Colleges

  18. 面向网络计算机的视频播放器组件化模型

    Component-Based Video Player Model for Network Computers

  19. 正如你期望的,这是一款出色的数字音乐和视频播放器。

    As you would expect , it is an excellent digital music and video player .

  20. 屏幕捕获允许您利用您的视频播放器直接从墨西哥湾的屏幕。

    Screen capture allows you to take a screenshot of your video directly from GOM Player .

  21. 女:嗯,我们有一个麦克风,还有一个视频播放器……

    Woman : Well , we 've got a microphone , andthere 's a video player there ...

  22. 爱国者生产一系列的电子设备,包括音乐与视频播放器、存储工具以及扬声器。

    Aigo makes an array of electronics gadgets including music and video players , storage devices and speakers .

  23. 在需求分析结束后开始对视频播放器系统进行软件设计和实现。

    After the demand analysis , this article gives a detailed software design and implementation of video player .

  24. 因此,开发支持流式播放的立体视频播放器,可以推动立体视频在网络上的广泛应用。

    So , Developing stream stereoscopic video player will facilitate the wide use of stereoscopic video on the Internet .

  25. 视频播放器的解码效率和显示效果对监控系统性能有重要的影响。

    The efficiency of video decoder of video player and the performance of display is very important to video supervise system .

  26. 10.参考译文:男:你认为家用视频播放器会取代电影院的位置吗,会迫使电影院退出娱乐业吗?

    M : Do you think home video players will replace movie theatres and force them out of the entertainment business ?

  27. 在节目上,中国的网站看起来更像是网络电视台,或者数码视频播放器的替代品。

    In the way they present programs , the Chinese sites seem more like online television stations or a replacement for digital video recorders .

  28. 为了实现网络计算机系列的信息设备嵌入式系统的快速开发,需要构建模块性强、可重用性高、可扩展性强的视频播放器模型。

    In order to rapidly develop the embedded systems of network computer information appliances , a video player model with great modularity , reusability and extensibility should be constructed .

  29. 包括各种时尚界面的编程,包括各种自定义控件、菜单、对话框、工具条,以及视频播放器、图片浏览器等。

    Include a variety of fashion programming interface , including custom controls , menus , dialog boxes , toolbars , and video player , photo viewer and so on .

  30. 其他视频播放器的质量在不断发展,它们的使用不是很容易,因为很难知道视频是否能在用户电脑上播放。

    While the other video players'quality was advancing , their ease of use was not , because it was difficult to know whether the video might play on a user 's computer .