
  • 网络Video Sharing;Video Share
  1. 官律汝很快在流行的视频共享平台B站上吸引了成千上万的粉丝。

    Kun soon gained tens of thousands of followers on the popular video sharing platform Bilibili .

  2. 去年,FCC非一致性且不利于康卡斯特地裁定其干扰合法音乐与视频共享网站的访问。

    And last year , a divided F.C.C.ruled against Comcast for interfering with traffic to a lawful music and video sharing site .

  3. 谷歌要视频共享欧洲谷歌(Google)正准备推出欧洲版的YouTube。YouTube是该公司旗下人气颇高的视频共享服务。

    Google is preparing to launch European versions of its popular video-sharing service YouTube .

  4. 而YouTube更是通过它的傻瓜视频共享技术连结了数量极其巨大的用户。

    And there is the enormous audience that YouTube has conjured with its idiotproof video-sharing technology .

  5. 然而,广告商评估这些新想法的同时,youtube及其它视频共享网站还面对其它的问题。

    Even as advertisers evaluate these new ideas , however , youtube and the other video-sharing sites face other difficulties .

  6. 为迎接7月27日伦敦奥运会的开幕式,NBC已同合作伙伴就打击盗版进行过多次演练,这些合作伙伴包括国际奥委会、谷歌公司(Google)和视频共享网站DailyMotion等。

    Leading up to the opening ceremonies in London on July 27 , NBC has been rehearsing defensive strategies with partners , including the International Olympic Committee , Google , and Daily Motion , the video sharing website .

  7. 尽管YouTube已在英国建立业务,但由于其国际版本的发布时间被推迟,使竞争对手的视频共享网站在德国和法国赢得了强大的受众群体。

    Although YouTube has established itself in Britain , the delay in launching international versions has enabled rival video-sharing sites to gain strong audiences in Germany and France .

  8. 谷歌(Google)今日将为其YouTube视频共享网站推出一个新的广告模式。谷歌声称,新模式的效率比其现有的其它任何模式都高出5到10倍。

    Google will today unveil a new advertising model for its YouTube video sharing site which it claims is five to 10 times more effective than any other advertising format it at present carries .

  9. 允许用户共享音乐等各类文件可能引发版权方面的指控,该公司已经因其youtube视频共享网站上的视频而面临此类指控。

    Allowing consumers to share different types of files such as music with other users could trigger the sort of copyright complaints the company already faces over videos on its YouTube video sharing site .

  10. 此前,白宫主页进行了全面改版,主要内容有博客登录、政策细节、幕后照片,以及视频共享网站YouTube上的定期总统演讲。

    The initiative followed an overhaul of the White House home page , featuring blog entries , policy details and behind the scenes photographs , as well as regular presidential addresses on YouTube , the video-sharing site .

  11. 局域网虚拟视频共享平台

    The Shared Platform of the Virtual Video on the LAN

  12. 搜索图片,音乐,视频共享,并选择文件类型或团体搜索。

    Search for Photo , Music , Video Shared and choose the file type or groups to search from .

  13. 该视频共享系统采用可伸缩视频编码技术对视频进行编码,生成多个层的视频码流。

    This video-sharing system encodes the video and generate multiple layers of video streams by using scalable video coding technology .

  14. 不过,上面的例子是在研究人员预言后这个视频共享站点首次被用来传播垃圾邮件。

    However , this is the first time the video-sharing site has been used in this way as far as the researchers can tell .

  15. 但人们已经不再满足于单向的、被动的接受信息,双向通信的重要性日益显现出来。本文中所设计的视频共享系统就是在这一需求中孕育而生的。

    However , people are no longer satisfied with one-way , passive recipients of information ; the importance of two-way communication becomes increasingly obvious .

  16. 其国际版本的发布时间被推迟,使竞争对手的视频共享网站在德国和法国赢得了强大的受众群体。

    Although8ttube has established itself in Britain , the delay in launching international versions has enabled rival video-sharing sites to gain strong audiences in GermanyFrance .

  17. 在线视频共享技术提供了颇具前景的新方法,能把学术上的突破传播给更广泛的受众,让人们能够接触最新的学术研究,也让分享更容易。

    Online video sharing technologies offer promising new ways for disseminating break - throughs to wider audiences , making the latest research accessible and easier to share .

  18. 你把你的音乐,和朋友,看视频共享播放列表,找出最喜欢的乐队玩的时候你的城市,并发现新的艺术家热新的轨道。

    Take your music with you , share playlists with friends , watch video , find out when favorite bands play your town , and discover new tracks by hot new artists .

  19. 该视频共享系统采用经过本文改进的视频轨迹的可伸缩传输方法,实现视频的质量自适应网络可用带宽。

    This video-sharing system makes the video quality match the available bandwith of network adaptively by using a scalable video transmission method based on video trace , which is improved in this paper .

  20. 桑德森表示,支持成功搜索引擎、社交网站和视频共享社区的技术,正变为大型互联网公司竞争的“桌上筹码”。

    The technologies that underpin the successful search engines , social networking sites and video sharing communities are " becoming the table stakes " of competition for big Internet companies , says Mr Sanderson .

  21. 一种支持VCR功能的视频流共享方案

    A Stream Share Scheme with Supporting of VCR

  22. 马克:最有趣的是,视频声称共享汽车将变得更加普遍。

    Mark : Most interestingly , the video said shared cars will become much more common .

  23. 现在,IM允许用户召开视频会议以及共享文件。

    IM now allows you to videoconference and share files .

  24. 这种实现可被广泛应用在IP语音、实时视频、文件共享以及分布式计算等应用中。

    The implementation can benefit a broad range of applications like voice over IP , real-time video , file-sharing and peer to peer based distributed computing .

  25. 异构环境下层次编码多视频源多共享信道分层组播

    Layered Multicast with Multiple Multi Layered Video Sources and Multiple Shared Channels in Heterogeneous Environments

  26. 此外,视频会议、共享日程表、常规性电子邮件和即时消息等此类日常工具也能帮助管理者了解员工的工作进度。

    And everyday tools such as videoconferencing , shared calendars , regular email and instant messaging help bosses track progress .

  27. 通过音频、视频、程序共享等工具,帮助用户更方便快捷的解决问题。

    Through audio , video , sharing , and other tools to help users more convenient and efficient solution to the problem .

  28. 谷歌托管和发布创造者们的视频,并共享他们45%广告的收入。

    Google 's take would come through a 45 per cent revenue share with creators on advertising in return for hosting and publishing their videos .

  29. 通过对国内外共享平台研究动态的分析,介绍了浙江省为规范全省共享平台出台的规范,提出了建设社会治安动态视频监控系统共享平台的必要性和可行性。

    Sharing Platform at home and abroad through dynamic analysis , introduced in Zhejiang province sharing platform for the introduction of standard specification , proposed building a dynamic social security system video surveillance platform to share the need and feasibility .

  30. 近几年,国内外涌现了大量的多媒体教学软件,大多数都具有比较类似的特征,如音/视频交互、共享白板、教学广播、具有特定的用户角色和权限控制等。

    In recent years , a lot of multimedia education software appear in the world , and most have relatively similar characteristics , such as audio , video , whiteboard sharing , teaching broadcasting , the role and right control of a specific user , and so on .