
  • 网络design manager;Engineering Manager
  1. 英国航空公司的菜单设计经理辛尼德?弗格森(SineadFerguson)说:“这是不含钠的食盐替代品。”

    It 's a salt substitute without the sodium , ' said Sinead Ferguson , BA 's menu design manager .

  2. 成套技术出口工程项目设计经理职能探讨

    Probe on Function of Design Manager of Export Project of Complete Set of Technology

  3. 举例来说,Eaton公司汽车集团的系统工程设计经理CraigJacobs表示,他们利用克隆自有产品的方式制造出第一款中型混合动力汽车变速箱的变体,如图1所示。

    For example , Craig Jacobs , Manager of Systems Engineering for the Eaton Corporation 's Vehicle Group , says they created their first heavy-duty hybrid vehicle transmission variant , shown in Figure 1 , by using the " clone-and-own " method .

  4. 探讨了设计经理权范围的理论基础、设置模式及限制方式。

    It also discusses the theoretical basis , setting pattern and limitation way of managers authority .

  5. 西方的财务经济学家主张采用按绩效付酬的方式设计经理薪酬,但是该方案在实践中容易出现激励的短期化和道德风险。

    Western financial economist advocated the plan of pay for performance , but this plan may result in the short-term and the moral hazard .

  6. 28岁的高双(音译)是深圳华润万家有限公司的设计经理。华润万家主要为超市提供产品和服务。

    Gao Shuang , 28 , is a design manager at China Resources Vanguard Co Ltd in Shenzhen , which provides products and services to supermarkets .

  7. 他是新上任的设计部经理,所以这方面由他来决定。

    He 's the new Design Manager so he makes the decisions this end .

  8. 设计部经理带领机械设计团队从事用于塑料、化工及食品工业的配混及挤出机械的开发。

    As manager leading mechanical design department for developing compounding & extrusion machinery for the plastics , chemicals and food industries .

  9. 营销经理胜任特征模型的建立,将为选拔合格的营销经理,有效预测被选人员未来的工作绩效,合理设计营销经理的职业生涯规划等方面提供有力的依据。

    The competence model of the marketing manager can provide guidelines for the selection of marketing managers , the forecast of the managers ' performance and the design of the career-developing plan for marketing managers .

  10. 小型电力设计公司项目经理绩效管理研究

    Research on the Performance Management of Small Sized Power Design Project Manager

  11. 本文虽是针对大连邮电设计院项目经理制改造进行的专门性研究,但对于国内同等规模的通信设计企业同样具有借鉴意义。

    It has the important significance for the domestic telecommunication design institute of the same scale .

  12. 担任代表日本生产、流通系统大型系统的开发、设计与专案经理。

    Engaged in the development , design and assigned as Project Manager of the large system representing production and circulation systems in Japan .

  13. 架构师的设计、项目经理的计划、编程人员的文档以及测试人员的场景和结果又如何呢?

    What about the architect 's design , the project manager 's plan , the writer 's documentation , or the tester 's scenarios and results ?

  14. 第四部分则是根据上述的分析和改进建议,设计的财务经理助理岗位的具体考核指标,这部分内容可以作为样本,为具体岗位指标的设置提供参考。

    The contents of Part IV are the performance criteria setting of the position of " the assistant manager of finance department " based on Part II and Part III , which can be a model to reference .

  15. 设计院建立项目经理制的研究

    A Study of Establishing the Project Manager System in Designing Institutes

  16. 第四章详细得对浏阳电信的激励机制进行了重设计,主要分经理人员激励设计和一般员工激励设计。

    This part is a theories foundation that designs the incentive system of Liu yang telecommunication .

  17. 最后设计了激励性经理报酬与业绩评价方案。

    In the fifth chapter , encouraging manager 's remuneration and appraisement of achievement are designed .

  18. 负责给各专业设计人员和项目经理及销售团队提供日常技术支持。

    He has to provide daily technical support to the designers and the projects managers , and regularly to the sales team as well .

  19. 海川科技通过组织结构重新设计,以项目经理负责制为主线,贯穿企业七个主要职能部门,强化企业技术创新能力。

    To strengthen the ability of technical innovation , the duty of project managers were turned into the main line of the enterprise operation , surrounded by the seven main departments of the enterprise , through the redesign of organization structure .

  20. 论文接着在对胜任特征、胜任特征模型以及基于胜任特征的培训研究进行理论回顾的基础上,设计了对项目经理胜任特征及培训现状进行调查的问卷。

    Secondly , based on the theoretical review of the competency theory , competency characteristic model and the training researches on competency characteristic , a questionnaire is designed to perform an investigation about the project manager competency characteristics and the project manager training situation .

  21. 运用非对称信息博弈方法,分析存在税收和破产成本时,如何进行机制设计,使公司经理通过最大化自己的效用来最大化股东财富,从而确定最佳的负债比率。

    The authors apply method of asymmetric information game to analyze how to make design of mechanism on the basis of existing revenue and cost of bankruptcy , make the company 's manager maximize shareholder 's wealth through maximizing own effectiveness , thus define the best radio of liabilities .

  22. 而聚合物锂离子电池设计评估系统正是基于可视化的设计理念,并结合6σ质量控制标准而设计的一套适用于设计工程师、产品经理及材料认证人员的电池设计评估系统软件。

    The polymer lithium-ion battery design evaluation system is based on visual design , and quality control standards and 6 σ designed to apply a set of design engineers , product managers , and certified personnel of the battery material design evaluation system software .