
  1. 目前,国内对杂志的研究很多,但是对于艺术设计类杂志这个小门类的研究仍然稍有欠缺。

    At present , the study on the magazine is numerous in our country , but it is short of the study of a book about art magazine .

  2. 如果你从来没有想过午间小憩,可以试试Magasand,这里是备受青睐的时尚达人聚集地,他们常在这里一边吃三明治(5~7欧元)一边认真阅读设计类杂志。

    If a nap is not in your future , try Magasand , the favored gathering spot for fashionistas who snack on sandwiches ( 5 to 7 euros ) while perusing design magazines .