
  • 网络coal type
  1. BP-1025型锅炉现燃用煤种与设计煤种不同对锅炉燃烧的影响

    Impact on Boiler Combustion by Using Non Designed Coal on BP-1025 Boiler

  2. 锅炉偏离设计煤种时的燃烧优化

    Optimization of Combustion in Boiler Using Coal Deviated from Designed Grade

  3. 超临界直流锅炉燃用非设计煤种安全运行分析

    Evaluation of Operation of Supercritical Once-through Boiler Fueled with Non-designed Coal

  4. 电厂锅炉燃用非设计煤种&神华煤的运行调整

    The technology of burning Shen hua coal in off-design coal boilers

  5. 煤质偏离锅炉设计煤种时的燃烧调整分析

    Analysis for Combustion Adjustment on the Deviation of Coal Quality

  6. 一种合理确定设计煤种各指标的方法

    A Reasonable Approach to Determine Indeses of Design Coal

  7. 燃用高灰分非设计煤种对机组发电功率的影响

    Influence of non-designed and high ash and combustion coals on power generation of unit

  8. 现有的配煤系统大多还是以设计煤种的煤质参数为基础的。

    Existing systems for steam coal blending are base on qualities of design coal .

  9. 当采用低热值、高水分设计煤种,脱硫厂用电率在1.7%以上;

    This data should be 1.7 % with the low heat value and high water content ;

  10. 我国电力工业迅速发展,迫使许多电站锅炉燃用非设计煤种。

    Many utility boilers have to burn the off-designed coal because of rapid development of electric power industry in China .

  11. 而对于设计煤种和现有混煤,磨煤机的工作通风量和干燥出力足够大,不会产生堵粉现象。

    For design-coal and the existing blended coal , ventilation and drying capability of pulverizer are big enough to avoid powder plugging .

  12. 燃用设计煤种,锅炉热效率高,反之,锅炉热效率就低。

    Burning the designed coal , thermal efficiency of the boiler is high , on the other hand , thermal efficiency of the boiler is low .

  13. 随着电力市场化改革与煤炭市场化改革的不断深化,火电厂燃用非设计煤种和采用配煤混烧的情况十分普遍。

    With the deepening market reform of electric power and coal , the thermal power plant must use different fuel including undesigned coal and blending coal usually .

  14. 因此,提高电站锅炉燃用非设计煤种安全性和经济性,拓宽锅炉煤种适应性,一直是电力行业亟需改进或解决的重要课题。

    Therefore , the study of enhancing the security and economic performance of the boilers with off-designed coals as fuel and broadening the coal flexibility is important and strongly needed .

  15. 当前我国电站煤粉锅炉广泛存在燃煤煤质差偏离设计煤种现象,严重影响机组经济性及安全性。

    As the coal actually used is poor and seriously deviate from the designed-coal of the utility boiler in current China , this is seriously affect the economy and safety of the units .

  16. 由于煤炭资源供应紧张、交通运输能力不足,电力燃用低质煤的政策等导致燃煤电站锅炉很难稳定的燃用设计煤种。

    Because of the shortage of coal resources and traffic capability in China and the policy of low-rank coal combustion in power plant , the PC-fired boiler cannot be used coal under design .

  17. 此外还模拟了不同燃烧器投运层次、周界风量的改变等工况下的炉内燃烧状况,并与燃用设计煤种工况进行了对比。

    In addition , we put forward simulations on combustion status under different operating conditions such as change of burner level and account of perimeter air , and compare the result with that under design-coal .

  18. 针对华能丹东电厂锅炉的特性,以及对锅炉在燃用非设计煤种中所表现出来的技术特点进行分析,提出了合理的配烧方式以及在掺配过程中所需采用的相应措施。

    Directing against the charateristics of boilers in Huaneng Dandong Power Plant , as well as technical features of the boilers appeared in burning non - designed coal son , analysis has been carried out .

  19. 这些偏离设计煤种的劣质煤对锅炉的安全运行带来许多新问题,如炉膛出口烟温增加,燃烧稳定性差、过热器超温等。

    The deviation from the design coal for the safe operation of low quality coal to the boiler to bring many new problems , such as the furnace exit gas temperature increases , combustion stability is poor , superheater and so on .

  20. 根据广东台山电厂设计燃煤煤种灰分分析结果以及国内粉煤灰综合利用现状,提出了适合该厂实际情况的粉煤灰分选技术方案。

    A comprehensive utilization scheme of coal ash in Taishan Power Plant is proposed according to the coal ash component analysis and domestic utilization status .

  21. 燃煤锅炉通常都是根据特定煤种来进行设计,煤种不同,锅炉的炉型、结构、燃烧器及制粉系统的选型也不同。

    The coal-burning boilers are usually designed according to the specific coal , when the coal is different , the furnace designed structure and burning device are different too .

  22. 排烟温度偏高一直是国内各个电站普遍存在的问题,尤其是运行了一段时期的电站,因为运行参数偏离了设计参数,或煤种变化等原因,常常造成排烟温度过高。

    High exhaust gas temperature of each power plant has long been a common problem , especially in a period of plant operation which the operating parameters deviate from the design parameters , or changes in coal and other reason .

  23. 燃煤锅炉通常是根据特定煤种进行设计的,所以设计煤种才是锅炉的最佳煤种。

    Coal-fired boilers are usually designed based on specific coal , so the designed coal is the best coal for the boilers .

  24. 国内现设计的600MW机组采用湿法烟气脱硫工艺时,设计煤种为高热值、低硫分(硫分低于0.7%),并且脱硫烟气系统不设GGH或设GGH时,脱硫厂用电率为1.0%~1.1%;

    Taking the home-designed 600 MW unit for instant , in the case of wet FGD system with / without GGH , the power consumption rate is 1.0 % ~ 1.1 % corresponding to high heat value and low sulfur coal ;