
  • 网络maceral
  1. 煤岩组分化学结构随热演化变化与生烃性研究

    Variations of coal maceral chemistry with elevated maturity and their hydrocarbon generation

  2. 煤岩组分和煤变质程度是影响煤层生储气能力的主控因素。

    Research shows that maceral and the degree of metamorphism of coal rock are key factors that control the generating and storing capacity of coal rock .

  3. 神俯烟煤煤岩组分再燃烧还原NOx的试验研究

    Experimental Research for Reductive NO_x by Reburning with Shenfu Bituminous Petrographic Constituents

  4. 煤岩组分分离与选别的研究现状及前景展望

    Research status and prospects of separation and preparation of coal petrographic constituents

  5. 随着煤化作用的进行,相应地形成煤岩组分演化的连续系列。

    In the course of coalification , series of macerals are evolved correspondingly .

  6. 煤岩组分的解离特性与分离技术

    Dissociation character and separation technique of coal petrographical constituent

  7. 煤岩组分与高压电选关系的研究

    Research on the Relationship between Coal Petrography Composition and Electrical Separation at High Voltage

  8. 低变质烟煤有机显微煤岩组分的润湿性

    Wettability of macerals from low rank bituminous

  9. 显微煤岩组分的分散富集程度对粘结性、结焦性的影响

    Effects of the dispersal or enrichment degree of macerals on the caking and coking properties of coal

  10. 不同的煤岩组分其生、产气的能力是不同的,在盆地演化的不同时期具有不同的生、产气高峰。

    Different materials have different abilities of gas-generation with different peaks of gas-generating in different evolution periods of the basin .

  11. 开平&涧河地区石炭二叠系煤层以9和12煤层分布最稳定,煤岩组分以镜质组为主,平均达70%以上。

    Permo Carboniferous 9 # and 12 # coal beds are distributed steadily in Kaiping Jianhe Area . The vitrinite of maceral is more than 70 % .

  12. 通过煤岩组分研究煤的组成、结构和性质已成为煤化学基础研究和煤炭加工利用技术研究的重要内容。

    Studies on coal maceral composition , structure and properties have become a significant subject of the fundamental research of coal chemical , coal processing and utilization .

  13. 不同煤岩显微组分富集物焦的CO2反应性均随煤化程度的提高而降低,且随原煤煤化程度的提高,二者的反应性差异减小。

    The CO2-reactivity of both vitrinite-rich and inertinite-rich concentrates decrease with coal rank increasing , but the difference of CO2-reactivity between vitrinite and inertinite becomes smaller .

  14. 化学反应控制的未反应缩核模型能更好地描述煤岩显微组分焦的CO2反应性。

    The test data on CO2-reactivity ofcoal macerals are well expressed by Unreacted Shrinking Core Model in which chemical reaction is considered as the rate-controlling step .

  15. 用差热分析技术研究煤岩显微组分的加压气化动力学

    Pressurized gasification kinetics of coal macerals using differential thermal analysis technique

  16. 用吡啶抽提法对煤岩显微组分结构变化的研究

    Study on the change of coal macerals ' structure by pyridine extraction

  17. 煤岩显微组分与焦炭光学组织结构及焦炭质量关系的研究

    Study on the relationship between maceral group and optical texture , coke quality

  18. 煤岩显微组分燃烧动力学特性及燃尽特性试验研究

    Test and Investigation on Combustion Dynamic Characteristics of Coal Rock Microcomponent and Burn-out Characteristics

  19. 煤岩显微组分的活化能研究

    A study of activation energy of coal macerals

  20. 煤岩显微组分气化反应性的研究综述

    Research Review of Coal Macerals Gasification Reactivity

  21. 煤岩显微组分富集物的特性研究

    Studies of coal characteristics

  22. 分析认为,单纯从活化能不能正确描述煤岩显微组分富集物的气化行为,必须考虑热解和气化过程中孔结构及比表面的变化;

    The reactive behavior of char from different coal maceral concentrates can 't be described singly by activation energy and changes of porosity and specific surface area during heating treatment must be considered .

  23. 文章试图结合煤岩显微组分、渗透率和比表面积等测试结果,探讨煤岩变形与储集性能的关系。

    In the paper , the relation between coal rock deformation and its storage behaviour is discussed in combination with the test results of the maceral , permeability and specific surface of the coal rocks .

  24. 利用此方程大致可估计各种煤岩显微组分对着火性能的影响方式及程度,对指导锅炉燃烧和煤储存过程中自燃的预防都有一定的参考价值。

    By using these equations the effect of macerals on the coal ignition point can be approximately expected , which may be used to guide the boiler combustion and to prevent the spontaneous combustion of coal stockpile .

  25. 煤岩有机显微组分热解过程中HCN和NH3生成规律的研究

    Studies on the formation of HCN and NH_3 during coal macerals pyrolysis

  26. 根据煤系烃源岩生排烃模拟实验结果,可以建立演化阶段划分标准,另外,煤岩中显微组分的生烃能力还须进一步研究。

    C. The division criterion of evolution stage could be established according to the simulation results .

  27. 本文通过煤岩及其主要显微组分的热解成气模拟实验产物的组分和同位素组成分析,补充和完善了前人对煤岩热解气同位素组成分布的一些认识。

    According to the analysis of component and isotope composition of pyrolytic gases generated from simulation of coal and its main macerals , we replenish and perfect the predecessor 's cognition of isotopic composition in pyrolytic gases generated from simulation in this paper .

  28. 对30种煤的煤阶、煤岩组分及燃烧性进行了研究,根据非线性规划理论及实验结果提出了基于岩相因子的煤粉燃烧预测模型。

    The rank and maceral and combustion characteristics of thirty kinds of coals were researched . According to the theory of nonlinear programming and the experimental results , a prediction model of coals combustion characteristics based on a petrographic factor were put forward .

  29. 煤中49种元素含量与煤岩组分和煤化程度的相关规律

    Correlation of Coal Constituents and Coalification Degree versus Contents 49 Kinds of Elements in Coal of China

  30. 与煤浆稳定性有关的主要煤质因素为煤岩显微组分分析中丝质组分的质量分数和煤灰成分分析中SiO2的质量分数,复相关系数为0.779。

    The content of inertinite in petrographic macerals and the content of SiO2 in coal ash are the major factors influencing the static stability of CWS .