
The gas yield of pyrolysis of Fushun peat on end temperature 850 ℃ is about 290NM3 / T , its heat value is more than 3400kcal / NM3 and the adsorbability of char is higher .
Mainly gasification intensity , gas production rate , calorific value , volatile grading few nouns .
The carbon conversion and dry gas yield were almost constant regardless of the preheated air / steam temperature .
Lignite in test has high gasification reactivity , high gasification reaction rate and lower gas yield . It is most suitable for UCG with gasification efficiency of 87 % .
The experimental results proved that with the input of the limestone the yield of tar decreased and the yield of gas increased and the quality of the gas was also improved .
That combustion temperature and gasification temperature is elevated through increasing coal supply to increase inflammable material in solid heat carrier of the riser , but , the change of coal supply exerts an influence on the rate and the yield of gasification .
The main pyrolysis production of coal is coke , but the main production of waste plastics is tar ; the yield of water became decrease and the gas became increase by adding the waste plastics .
Test results indicate , that the gas quality , the gas yielding rate and the carbon conversion rate can effectively be raised by the addition of catalysts , among which sodium carbonate is most effective , limestone less and dolomite least .
Experiments of partial gasification of coal in the presence of air and steam were carried out in a small atmospheric fluidized bed furnace . The catalytic effects of limestone , sodium carbonate and dolomite on gas composition , on heating value and gas yielding rate , were studied .
The study focused on the influence of gasfication temperature on gas compos - tions , gas beating value , carbon conversion and gas yield .
Steam flow rate etc. The results indicate that the Ca-group shift agent can reduce CO content about 10 % ; and the Ca-Na compound shift agent can increase gas yield greatly .