
  1. 煤炭液化技术及在平顶山市的应用前景

    The technology of coal liquidation and its application in Pingdingshan City

  2. 煤炭液化技术在我国的应用前景

    The Application Prospect of Coal Liquefaction Technology in Our Country

  3. 煤炭液化技术的开发现状与前景分析

    Current Status and Prospect Analysis of Coal Liquefaction Technology

  4. 我国煤炭液化技术产业化前景展望

    Prospects for industrialization of coal liquefaction technology in China

  5. 南非煤炭液化技术考察

    Investigation on the coal liquefaction techniques of South Africa

  6. 煤炭液化技术的发展与商业前景

    Development and Commercial Prospect of Coal Liquefaction

  7. 煤炭液化技术及其发展现状

    Coal liquefaction and development status

  8. 背景材料:煤炭液化技术的发展

    Development of coal liquefaction technology

  9. 介绍了煤炭液化技术在国内外的发展状况,分析了煤液化技术的经济性和环保性。

    This paper introduces development condition of coal liquefied technique . Economical and environmental benefits of the technique are also analysed .

  10. 煤炭液化技术是生产石油替代产品的一项新型煤化工工艺技术,它主要分为直接液化和间接液化两种不同的工艺路线。

    Coal liquefaction including direct liquefaction and indirect liquefaction is a new processing technology of coal-chemical industry , which provides substitutes for petroleum products .

  11. 煤炭液化技术是能源利用的发展趋势,笔者对4种主要直接液化工艺的工艺状况、技经指标等进行了对比,为企业选择合理的直接液化路线提供方向。

    Development tendency of energy utilization is direct coal liquefaction technology . Comparison of the process condition and technical index etc. from four main direct coal liquefaction processes was conducted .

  12. 随着能源消费总量的增加,世界范围内的石油短缺已经显现,将煤转化为石油产品的煤炭液化技术已引起工业界的高度重视。

    With energy consumption increase and following petroleum shortage all over the world , much more attention has been paid to the coal liquefaction technology in the process of coal-oil conversion .

  13. 阐述了发展煤炭液化技术的必要性及其意义,重点介绍与总结了目前较为成熟的直接液化和间接液化两种技术及其衍生工艺。

    This paper expounds the necessity and significance of developing the coal liquefaction technique , emphatically introduces and sums up two kinds of the more mature techniques , the direct liquefaction and indirect liquefaction , and their derived processes .

  14. 南非SASOL的煤炭间接液化技术

    Sasol Synfuels-Indirect Coal Liquefaction Technology in South Africa

  15. 中国应加快煤炭直接液化技术产业化步伐

    Quicken Industrialization Step of Coal Direct Liquefaction Technology in China

  16. 煤炭间接液化技术及其在中国的产业化前景

    Indirect coal liquefaction technology and its industrialized prospect in China

  17. 煤炭直接液化技术及其产业化前景

    Direct coal liquefaction technology and prospects for its commercialization

  18. 我国煤炭直接液化技术及其工业应用前景

    The direct coal liquefaction technology and the prospect of industrial application in China

  19. 煤炭直接液化技术前景分析

    Prospect Analysis of Coal Direct Liquification Technology

  20. 煤炭直接液化技术研究

    Study on direct coal liquefaction technologies

  21. 煤炭液化工艺技术已发展成熟,投入商业化是今后的发展方向;

    The coal direct liquefaction process may put into commercial production due to its ripe technology .

  22. 我国煤炭直接液化技术研究已达到国际先进水平。

    Study on direct coal liquefaction technologies in the country have reached a international advanced level .

  23. 作为煤炭直接液化技术中煤浆制备单元的关键装备&媒浆混合槽的作用也显得越来越重要。

    As the key equipment of coal slurry preparation unit coal slurry mixing tank plays a significant role in coal direct liquefaction .

  24. 介绍了水煤浆技术、气化和间接液化技术以及煤炭直接液化技术的国内外现状和发展趋势。

    The status and development of technology in coal water slurry , gasification , direct and indirect liquefaction of coal in domestic and international scope were introduced .

  25. 介绍了国内外煤炭间接液化技术的研究开发和应用,对在中国建设煤炭间接液化示范厂的技术经济进行了简要分析。

    The research , development and application of indirect coal liquefaction technology both at home and abroad are introduced . The technical and economic analyses for constructing the demonstration plant of indirect coal liquefaction in China are made briefly .

  26. 阐明发展煤炭直接液化技术的意义,对煤炭直接液化的工艺及煤炭直接液化技术在国内外的发展历程和现状进行了介绍,认为煤炭直接液化技术在我国具有商业化应用的前景。

    The importance of developing direct coal liquefaction is expounded , and description is made of the technology of direct coal liquefaction and its development both in China and other countries of the world , indicating that direct coal liquefaction enjoys prospects for commercial application in China .

  27. 认为我国在发展煤制油的过程中,应重点考虑煤炭液化制油技术是否成熟、水资源是否有保障两个问题;

    During GTL development , the major two focuses should be whether the coal liquefaction technology is mature or not , whether the water resource is guaranteed or not .

  28. 文章介绍了煤炭直接液化和间接液化工艺的特点,结合该技术国际国内发展现状,论证煤炭液化技术在我国的应用前景。

    This article , after introducing the characteristics of direct and indirect coal liquefaction , and considering its current situation both home and abroad , has discussed the application prospect of coal liquefaction technology in our country .

  29. 为了提高煤炭利用率,解决环境污染问题,我国充分重视煤炭直接液化技术的应用。

    In order to increase the energy utilization ratio of coal and solve the problem of environment pollution , our country attaches much importance to coal direct liquefaction technology .