
  • 网络gas supply;NOT GIVEN
  1. 城市煤气供应系统优化调度

    The optimal dispatch for urban gas supply systems

  2. 突然,新来的工人不小心切断了公司煤气供应的开关。

    By accident , the new worker turned off the gas supply of the company .

  3. 在这个城市我们有很好的煤气供应。

    We are well served with gas in this city .

  4. 修补漏洞时,煤气供应停止了四个小时。

    Gas supplies were shut offfor four hours while the leak was repaired .

  5. 美国约有百分之三十三的动力是借天然气和煤气供应。

    Natural and manufactured gas supplies more than 33 percent of the nation 's power .

  6. 如果你五天内还不支付的话,你的煤气供应将被停止。

    If this bill is not paid within five days , your gas supply will be .

  7. 煤气供应不足,那里的市民不得不去很远的地方买煤气。

    Gas being in short supply , citizens there had to go to far-away stations to get it .

  8. 2001年,人工煤气供应总量137亿立方米,比上年减少15亿立方米。

    In 2001 , the supply of artificial coal gas is 13.7 billion m3 , 1.5 billion m3 less than the previous year .

  9. 本文提出城市煤气供应系统优化调度的两级算法,首先,根据分解-协调原理,提出求解中压分配系统优化调度问题的一种算法;

    In this paper , algorithms of two levels for optimal dispatch for urban gas supply systems are proposed . First , based on the principle of decomposition-coordination , an algorithm for solving the optimal dispatch problem of mid-pressure distribution system is proposed ;

  10. 高额现金持有公司分布最多集中在市场竞争激烈程度高的制造业等,而市场竞争程度较低的采掘业,水电煤气生产供应业,交通运输及仓储业,选择高额现金持有的公司比例很低。

    High cash holdings firms generally concentrate in high fierce-competitiveness manufacturing industry , but low fierce-competitiveness drilling industry , hydropower and gas industry , transportation and warehousing industry , the proportion of choosing high cash holdings is low .

  11. 该系统可实现煤气和自来水供应的自动抄表功能。

    This system can be used in gas and water 's remote automatic meter-reading .

  12. 该系统通过硬件、软件相结合的方法,实现了煤气和自来水供应的自动抄表功能。

    The system by way of combination of the hardware and software , can be used in gas and water 's remote automatic meter-reading .

  13. 本装置利用德士古水煤浆气化炉的生产能力,在保证城市煤气的足量供应的同时,采用低压法合成路线(5.0MPa)生产高质量的甲醇。

    The title installation , utilizing Texaco aquatic coal paste gasifier 's productivity , while ensuring the full supply of city gas , high quality methanol has been produced with a low pressure ( 5 . 0 MPa ) synthetic route .

  14. 就损失的部门分布来看,化学工业以及电力蒸汽热水、煤气自来水生产供应比较特殊损失不同于其它部分损失。(4)灾害损失评估要考虑损失的绝对量和相对量。

    Loss of sector distribution , chemical industry and electric power , steam and hot water , gas water production and supply special loss were different from the other part of the loss . ( 4 ) Disaster damage assessment considered both the loss of absolute and relative amount .

  15. 官员们说,在日本南部的主要岛屿九州岛,很多城市的电力、煤气和自来水的供应受到影响。

    Officials say electrical power , gas and water services have been disrupted in many cities on Japan 's main southern island of Kyushu .

  16. 当他们在修理煤气管时,煤气供应将暂停。

    The gas supply will be off while they repair the mains .