
  • 网络recovery mode
  1. 完成对脱酸剂回收方式、回收条件,回收石油酸等问题的考察;

    Study the inspection of the depickling solvent recovery mode , the recycling condition , and recycling petroleum acid ;

  2. Java无用单元回收方式与性能分析

    Recycle Method of Java Useless Unit and Performance Analysis

  3. 详细介绍了IDS基本概念和工作原理,通过与传统降落伞回收方式的比较,总结了该技术的特点。

    Basic concepts and mechanisms of the IDS are provided here in detail . Main characteristics of the IDS are concluded through comparison with the traditional parachute recovery methods .

  4. 这是他们可以创造利益的回收方式。

    It 's their way of recycling while making a profit .

  5. 关于炼油厂凝结水回收方式的探讨

    The Discussion of the Recovery Style of Coagulate Water in Refinery Plant

  6. 锅炉排烟潜热回收方式的探讨

    The Discussion of the Way of Latent Heat Recovery from Boiler Exhausted Gases

  7. 埋弧焊钢管内焊渣皮回收方式探讨

    Discussion on Reclaiming SSAW Pipe Inside Welding Slag

  8. 介绍了几种埋弧焊钢管内焊渣皮回收方式,并分析了各自的优缺点。

    It introduce me many means of reclaiming inside welding slag of SSAW Pipe .

  9. 对比结果得出,热电联产回收方式有高的热能利用系数和节能潜力。

    The result is that : the CHP has higher energy utilization and energy-saving potential .

  10. 功率回收方式在大流量油泵、油马达试验系统中的应用

    Application of the manner of power recovery in the experimental system of high-flow oil pump and motor

  11. 目前,采用功率回收方式进行液压泵试验节能效果显著。

    At present , the use of the power recovery pump test is conducted with remarkable energy savings .

  12. 而且残留有其一定的空间特点,首先,地膜使用的时间长短、地膜的回收方式都与地膜残留的污染相关联。

    And the mulch has its certain characteristics , first , there is a relationship between the time of using recycled plastic residue way and pollution .

  13. 但每家都擅长收一种特殊的回收方式,这意味着每个公寓的底层被预留给进行垃圾处理相关的工作,上层是用于居住的空间。

    each family specializing in a certain form of recycling means that the ground floor of each apartment is reserved for garbage-related activities and the upper floor is dedicated to living space .

  14. 功率回收方式双向变量液压泵试验台采用了恒压变量泵作为功率回收马达的补偿泵,并利用其功能调定系统压力。

    Two-way variable displacement hydraulic pump test-bed for power recovery uses constant pressure variable pump as the compensation pump for power recovery motor , and uses its function to adjust the system pressure .

  15. 通过实验研究,找出了适宜的除油剂PE2040,并对影响其除油效果的因素如加量、油泥分离方式、除油温度和除油剂回收方式进行了探讨。

    Finally , add desalter into the separated oil to remove salts . An appropriate deoiling agent PE-2040 was selected , and the influence factors such as the agent dose , oil separation method , temperature and the agent recovery method were studied on the oil removal efficiency .

  16. 以北京市为例,计算出在我国目前垃圾回收方式下及分类处理下城市生活垃圾收费价格,并以北京市为例,从环境效果、经济效益、可行性三方面验证模型的合理性。

    And the model was modified and extended to calculate the MSW fee pricing of garbage recycle and classification in current China . Taking Beijing for example , the model of MSW fee pricing can be illustrated from three aspects , including the environment and economic effect , feasibility .

  17. 这就是G1中空间回收的方式,而不是CMS中所采取的那种方式(拷贝与适当的重分配的组合方式)。

    This is how all space reclamation happens in G1 , instead of the combination of copying and in-place de-allocation that CMS does .

  18. 为此,必须采用功率回收的方式来进行加载试验。

    Therefore , power recovery loading method must be used .

  19. 问卷资料采取集中发放、填写后当场回收的方式。

    Questionnaire data taken centralized distribution , to fill the spot after recovery approach .

  20. 热力系统疏水回收利用方式对机组的热经济性有很大的影响。

    Thermodynamic system drainage recycling mode has a great influence on heat economy of unit .

  21. 经财政税务机关和审查批准机关批准的其他回收投资方式。

    Other investment recovery methods approved by the finance and tax authorities , and examination and approval authorities .

  22. 通过新的法律约束性文件促进船舶回收合作方式国际海事组织、国际劳工组织和巴塞尔公约联合发布2005年12月15日,日内瓦

    New impetus for coordinated approach to ship recycling through new legally binding instrument Issued jointly by IMO , ILO and the Basel Convention Geneva , 15 December 2005

  23. 首先,文章总结相关文献成果指出了最常见几种回收处理方式,总结得出废旧产品回收之后进行的三种基本处理模式&维修再销售,分解再制造,直接废弃处置。

    Firstly , this paper review the literature on the most common outcome of several recycling methods and case studies on recycling logistics , from which we can concluded the three basic processing mode - repair and then sell , break down and then create and direct waste disposal .

  24. 在EPR制度下,企业可以采用共用回收体系的方式体现其延伸责任。

    With the apposed system of Extended Producer Responsibility ( EPR ), enterprises can adopt the public reclaim system incarnating its extended responsibility .

  25. PETOHMU不仅仅创造一个独特空间场域,也宣示了我们对于环境的态度,更提供了一个PET塑胶可以被回收利用的方式。

    PET OHMU not only creates an unforgettable internal experience , but also declares our attitude toward the environmental issue , and a way of using recycled PET plastic .

  26. 它以收取成本回收费用的方式进行分发,并且分发版中通常包括源代码。

    It 's distributed for a cost-recovery fee and usually includes the source code with the distribution .

  27. 一种预防一个对象被垃圾回收的简单方式是设置一个在回调中引用该对象的间隔或超时。

    One easy way to prevent an object from being garbage-collected is to have an interval or timeout that references the object in its callback .

  28. 消费者理所当然应该承担产品环境责任,可以通过绿色消费、预付费制度、押金返还制度和参与回收行动等方式来承担其产品环境责任。

    Consumers take product environment responsibilities as a matter of course by means of Green Consumption . Advance Fee System , Deposit Refund System and participation of product recycling .

  29. 问卷形成后,采用实地发放与回收问卷的方式进行了调查,获得本文的第一手数据。

    After the questionnaire formed , The author takes the method of issuing and taking back the questionnaire to carry on the investigation , gets the first hand data .

  30. 简述了废橡胶制取细胶粉相对于废橡胶回收利用其它方式的优点;介绍了废橡胶制取细胶粉的新工艺,包括干法、湿法、冷冻法、臭氧回收法及爆炸法;

    The advantage of fine ground rubber powder prepared with waste rubber compared with the other way of recycle and reuse of waste rubber was reviewed in this paper .