
  • 网络natural gasoline;NGL
  1. 该厂原料气系川西北矿区天然气净化厂的净化气,产品为液化石油气、天然汽油。

    The unstripped gas of the factory is from the Natural Gas Processing Plant of Northwest Mining Area of SPA , and the produsts of the factory are LPG and natural gasoline .

  2. 天然气在汽油发动机上的应用研究

    Application of Natural Gas to . Gasoline Engine

  3. 天然气/汽油两用燃料汽车点火提前角适应性优化设计

    Adaptive optimization design of the ignition advance angle for the flexible-fuel automobile of natural gas / gasoline

  4. 在炼油厂,海底原油被分成了天然气,汽油,煤油和各种不同的油。

    At a refinery , the crude oil from underground is separated into natural gas , gasoline , kerosene , and various oils .

  5. 碳税是以减少二氧化碳排放为目的,对化石燃料(如煤炭、天然气、汽油、柴油等)按照含碳量或者碳排放量征收的一种税。

    Carbon tax , which is levied on fossil fuels ( such as coal , gas , gasoline and diesel , etc. ) according to the carbon content or carbon emissions , will reduce carbon dioxide emissions .

  6. 刀锋的底盘部件是由碳棒拼接而成,就像一组巨型的乐高玩具。700马力的引擎,可以由压缩天然气或者汽油驱动,总共才1400磅重。

    The Blade is created using a series of chassis parts held together by carbon rods - rather like a giant Lego kit.Its 700-horsepower engine can use either compressed natural gas or gasoline , and altogether it weighs just 1400lbs .

  7. NO2氧化法脱除天然气凝析汽油中的有机硫化合物

    Desulfurization of natural gas condensable gasoline by using No2

  8. 在中国中西部地区,出租车用天然气代替了汽油,因为前者更廉价、更清洁。

    In central and Western China , taxi fleets run on natural gas instead of petrol because it is cheaper and cleaner .

  9. 我国天然气汽车以汽油/CNG两用燃料汽车为主,且主要分布在城市公交和出租车上。

    The Gasoline / CNG Bi-fuel Vehicles have a huge proportion of Natural Gas Vehicles in our country . And they are mainly in urban public transport and taxis .

  10. 两用燃料天然气发动机是汽油机改装成天然气发动机最常见的一种方式,具有较低的污染物排放,以及良好的续航性能。

    Dual-fuel natural gas engines is the most common way which in Gasoline engines are converted into natural gas engines , with lower emissions , as well as the good performance of continuous running .

  11. 天然气汽车(NGV)是由汽油车改装的天然气/汽油双燃料汽车,由于采用缸外预混合供气方式,导致发动机功率损失和动力性能下降,这是NGV推广应用中的技术难题。

    Owing to adopting the out-cylinder premixed gas-filling method for natural gas vehicle ( NGV ), the power loss and dynamic property decrease of the engine have prevented its popularization and application .

  12. 对缸内喷射天然气发动机与进气门处喷射天然气发动机、汽油机的性能进行了分析对比。

    The performance of natural gas engine is compared with that of gasoline engine and port injection natural gas engine .

  13. 随着天然气工业的迅速发展和城市环境保护的加强,以天然气代替汽油和柴油作为汽车燃料可有效降低尾气污染物的排放越来越受到人们重视。

    Along with the rapid development of gas industry and the promotion of urban environment protection , more and more people are showing a real care of reducing the automobile fuel emissions by replacing the gasoline and the diesel oil with the natural gas .