
  • 网络natural polymer
  1. 目前乳液模板法多用于无机多孔材料的制备,关于乳液模板法制备多孔天然聚合物材料的研究较少。

    Little study was directed to form porous materials based on natural polymers via emulsion templating technique .

  2. 再生纤维是用天然聚合物为原料、经化学方法制成的、与原聚合物在化学组成上基本相同的化学纤维。

    Regenerated fiber is made of natural polymers through chemical methods , it has same chemical composition with original polymer .

  3. 天然聚合物多孔支架的冻干工艺研究

    Study on Freeze-drying Process of Natural Polymer Porous Scaffolds

  4. 生态复合材料是指用天然聚合物或可生物降解聚合物作为基体,天然纤维作为增强材料的复合材料。

    Eco-composites is a kind of based on natural polymer or biodegradable polymer composites reinforced by natural fiber .

  5. 木质素是第二天然聚合物,木质素的降解是碳素循环中的关键一步。

    Lignin is the second natural polymer . The biodegradation of lignin is the key step of carbon recycling .

  6. 他带给世人的不只是尼龙,尚有天然聚合物及其形成的知识。

    He had brought the world not just nylon , but knowledge of natural polymers and how they are formed .

  7. 壳聚糖是天然聚合物甲壳素脱乙酰化产物,是一种具有重要开发研究价值的天然生物多糖资源。

    Chitosan , deacetylated products of natural polymer chitin , is a kind of natural polysaccharide source which has important value in various areas .

  8. 以合成聚合物或化学改性天然聚合物为基本成分的油漆及清漆(包括瓷漆及大漆),分散于或溶于水介质的。

    Paints and varnishes ( including enamels and lacquers ) based on synthetic polymers or chemically modified natural polymers , dispersed or dissolved in an aqueous medium .

  9. 文章就蛋白酶处理、等离子体技术、天然聚合物壳聚糖的应用、臭氧处理、液氨整理、纳米材料的应用进行了阐述和展望。

    This paper describes the applications and prospects of protease treatment , plasma technology , chitosan , ozone treatment , liquid ammonia fimish , and nano material .

  10. 同样,这种用来制备疏水性淀粉的固相熔融的方法可能同样适合用来制备其他疏水性的天然聚合物,例如蛋白质,壳聚糖和纤维素等等。

    The solid state method for preparing hydrophobic starch may be suitable for preparing other hydrophobic natural polymers such as protein , chitosan , cellulose and so on .

  11. 淀粉作为自然界最丰富的天然聚合物之一,由于具有良好的生物相容性,无毒和无过敏反应等优点,是一种理想的制备医用海绵的材料。

    Starch , one of the most abundant natural polymers , is a good candidate for the preparation of medical sponge because of its biocompatibility , biodegradation , non-toxicity and non-allergic reaction .

  12. 壳聚糖作为重要的天然聚合物,以良好的生物相容性、生物可降解性,对细胞组织不产生毒性影响,在生物医学等方面得到了广泛的研究应用。

    As an important natural polymer , chitosan has been applied extensively in biomedicine for its biocompatibility , biodegradation , as well as non-toxicity to cellular tissues . There is good affinity between chitosan and protein .

  13. 但是,纯的丝素蛋白材料是比较脆的,丝素蛋白材料可以通过与其它的合成或天然的聚合物材料相混合进而达到提高力学强度的目的,例如,PVA,壳聚糖,胶原等等。

    However , pure silk fibroin material is relatively brittle , and silk fibroin material mixed with other synthetic or natural polymer material can achieve the purpose of improving mechanical strength , for example , PVA , chitosan , collagen and so on .

  14. 甲壳素是地球上除纤维素之外最丰富的天然高分子聚合物。

    Chitin is the most abundant natural polymer except cellulose in the earth .

  15. 木质素是天然高分子聚合物,具有一定的化学反应惰性。

    Lignin are natural polymers with inertness of reaction .

  16. 两性淀粉基天然高分子聚合物的合成及其速溶性的影响因素

    Synthesis of amphoteric inartificial polymer using starch as base material and factors affecting its solubility

  17. 利用天然阳离子聚合物壳聚糖提高有效性的口服疫苗微球的研究

    Study on Microspheres to Improve the Effectiveness of Vaccine by Oral Administration Based on Natural Cationic Polymer-chitosan

  18. 葡聚糖是一种无毒、无免疫原性、生物相容性、可生物降解的天然高分子聚合物,在药物制剂领域有着广泛的应用。

    Dextran is a linear polysaccharide with non-toxicity , non-immunogenicity , biocompatibility and biodegradability , which is extensively used in pharmaceutics fields .

  19. 木材是天然的聚合物。与乙烯聚合体结合形成聚乙烯的方式一样,葡萄糖单体与木材聚合可以形成维生素聚合物。

    Wood is a natural polymer in the same manner that polymers of ethylene are joined to form polyethylene , glucose monomers polymerize in wood to form cellulose polymers .

  20. 壳聚糖作为一种来源丰富、用途广泛的天然高分子聚合物,广泛应用于化工、食品、农业、医药等众多领域。

    Chitosan is a natural polymer that has rich resources and has been widely used in the field of chemical industry , food processing , agriculture , pharmaceutical , and so on .

  21. 论述了羊毛防毡缩整理中的蛋白酶和等离子体处理技术,并介绍了天然生物聚合物壳聚糖在羊毛防毡缩中的应用与研究进展。

    This article discussed the techniques with protease and plasma in the anti-felting treatment for wool , and introduced the application and studying evolvement of the natural biopolymer chitosan in the anti-shrinkage of wool .

  22. γ-聚谷氨酸(γ-PGA)是由细菌发酵制备的天然高分子聚合物,其具有无毒、可降解、多结合位点等特点,被广泛用于农业、医药、化工等领域。

    γ - poly ( glutamic acid )(γ - PGA ) is a natural polymer which can be prepared by bacterial fermentation . It is non-toxic , biodegradable and rich in active sites , which makes it be widely used in agriculture , medicine , chemical industry and other fields .

  23. AAM(AA)-天然橡胶接枝聚合物及其粘合性能

    Synthesis and Adhesion Property of AAM ( AA ) - Natural Rubber Graft Polymers

  24. 本文研究了AAM(AA)-天然橡胶接枝聚合物的合成工艺条件对合成产物接枝效率的影响,以红外光谱法考察了合成产物的结构并研究了该接枝聚合物的粘合性能及其作用机理。

    This paper introduces that the technology to synthesis AAM ( AA ) - natural rubber graft polymer has some influence on the graft efficiency of the synthetic product . The author studies the structure by IR spectrum and discusses the adhesion properties and reaction mechanism of the graft polymer .

  25. MMA-天然橡胶接枝聚合物表面的酸碱作用

    Acid-base interation of the surface of MMA-NATUAL rubber graft polymers

  26. 天然沸石在聚合物驱中的调剖效果及调驱段塞结构实验研究

    Experimental Studies on Profiling / Flooding Efficiency and Slug Structure with Natural Zeolite Profile Modificator in Polymer Flooding

  27. 纤维素作为一种天然的高分子聚合物掺杂了二氧化硅纳米粒子形成的复合材料预计将在在结合力、结合强度、力学性能、热学性能等都有显著改善。

    The binding force , binding intensity , mechanics properties and thermal properties of Cellulose / SiO2 nanocomposites will be improved .

  28. 介绍了一种天然甘油三酸酯基聚合物&环氧豆油丙烯酸酯,综述了其近年来在涂料领域的发展状况,同时分析和总结了环氧豆油丙烯酸酯基复合材料的性能和特点,并展望了其应用前景。

    This review introduces a kind of nature triglyceride-based polymer & acrylated epoxidized soybean oil , including its research status in coating field , manufacture and properties of AESO-based composites , moreover , predicts the future applications .

  29. 基于天然高分子衍生物的聚合物纳米微球的负载和释放行为研究

    Loading and Release Behavior of Polymeric Nanoparticles Based on Natural Macromolecular Derivatives

  30. 天然短纤维/聚合物复合材料研究进展

    Research Progress of Short-natural-fiber / Polymer Composites