
  • 网络Antenna Diversity;antenna-diversity;antenna selection
  1. 通过合理地设计差分编码的子块长度及差分编码矩阵,所提方案能同时实现最大的天线分集和Doppler分集。

    By properly designing subblock length and differential encoding matrices , the proposed scheme can achieve full antenna diversity and Doppler diversity simultaneously . 5 .

  2. 分析了一种新型的基于天线分集的空时RakeMMSE接收机在多径衰落信道条件下的抗单音干扰性能。

    A new space-time Rake MMSE receiver based on antenna diversity is proposed and its performance for rejecting single-tone jamming analyzed in this paper .

  3. 多天线分集RakeMMSE接收机的抗单音干扰性能分析

    Performance Analysis of Rake MMSE Receiver Based on Antenna Diversity for Rejecting Single-tone Jamming

  4. 相较于手持行动装置,由于空间不受限制,将多根天线分集的技术应用于DVB-T系统中来抵抗都卜勒的影响是相当有效率的。

    As compared with handheld mobile devices , because of space limitations , mobile DVB-T with multi-antenna diversity technique is an effective approach to combat Doppler effects .

  5. 研究了DVB-H标准相对于DVB-T标准在移动接收性能方面的改进及应用,并就DVB-T标准自身的移动接收性能提出了以天线分集技术为基础的解决方案。

    The improvement and application of DVB-T in mobile reception by DVB-H are researched , and solutions based on diversity antenna technology to improve the mobile receptivity of DVB-T are put forward .

  6. 多输入多输出(MIMO)最大比合并(MRC)技术是衰落信道上性能最优的天线分集技术,能够有效克服多径衰落对无线通信系统性能的不利影响。

    Multiple-input multiple-output ( MIMO ) maximal ratio combining ( MRC ) technique which has best performance in fading channels compared with other antenna diversity technique , can effectively combat the adverse impact of multipath fading on the performance of wireless communication systems .

  7. MMO技术结合了天线分集与空时处理技术,它源于天线分集与智能天线技术,可以说属于广义的智能天线范畴。

    MIMO technology combined with antenna diversity and space-time processing technology , which originated from antenna diversity and smart antenna technology can be said to belong to a broad scope of the smart antenna .

  8. 分别对多天线分集系统和多天线复用系统进行设计。

    Design the MIMO diversity system and Multi-antenna multiplexing system .

  9. 以天线分集技术为理论基础,设计了隔离度很高的小型宽-窄带组合天线。

    A compact wideband and narrowband combined antenna with high isolation is designed .

  10. 所以本文采用天线分集的方式来解决平衰落问题。

    So antenna diversity must be used to solve this flat-fading prob - lem .

  11. 宽带移动通信系统中的多天线分集结构

    Multi-antennas Structure in Wide-band Mobile Communications System

  12. 几种新型的多选择性天线分集

    A Few Novel Multi-Selection Antenna Diversity Techniques

  13. 我们分析了在瑞利衰落信道下,有天线分集的相干多用户检测器的性能。

    The performance of coherent linear multiuser receivers with antenna diversity is analyzed in Rayleigh channel .

  14. 通过多天线分集来有效提高基站与移动终端之间的链路速度和稳定度。

    Multi-antenna diversity can improve speed and stability of the link between the base station and mobile terminals .

  15. 此外,多天线分集增益明显改善了系统性能。

    Ii is also seen that the performance of the system is significantly improved by the multi-antenna diversity gain .

  16. 空时编码是指当用多天线分集发射时的信号设计技术,它可以获得最大化的传输空时分集增益。

    Space-time code is a signal design technique for transmit diversity with antenna arrays , and maximizes the transmit diversity gain .

  17. 理论分析和仿真表明,该方案仍实现了满天线分集,并且对于某些应用环境能提供比对角信号更好的误比特率性能。

    Theoretical analysis and simulation results show that the proposed scheme preserves full antenna diversity and provides better bit-error rate performance than diagonal signals in some scenarios .

  18. 协作分集是一种虚拟多天线分集技术,它可以有效地抵抗信道衰落,成为无线通信领域的研究热点之一。

    Cooperative diversity is a virtual multi-antenna diversity techniques , which can effectively resist channel fading and is becoming one of the hot topics in wireless communication fields .

  19. 本文给出模式S应答机的构成,并对天线分集,抗干扰性及数据链的性能给予说明。

    In this paper the structure of Mode S transponder is shown and the antenna diversity , anti-interference as well as the performance of data link are elaborated upon .

  20. 空间、多天线分集可以与其它分集技术,如时间、频率分集技术有效的结合,在不增加传输时间和带宽的条件下,提高系统性能。

    Space , or multiple-antenna , diversity combined with other diversity , e.g. , time and frequency diversity , can improve the system performance without adding the transmission time and bandwidth .

  21. 空时编码技术是一种将信道编码技术与天线分集技术相结合,且能提供远高于传统单天线系统的频带利用率的编码技术。

    Space-time coding technology is one kind of coding technology which combines channel coding technology with antenna diversity technology , and can improve the efficiency of transmission frequency which is superior to the traditional single-antenna system .

  22. 空间或多天线分集技术由于可以与其它如时间分集,频率分集技术相结合,并在其基础上提供很大的性能增益,而成为一种很有吸引力的技术。

    Space or multi-antenna diversity techniques are particularly attractive as they can be readily combined with other forms of diversity , e.g. , time and frequency diversity , and still offer dramatic performance gains under these bases .

  23. 整理总结测试数据,发现双定向天线分集接收技术简化了铁路电视所面临的信道模型,开环自愈的同步机制保证了单频网系统的可靠同步。

    After summarize the trial data , we found that two-directional antenna diversity reception technology could simplify the channel model which the railway television faces ; the open-loop self-healing mechanisms could ensure reliable synchronization of the SFN system .

  24. 并采用多天线分集接收技术进一步完善系统性能,从而增强了系统抗多径干扰和多址干扰的能力,且得到了更低的误码率。

    Meantime , multi-antennas diversity receiver technique is exploited to improve the system performance further as to strengthen the system capability against multi-access interference ( MAI ) and multipath interference for lower bit error rate ( BER ) .

  25. 空时编码技术将信道编码技术与天线分集技术相结合,大幅度增加了无线通信系统的容量,提高了多径衰落信道的通信质量。

    The technique of space-time coding ( STC ) is mainly designed by combining the technique of channel coding and array diversity , hence increasing the capacity of wireless communication systems and improving communication quality of multipath fading channel .

  26. 文中详细讨论了阵列天线分集增益对简化信道估计算法、结构和降低计算复杂度的原理和具体方法,分析了将阵列天线和多用户联合检测结合在一起时系统所具有的综合效能。

    Due to the diversity gain , the principle and concrete technique of simplifying the channel estimate algorithm and structure and decrease the complexity are discussed in detail . The integrative efficiency of the system which combines the array antenna with the joint detection is analyzed .

  27. 因此,在WCDMA系统中定义了开环和闭环两种双天线发送分集模式。

    Thus , some open-loop and closed-loop transmission diversity methods have been used in WCDMA system .

  28. 利用接收端安置两个天线的分集形式,提出了一种盲信道估计算法,它可以在几个OFDM符号之内进行盲信道估计,适用于时变信道。

    A blind OFDM channel estimation algorithm is proposed using receiver diversity , which can estimate the channel response within only several OFDM block and suit for time-vary channel .

  29. 数值分析结果表明,该方案在单天线RAKE分集基础上进一步增强多径分集效果,能较大地改善误码率性能和提高系统的抗衰落能力。

    Results of the performance analysis show this scheme provides more benefit of diversity to overcome fading than the conventional single antenna RAKE receiver , and so gets better BER performance .

  30. 自适应频域功率分配算法将深衰落子载波信道转换成等效AWGN信道,从而增强了自适应天线阵分集获得的子载波信噪比。

    The proposed adaptive frequency-domain power allocation based based MIMO / OFDM enhances the SNR on each sub-carrier by converting the deep faded sub-channels to AWGN-like sub-carriers .