
  • 网络transmit diversity;FSTD;TSTD
  1. 分析了发射分集MIMO雷达的目标回波相关性。

    The correlation of target echoes using transmit diversity MIMO radar is analyzed .

  2. 一种适合OFDM系统的发射分集技术

    A Transmit Diversity Technique for OFDM

  3. 基于发射分集的MIMO雷达相参信号处理方法

    Method of coherent signal processing for MIMO radar based on transmitting diversity

  4. MIMO无线系统多空时发射分集功率分配算法

    Power allocation algorithm of multiple space-time transmit diversity in MIMO wireless systems

  5. 发射分集OFDM系统中一种基于Turbo迭代的判决反馈信道估计

    A Turbo iteration-based decision directed feedback channel estimation for OFDM systems with transmitter diversity

  6. 一种空间复用与发射分集相结合的MIMO通信系统

    MIMO system with space multiplexing and transmit diversity

  7. 发射分集OFDM系统中的一种维纳LMS信道估计和跟踪算法

    Wiener LMS channel estimation and tracking algorithm for OFDM systems with transmitter diversity

  8. 基于发射分集技术实现了一种针对OFDM通信系统的空时编码方案。

    This paper implemented a space-time codes project for OFDM communication system based on transmit diversity technology .

  9. 在发射分集技术方面,研究表明采用空时分集编码的MIMO系统的性能与信道矩阵的特性密切相关。

    Research shows that the performance of transmit diversity depends strongly on MIMO channel matrix characteristics .

  10. 发射分集技术及在WCDMA系统中的应用

    Transmit Diversity Technique and Its Applications in WCDMA System

  11. 而移动通信中的发射分集一般需要在发射端使用多根天线,多输入多输出(MIMO)系统即由此而来。

    Transmit diversity generally requires more than one antenna at the transmitter , just like MIMO system .

  12. 概略的来说,MIMO系统可以通过空间复用技术提高数据传输率,或者通过发射分集方法提高传输可靠性。

    Broadly , MIMO system can used spatial multiplexing to increase data rate , and transmit diversity to increase link reliability .

  13. 结合维纳内插滤波技术对两发一收空时分组编码的发射分集OFDM系统进行了仿真,通过对信道估计结果进行子空间跟踪,显著提高了系统性能。

    Combined with Wiener interpolation filtering technique simulations of an OFDM system with two-transmit-antennas-and-one-receive-antenna space-time block coding show the advantages of the approaches .

  14. 发射分集MC-CDMA系统盲干扰抑制

    Blind interference suppression for MC-CDMA system with transmit diversity

  15. 最后分别针对瑞利衰落信道下,采用发射分集、接收分集以及BLAST传输结构的系统容量进行仿真。

    In the end , the simulation based on different kinds of transmission method is given , such as transmit diversity , receiver diversity , and BLAST .

  16. MIMO无线通信系统能够同时结合发射分集技术与接收分集技术,极大地提高了抗衰落性能。

    MIMO wireless communication system combines both transmit diversity and receive diversity technologies , which greatly improved the anti-fading performance of wireless communication system .

  17. 它充分利用MIMO信道的发射分集技术,实现了高质量、可靠、快速、低开销的无线通信方式。

    It uses the transmit diversity technique in MIMO channel to provide a high quality , reliable , fast , low cost way of wireless communication .

  18. MIMO技术具有多种实现形式:发射分集技术、空间复用技术以及波束赋形技术等。

    MIMO technology can be carried out by many kinds of forms : Transmit diversity technology , spatial multiplying technology , beam forming technology and so on .

  19. 基于频域二值块通序列的TDS-OFDM发射分集

    TDS-OFDM transmit diversity scheme based on binary partial block pass sequences

  20. 本文对频率选择性衰落信道条件下发射分集OFDM系统的信道估计进行了研究,提出了一种基于Turbo迭代的判决反馈信道估计方法。

    This paper studies the channel estimation for OFDM systems with transmitter diversity in frequency selective fading channels . A decision feedback channel estimation method based on Turbo iteration is presented .

  21. 空时发射分集在LAS-CDMA中的性能分析

    Performance analysis of transmit diversity schemes in LAS-CDMA

  22. 波束形成(BF)和发射分集(TD)均通过使用多个天线来有效地改善系统性能并提高信道容量。

    Both Beam-Forming ( BF ) and Transmit Diversity ( TD ) which exploit multiple antennas are attractive candidates for improving the system performance and increasing the channel capacity .

  23. 本文主要研究在现代无线移动通信系统中如何估计同时存在频率选择性和时间选择性衰落的信道,包括WCDMA上行链路,采用双天线空时发射分集的WCDMA下行链路和MIMO系统。

    In this dissertation , the estimation algorithms of time-varying frequency selective channel in modern wireless communication systems including WCDMA uplink , WCDMA downlink with space time transmit diversity and MIMO system are investigated .

  24. 主要讨论了在频率选择性衰落信道下基于子载波的MIMO-OFDM系统如何获得发射分集增益和接收分集增益,从而改善系统的整体性能。

    In this paper we mainly analyze how to improve the system performance in the frequency-selective fading channels by obtaining the diversity of transmitter and receiver based on sub-carrier MIMO-OFDM system .

  25. STTC将网格编码技术(TCM)与发射分集技术相结合,可以获得满分集增益和编码增益,抗衰落性能最优,但STTC好码搜索较困难,译码复杂度也较高。

    STTC is the combination of TCM and transmission diversity , achieving full diversity gain and high coding gain but with high code searching and decoding complexity .

  26. 针对空时分组编码(STBC)发射分集的多天线正交频分复用(OFDM)系统,文章提出一种新的、低复杂度的信道估计方法&正交-线性估计。

    In this paper a novel low-complexity channel estimator , which is called orthogonal-linear estimation , is proposed for STBC ( Space Time Block Code ) - based transmitter diversity OFDM systems .

  27. 作为MIMO系统的关键编码技术,空时编码(STC)可提供发射分集,因而在不增大系统带宽和发射功率的条件下可降低BER。

    As a key coding scheme for MIMO system , space-time coding ( STC ) can provide transmit diversity , therefore decreasing the ( bit error rate ) BER without increasing the bandwidth or transmission power .

  28. 提出了一种基于空间时间频率(STF)编码的正交频分多路复用(OFDM)发射分集方案,这种传输方案可用于频率选择性快衰落信道。

    A space-time-frequency ( STF ) coded orthogonal frequency division multiplexing ( OFDM ) transmitter diversity scheme for fast fading frequency selective channels is proposed . The proposed STF-OFDM transmission scheme owns time diversity gain .

  29. WCDMA标准在下行信道传输中采用了称作STTD的开环发射分集方案和两种反馈模式的闭环发射分集方案。

    The open loop transmit diversity scheme , named as STTD , and two feedback close loop transmit diversity schemas in downlink channel communication was defined in WCDMA standard .

  30. 论文的第六章介绍了平衰落无线通信系统的发射分集技术,包括V-BLAST、D-BLAST、空时格码和空时分组码,并进行了大量的计算机仿真,以考察这些空时编码方案的性能。

    In the sixth chapter we introduce the transmit diversity schemes including V-BLAST 、 D-BLAST 、 space-time trellis coding and space-time block coding .