
  • 网络generator motor;generator-motor
  1. 大容量抽水蓄能机组的同期点可以设在发电电动机侧(低压同期方式),也可设在主变压器高压侧(高压同期方式)。

    The synchronous point in large scale pumped-storage power generating unit could be set in the side of generator-motor ( low voltage synchronizing mode ) or in the high-voltage side of main transformer ( high voltage synchronizing mode ) .

  2. 电站装6台30万kW立轴、可逆、混流式水泵水轮机/发电电动机组。

    The power station has installed 6 sets of vertical shaft , reversible , Francis pump-turbine / motor-generator units , each with a capacity of 300 MW .

  3. 对各种调速方式的优缺点及适用范围作了讨论,并展望了调速发电电动机的应用前景。

    At last , the application prospect of speed-adjustable motor-generator is given .

  4. 抽水蓄能电站发电电动机变频启动过程的研究

    Study of Frequency-Variable Starting Process of Motor-Generator in Pump Storage Power Plant

  5. 大型发电电动机国产化的战略部署

    Strategic Deployment of Localization for Large Generator / Motor

  6. 能自起动的抽水蓄能电站用双速同步发电电动机,第二部分模拟样机试验研究

    A Self-Starting Two-Speed Synchronous Generator-Motors for Pumped-Storage Power Station , Pt . ⅱ - Experiment

  7. 抽水蓄能电站用调速发电电动机

    Speed-adjustable Motor-generators for Pumping Storage Stations

  8. 在水头、负荷变化范围较大的蓄能电站中,为改善机组运行工况,可以采用速度可调的发电电动机。

    For pumping storage stations with wide rangeability of head and discharge , a speed-adjustable motor-generators can be used for improving operation condition .

  9. 本文利用ANSYS程序对发电-电动机负重机架与定子整体结构在初步设计阶段进行了振动计算。

    The calculating vibration of generator-motor during primary design is presented in this paper by ANSYS program .

  10. 抽水蓄能电站大型变极发电&电动机定子铁心振动分析

    Vibrations of Stator-Core of Large Pole-Changing Generator-Motor for Pumped-Storage Power Station

  11. 同步发电&电动机;抽水蓄能电站;电动机;起动;

    Hydroelectric generators ; Pumped storage power plants ; AC generator motors ;

  12. 本文介绍了单绕组变极同步电机谐波磁场引起的铁心振动和噪声及其计算方法,并给出了响洪甸抽水蓄能变极同步发电/电动机的计算结果。

    This paper introduces the core vibration caused by those harmonic fields . Calculation methods and results are given , taking Xianghongdian pumped storage change pole synchronous gererator / motor as an example .

  13. 通过试验研究、现场分析和对设备的优化改造,结合火力发电厂电动机设备运行工况,采用电动机智能控制装置实现了电动机的特殊运行工况和各种保护、联锁功能。

    Through test research , spot analysis and optimizing reformation of equipment , combined with operating condition of electromotor equipment in thermal power plant , special operating condition of electromotor , every protection and interlock functions were realized using electromotor intelligence control device .

  14. 发电厂高压电动机断相保护的探讨

    On open-phase protection for HV motors in power plants

  15. 发电厂辅机电动机节能改造技术方案分析

    The analysis about the technical plan of energy saving regeneration for the electromotor in the power plant

  16. 首先分析了与应用超级电容相关的柴油发电机组、电动机以及超级电容的特性。本文举例探讨民用建筑应急柴油发电机组环保处理措施。

    Firstly , diesel engine , electromotor and supercapacitor were studied . The article discusses the environmental protection treatment of the electric generator used in civil architecture for emergent purpose .

  17. LOGO!(230RL)在发电厂冷却水泵电动机电气控制中的应用

    Application of LOGO !( 230RL ) in the control circuit of cooling-water pump motors in power plant

  18. 重庆发电厂高压异步电动机运行分析

    Operation Analysis of High Voltage Asynchronous Motors in Chongqing Power Plant

  19. 泵站发电工况下同步电动机运行方式的选择

    The Selection of Operating Mode of Synchronous Motor when Pump Station is Used as Power Generation

  20. 大型火力发电厂厂用电动机高压变频器故障分析及反措探讨

    Discussion of Prevention Solutions and Trouble Analysis of High-voltage Variable Frequency Drive in Large Thermal Power Plant Electromotor

  21. 吉姆说运动鞋是徙步旅行最佳的选择.重庆发电厂高压异步电动机运行分析

    Jim says sneakers are ideal for hiking . Operation Analysis of High Voltage Asynchronous Motors in Chongqing Power Plant