
  • 网络Satellite digital television;digital satellite TV;ABS-S
  1. FPGA在卫星数字电视码流转发器设计中的应用

    Application of FPGA in the Design of Satellite Digital TV Code Stream Transmitter

  2. 基于PC的卫星数字电视广播系统的MPEG-II解码

    PC - based MPEG - II decoder for digital video broadcast - satellite systems

  3. 此项技术可以将DVBS节目接收、记录为VOB文件,实现卫星数字电视节目的数字收录。

    With the technology , the DVB-s program can be received and digitals recorded .

  4. 由于卫星数字电视广播(DVB-S)系统接收数据量大,对实时性稳定性要求高,利用PC机实现DVB-S系统中mPEG-II全软件解码是一个挑战性的课题。

    The digital video broadcast-satellite ( DVB-S ) system is a new methodology for MPE G-II decoding .

  5. 其中,MPEG-2能在很宽范围内对音视频信号有效地进行编码,被广泛应用于有线数字电视、卫星数字电视广播等系统中。

    Among them , MPEG-2 , which can effectively encode a wide range of video and audio signals , has been extensively used in cable digital TV , digital TV broadcast for satellite , and so on .

  6. 新型专业卫星数字电视解码器(IRD)通过运行防止非法信号干扰的软件,实时分析卫星数字电视信号的特征,从而提前发现外来非法干扰信号并实施预警。

    New type of professional IRD , by running the software for preventing the illegal interfering signal , IRD analyzes the characteristic of satellite DTV signal in real time , then found external illegal interfering signal in advance and gives the early alarm .

  7. 在卫星数字电视广播领域,我国采用国际上通用的MPEG-1层Ⅱ双声道立体声编码算法,然而这种编码算法需要大量的数据操作,必须用专用硬件来实现。

    In the field of satellite digital television broadcast , our country employs the MPEG-1 layers II dual channel stereo coding algorithm . However , the large amount of data operation is required in this kind of algorithm and it cannot be implemented without the Application Specific Integrated Circuit .

  8. 介绍了卫星数字电视广播技术及其发展概况,通过和基于DVB-S的卫星数字电视机顶盒进行比较,提出了基于DVB-S2的卫星数字接收机的设计方案,并对实际应用情况进行了分析和总结。

    In this paper , the technique and survey of Satellite Digital Video Broadcast are introduced , and on the basis of comparing with the set-top box based on DVB-S , the design of digital receiver to the DVB-S2 standard is made . An analysis is given in the end .

  9. 卫星数字电视信号部分信道编码的软件实现

    Software Implementation for Part of Channel Encoding in DVB - S

  10. 卫星数字电视是卫星通信业务中的重要组成部分。

    Satellite digital TV is an important part of satellite communication business .

  11. 卫星数字电视信号干扰检测与预警实现

    The Interferential Detection of Satellite DTV Signal and Alarm Implementation

  12. 卫星数字电视技术在有线电视的应用

    The Application of Satellite Digital TV Technology on Cabled TV

  13. 直、录播卫星数字电视的接收

    Living and Recorded Satellite Digital Video Broadcast Receive

  14. 卫星数字电视的探讨

    Approach to Satellite Digital TV

  15. 在很多国家,观众也可以通过有线网、卫星数字电视直播平台、网络电视、地面公共频道等收看。

    Access is also carried by Cable , DTH , IPTV , and even Terrestrial TV platforms or systems in many nations .

  16. 与有线数字电视和卫星数字电视相比,地面数字电视传输系统中的信道环境要复杂的多。

    Compared with cable digital TV and satellite digital TV , channel to the environment of terrestrial digital TV transmission system is more complex .

  17. 由于带有加密技术,有条件接收和付费收看成为可能,此后卫星数字电视直播产业就在全球形成一股发展热潮。

    Because of encryption , conditional access and paid watching became possible . Since then the industry of satellite broadcast digital TV in the world developed rapidly .

  18. 本论文正是在这样的背景下来开发符合我国卫星数字电视发展现状的卫星数字电视机顶盒。

    In this background , this paper is to develop the satellite digital television set-top box , which conforms to the current situation of satellite digital television in our country .

  19. 根据传输信道的不同,数字电视广播系统可以分为有线数字电视广播,卫星数字电视广播和地面数字电视广播。

    According to different transport systems , digital TV broadcasting systems can be divided to cable digital TV broadcasting system 、 satellite digital TV broadcasting system and terrestrial digital multimedia / TV broadcasting system .

  20. 文章对卫星数字电视直播技术作了介绍,指出其优点和不足之处及其发展前景,阐述了国外卫星数字电视直播的现状,从而阐明了发展我国卫星电视的必要性和紧迫性。

    This article , after introducing the live broadcasting technology of digital satellite television and its advantages and disadvantage and prospect , has analyzed the current situations of it in foreign countries and the necessity and urgency of its development in our country .

  21. 采用二次编码和特殊的同步搜索及字节恢复电路,不仅使处理时间显著减少,同时硬件资源也得到节省,现已经应用于卫星数字电视接收芯片的设计中。

    By using " Secondary Encode " and special sync-searching & byte-recovering circuits , not only the processing time reduces remarkably , but also needs less hardware resource . This scheme has already been applied in the chip design of satellite digital television .

  22. 卫星广播数字电视信号基带成形特性的研究

    Study on base band shaping characteristics of satellite broadcasting digital TV signal

  23. 众所周知,在一个完整的数字电视体系里,直播卫星、有线数字电视和地面数字电视是三位一体的构架,缺谁都将会造成一个残缺。

    Known in a complete digital TV system , Live satellite , cable digital TV and terrestrial digital TV is a trinity frame , lack of which will cause a damaged .

  24. 根据不同的媒介,数字电视可分为有线、卫星和地面数字电视,地面数字电视广播是使用最为广泛的传输方式。

    Based on different media , digital TV can be divided into cable , satellite and terrestrial digital TV , and the terrestrial digital TV broadcasting is the most widely used means of the transmission .

  25. 基于阵列天线的多用户识别涉及数字信息流相互干扰的信息解调,通常应用在如无线通信,高速数据传输,卫星通信,数字电视和磁记录等领域。

    Multiuser detection deals with demodulation of the mutually interfering digital streams of information that occur in areas such as wireless communications , high-speed data transmission , satellite communication , digital television , and magnetic recording .

  26. 有人认为数字电视优于卫星电视,因为数字电视传播的电视节目图像更加清晰。

    Some consider digital TV to be superior to satellite TV because it allows the same services to be delivered with clearer pictures than before .