
  • 网络centre for health protection
  1. 地图数据源自卫生署卫生防护中心发布的每日报告。

    Data were compiled from the daily reports of the Centre for Health Protection , Department of Health of Hong Kong .

  2. 香港卫生防护中心总监曾浩辉说,相关官员将会回顾他们的隔离程序。

    Thomas Tsang , head of Hong Kong 's Centre for Health Protection , said officials would be reviewing their quarantine procedures .

  3. 香港特区卫生防护中心强调,尽管新增病例有所减少,但疫情防控措施不能松懈。

    The Center for Health Protection has stressed that anti-epidemic measures cannot be loosened despite the drop in new cases .

  4. 从家庭健康、长者健康、学生健康、卫生防护中心、健康教育、诊所服务、普通科门诊,介绍了香港基层健康服务的范畴。

    This article introduced the domain of the primary health care in Hong Kong : family health care , student health care , prevention center , health education , clinic service and general clinic .

  5. 在邻近的香港,当地的卫生防护中心报告说,截至周一,已有66例确诊的登革热病例,卫生防护中心表示,所有病例都来自外地,包括来自中国大陆的一例。

    In neighboring Hong Kong , the Center for Health Protection reported 66 confirmed cases of dengue fever as of Monday , all of which it said were imported from elsewhere , including one from the Chinese mainland .

  6. 数据源自香港政府卫生署卫生防护中心。

    The source of data was Centre for Health Protection , Department of Health , Hong Kong Special Administrative Region Government .

  7. 调查结果发布后第二天,我拜访了香港卫生署卫生防护中心感染控制科学委员会前主席司徒永康博士,对他进行了为期一小时的采访。

    The day after the survey was published , I spent a boisterous hour with Dr. Wing-hong Seto , former chairman of the Scientific Committee on infection control at the centre for health protection , Department of health , Hong Kong .