
  • 网络Health and epidemic prevention;sanitary and anti-epidemic
  1. 支援北川地震灾区卫生防疫工作的实践与思考

    Practice and consideration of sanitary and anti-epidemic work in Beichuan seismic disastrous area

  2. 有关部门要落实好防护物资、生活物资保障,落实好工资待遇、临时性工资补助、卫生防疫津贴待遇,尽快出台关心关爱一线医务人员的政策措施。

    The relevant authorities should guarantee the supply of protective materials and daily necessities , implement payment and subsidy policies , and take measures to protect medical workers ’ interests as soon as possible .

  3. 在中文Windows95平台下,以Access为应用系统开发工具,设计广西区卫生防疫站生物制品微机管理单机版系统。

    A stand-alone computerized management system of biological products was developed on Windows 95 platform with Access in Guangxi Hygiene and Anti-Epidemic Centre .

  4. 农村地区能否实行疾病控制中心模式(CDC),是深化卫生防疫体制改革的焦点问题之一。

    Whether the CDC model can be implemented in rural areas is one of the key problems related to further reform of health prevention system .

  5. 方法对9个铁路工程局隧道工5482人进行接尘史的回顾性调查,并调集各局卫生防疫站历年施工隧道粉尘监测资料,用SAS软件进行统计分析。

    Methods Dust exposure histories of 5 482 tunnellers from 9 Railway Engineering Bureau and dust monitoring data were investigated and collected . SAS was used for statistic analysis .

  6. 方法收集1993&2001年世界银行贷款结核病控制项目期间涟源市卫生防疫站4747份肺结核病历资料,对影响肺结核患者治疗转归的有关因素进行单因素分析和多因素非条件Logistic回归分析。

    ? Methods The data of 4 747 cases in Lianyuan Disease Control and Prevention Station from 1993 to 2001 were collected to analyze the factors influencing the treatment outcome of TB patients by using Chi square test and unconditional Logistic regression analysis .

  7. AFP病例48h内调查率95.16%,14d内双份合格粪便标本采集率90.32%,粪便标本7d内送至省卫生防疫站占87.10%。

    The collecting rate of double stool specimens of AFP patients within 14 days reached 90.32 % . The specimen delivery rate was 87.10 % within 7 days to Anhui Sanitary and Anti epidemic Station .

  8. 理性生存价值:近代卫生防疫法移植的历史路径

    Rational Existence Value : Historical Approach to Modern Sanitation Epidemic Prevention

  9. 部队卫生防疫人力资源配置标准的研究

    Study on standard of primary military health anti-epidemic human resource allocation

  10. 反恐怖斗争卫生防疫保障的探讨

    Discussion on epidemic prevention and guarantee in anti - terror war

  11. 卫生防疫图书馆与社区卫生服务

    Sanitary and Anti - epidemic Library and Medical Service of Community

  12. 新疆地区应急卫生防疫保障辅助决策系统研究

    Study on Decision-making System of Emergency Health Prevention in Xinjiang

  13. 三是切实加强卫生防疫工作。

    Thirdly , effectively strengthen health and epidemic prevention work .

  14. 我国卫生防疫机构改革后的思考

    Thinking about Reform of Institutions for Health and Epidemic Prevention in China

  15. 汶川地震后绵阳卫生防疫措施与效果分析

    Evaluation of Epidemic Prevention Measures in Mianyang After Wenchuan Earthquake

  16. 广西区卫生防疫站生物制品微机管理系统

    A Computerized Management System of Biological Products for Guangxi Hygiene and Anti-Epidemic Centre

  17. 什邡市抗震救灾卫生防疫应急防控措施

    Reports about emergency hygiene and disease control measures during earthquake relief in Shifang

  18. 多功能卫生防疫车的研制

    Development of Multi - Functional Health Epidemic Prevention Vehicle

  19. 北京某郊区县卫生防疫系统现况调查

    Survey on System of Disease Prevention and Health Care in a Country of Beijing

  20. 坚持预防为主方针加强农村卫生防疫工作

    Sticking to the principle of prevention first , promoting epidemic prevention in rural areas

  21. 农村卫生防疫工作是巩固和发展人人享有初级卫生保健成果的关键。

    Rural health epidemic prevention is the key to consolidating and develop PHC for all .

  22. 卫生防疫站综合质量的定量评估

    A mathematical statistics method to evaluate comprehensively the whole quality of health and anti-epidemic stations

  23. 中华苏维埃共和国卫生防疫保障成效之考察

    An Investigation on the Safeguard Effects of Sanitation and Epidemic for the Chinese Soviet Government

  24. 安徽省各级各类卫生防疫站费用测算研究

    Study on the Measurement of the Expenses of all Epidemic Prevention Stations in Anhui Province

  25. 山东省卫生防疫管理干部职业化培训现状与分析

    Analysis of the Status of Professional Training of the Managers of Health and Epidemic Prevention

  26. 模式标本存于沈阳农业大学。,模式标本存于黑龙江省卫生防疫站。

    The type specimen is deposited in the Sanitation and Anti-epidemic Station of Heilongjiang Province .

  27. 国家军用标准《新兵卫生防疫规范》的研究

    Formulation of a National Military Standard : Specification of Hygiene and Epidemic Prevention for Army Recruits

  28. 模式标本存于四川省卫生防疫站。

    The type is deposited in the Sanitary & Anti - Epidemic Station of Sichuan Province .

  29. 2001~2005年济宁市卫生防疫站直管医疗机构消毒质量监测分析

    Analysis on the Quality of Disinfection of Medical Institution in Ji'ning City from 2001 to 2005

  30. 汶川地震灾后绵阳卫生防疫信息报送存在的问题及对策探讨

    Problems in Reporting of Health and Epidemic Control Information and Countermeasures after Wenchuan Earthquake in Mianyang