
  • 网络Satellite town;Kwangju;kwansju
  1. 城乡结合部管理与卫星镇规划建设的调研报告

    An Investigation for the Management of the Urban-rural Fringe and the Satellite Towns Planning and Construction

  2. 突出县工业开发区、密云卫星城与中心镇建设、旅游西线开发和畜牧业产业化四个战略重点,促进经济持续快速健康发展,实现强县富民的目标。

    Stressing four strategy focal points : industry development area , structure of miyun satellite town and center town , development of tour line west and stockbreeding industrialization to make economy develop continuously , rapid , healthily , realizing the goal of making county strong and people rich .