
  • 网络Digital Satellite;satellite transmission;Satellite
  1. 随着压缩技术的突破和数字视频广播(DVB)标准的产生,数字卫星压缩传播方式已成为卫星传播的主流。

    Along with the compress technology breakthrough and the standard creation in digital video broadcast ( DVB ), the way that the digital satellite compresses to spread has become the main current which the satellite spreads .

  2. MPEG-2编码器用于DVD及数位卫星传播

    MPEG - 2 Encoder Launched for DVD and Digit Satellite Broadcasting

  3. 结合图像数据和HMM模型的卫星传播仿真

    Propagation Channel Modeling Using Hidden Markov Models and Integrating Image Data for Satellite Communications

  4. 关于建立省际卫星传播公司的建议

    Proposals on establishing an inter-provincial satellite communication corp

  5. 如果在小区域或国家范围内播送,则卫星传播比较容易实施。

    Satellite transmissions aimed at a small geographic area or nation are relatively easy to accomplish .

  6. 通过卫星传播或散布。传播或散布流言蜚语。

    Broadcast or disseminate via satellite .

  7. 当天还会通过卫星传播播放出席洛杉矶开幕式的荷里活明星风采。

    The opening events will feature satellite transmissions of Hollywood stars arriving at the premiere in Los Angeles .

  8. 为此,本文提出建立省际卫星传播公司以提高中国电视竞争力的一个大胆建议。其制度安排类似欧洲及世界上其他一些国家广播电视实行的双重体制。

    This paper is to raise a proposal of establishing an inter-provincial satellite corporation to enhance China 's national television competition .

  9. 本文以本人所做的工作出发,主要讨论了以下内容:·对Lutz模型进行了介绍,讨论了研究卫星信道传播特性的三种概率分布。

    The main content in this dissertation includes : · Introducing the Lutz model and three probability functions needed in researching the propagation .

  10. 电离层对卫星信号传播及其性能影响的研究

    Ionospheric Effects on Satellite Radio Signal Propagation and Its Performance

  11. 不过得用军用卫星来传播。

    But I need access to your military satellites to broadcast it .

  12. 卫星信号传播;

    Satellite radio signal propagation ;

  13. 所以本文将工作重点放在随机介质波传播理论问题和与之相关的卫星信号传播的电离层效应研究上。

    Consequently , this dissertation focuses on stochastic waves and the related ionospheric effects on satellite radio signal propagation .

  14. 长码快速直接捕获中卫星信号传播时延估计

    Estimation of Satellite Signal 's Propagation Delay for Fast and Direct Acquisition of Long Cycle and High Rate Pseudo-Random Code

  15. 辅助长码直捕的一个最重要的先验信息是时间信息,卫星信号传播时延估计是减少时域搜索范围的一个重要方面。

    Time is important information for fast and direct acquisition of military code , and compression of signal 's propagation delay time uncertainty is an effective means for it .

  16. 从该模型可以推导到其它各种经典的卫星移动信道传播模型,并且具有良好的全波段特性(从UHF到Ka)和实际逼真度。

    The LR 2 model suits well with the features of wide-band ( from UHF to Ka ) channels used by MSS .

  17. 卫星通信电波传播研究综述

    Summary of Satellite Communication Electric Wave Dispersal

  18. 低轨卫星通信电波传播的双线模型

    Two-ray model for low-orbit satellite communication

  19. 这里甚至还有一个区域,专门解释今天的电脑和卫星技术如何传播新闻和信息。

    There is even an area explaining how computer and satellite technology spread news and information today .

  20. 论文主要内容概括如下:1.研究了电离层对卫星导航信号传播的影响,给出了利用双频伪距、相位观测值消除电离层改正理论计算方法。

    The mostly content sum up as follows : 1 . The influence of satellite navigation signal caused by ionosphere delay is studied , as well as the methods eliminating ionosphere with dual-frequency pseudo-ranges and phases are given . 2 .

  21. 详细论述了电离层、对流层对卫星导航信号传播时延的影响,讨论了修正大气层时延影响的相对定位、延迟模型改正方法,详细分析了双频观测量电离层时延误差修正方法。

    The effect of the ionosphere and troposphere on satellite navigation signal delay is presented . The relative positioning and delay model correction algorithm for correcting the atmosphere effect are discussed . The method of dual-frequency observation correcting ionosphere delay error is analyzed in detail .

  22. 在对卫星移动通信信道传播特性进行分析的基础上,综合目前提出的各种卫星移动信道传播模型,提出了一种新的LognormalRiceRayleigh模型(简称LR2模型)。

    In this paper , a new Lognormal-Rice-Rayleigh ( LR 2 ) model is proposed on the basis of propagation characteristics of mobile satellite communication channels and some available classical narrowband models such as Loo ′ s model , etc.

  23. 利用卫星数据考察平流层传播性行星波活动特征高能通信和广播卫星

    Characteristics of the Stratospheric Travelling Planetary Waves Revealed by Using Satellite Data

  24. 低轨道卫星移动通信系统传播特性的测试与分析

    The test and study of system propagation characteristic of LEO mobile satellite communication

  25. 应用卫星电视秒信号传播时延值对同步卫星运动周期的子波分析

    Wavelet Analysis of Periodicity of Synchronous Satellite Movement by Using the Delay Value in STV-time Signals

  26. 卫星通信中的传播实验研究

    Laboratory ; The experimental result are given as follows : Propagation Experimentation Research for Satellite Communication

  27. 本文包含有以下的主要内容:·介绍了卫星轨道、卫星星座及卫星信道传播特性的概念,以及卫星移动通信信道传播特性研究中几种常用的概率分布、信道模型。

    The main content in this dissertation includes : · The concept about satellite orbits 、 constellations and the propagating characteristics of satellite mobile channels were introduced .

  28. 本课题的目的就是研制一套低轨卫星信道模拟系统,模拟低轨卫星信道传播特性。

    This project is aimed at implementing the emulator of the LEO satellite system to simulate its propagation characteristics .

  29. 卫星钟控制的伪随机码信号经卫星天线传播延时到达接收机,接收机时钟控制的发生器产生本地码,经位移码电路送至相关器与接收的卫星信号进行运算得到相关输出。

    Pseudo-random code signal controlled by satellite clock was transmitted to receiver time delay via satellite antenna , native code was generated generator controlled by receiver clock , and sent it to correlator through displacement circuit , then native code and received satellite signal was calculated to gain coherent output .