
shí kuànɡ zhuǎn bō
  • live broadcast;live telecast
  1. 有评论说,此次通过CNN的实况转播,全球看到的是一个手足无措的孟买。

    Some critics said that the adoption of CNN 's live broadcast of the world to see is a loss of Mumbai .

  2. 你昨天看了女子篮球赛实况转播没有?

    Did you watch the live broadcast of the women 's basketball match yesterday ?

  3. 典礼经实况转播传到世界各地。

    Live pictures of the ceremony were beamed around the world .

  4. 典礼通过卫星向五十多个国家进行了实况转播。

    The ceremony was transmitted live by satellite to over fifty countries .

  5. 此次太空发射在电视上做了实况转播。

    The space shot was shown live on television .

  6. 开播于1991年的付费电视频道premiere实况转播两大顶级足球联赛的赛事。

    Premiere , a subscription channel which began in 1991 , shows live football covering the top two divisions

  7. 通过关闭演播室和出售实况转播车将节省更多资金。

    More cash will be saved by shutting studios and selling outside-broadcast vehicles

  8. 这场足球比赛是从球场进行实况转播的。

    The football match was relayed live from the field .

  9. 我们看到了那场排球赛的电视实况转播。

    We saw a live TV broadcast of the volleyball match .

  10. 这场足球赛将实况转播。

    The football match will be telecast live .

  11. 到现在,苹果(Apple)iPad2发布会已经被人们通过Twitter以及网络日志实况转播、评论了无数次。

    By now the apple event has been tweeted , live-blogged and commented upon ad nauseum .

  12. CCTV新闻频道带给您自7月22日开始的非洲角马大迁徙之实况转播。

    CCTV NEWS has brought you live coverage of the great wildebeest migration since July 22nd .

  13. 随着Internet技术的迅猛发展,基于Internet的多媒体应用,如视频点播、网上购物、电视会议、远程教育以及实况转播等迅速发展,并不断出现新的服务形态和系统。

    With the rapid development of Internet technology , multimedia applications based on Internet , such as video on demand ( VOD ), network shopping , videoconference , remote education , field pickup and so on have emerged in endlessly .

  14. 介绍了一种基于千兆以太网、WINDOWS2000SERVER平台的校园网络上建立VOD系统,实现视频点播、实况转播、远程教学等方法。

    This paper introduces one method to set up a VOD system based on the platform of Gigabit Ethernet , WINDOWS 2000 SERVER campus network , and to realize video on demand , live , long-range teaching , etc.

  15. 和许多大大小小的公司一样,我们公司也用大投影仪通过ESPN客户端来收看实况转播。

    At my office , like at many other companies large and small , we played the games " live streams from the ESPN app on a big projector .

  16. 法国电视业高管要求欧洲广播联盟(ebu)从北京获得保证,即使出现抗议行为,也要对奥运会进行实况转播,不能中断。

    French TV executives have asked the European Broadcasting Union to extract guarantees from Beijing that transmissions will be live and uninterrupted even if protests take place .

  17. 亚马逊首席执行官杰夫•贝佐斯(JeffBezos)表示,Twitch网站及其5500万用户已经把游戏实况转播及观赏变成一种“全球现象”,这种现象将帮助亚马逊“为游戏社区提供新的服务”。

    Jeff Bezos , Amazon 's chief executive , said that Twitch and its 55m users had made broadcasting and watching gameplay into a " global phenomenon " that would help Amazon " build new services for the gaming community . "

  18. 这不是放录像节目,这是实况转播。

    It wasn 't a recorded show ; it was live .

  19. 从皇家艾伯特大厅实况转播的音乐会。

    A concert relayed live from the Royal Albert hall .

  20. 通讯卫星使国际间实况转播重要事件成为可能。

    Communications satellites have made possible international live transmission of important events .

  21. 有线电视将实况转播开幕式的盛况。

    The Opening Ceremony will be televised on Cable TV .

  22. 中国国家电视台实况转播了这一罕见的公众悼念场景。

    The rare display of public mourning was broadcast live onnational television .

  23. 实况转播被高度关注的谋杀案。

    Live for this kind of high profile murder case .

  24. 星期天的音乐会将出第三电台作实况转播。

    Sunday concert will be relayed live on radio three .

  25. 世界杯决赛从英国向日本酌此实况转播。

    The World Cup final is beamed live from Britain to japan .

  26. 音乐会将在三台实况转播。

    The concert will be broadcast live on radio three .

  27. 审判情况是从审判室实况转播的。

    The trial was broadcast live from the courtroom .

  28. 我国已将通讯卫星用于实况转播。

    Communication satellites have already been used for living transmission in our country .

  29. 不知道这是不是实况转播节目。

    I wonder whether this is a live program .

  30. 这个广播节目是录制的,不是现场实况转播的。

    The broadcast was recorded , not live .