
  • 网络solid wall;solid masonry wall
  1. 实体墙热工性能的数值解

    The Numerical Solution of the Thermel Characteristics of a solid Wall

  2. 厂房上部结构形式可归纳为梁柱方案、实体墙方案和墙柱方案。

    The structural patterns included mainly the beam and column scheme , the solid wall scheme and the wall and column scheme .

  3. 目前,实体墙通常采用砖、混凝土砌块砌筑或用钢筋混凝土浇注而成的。

    Nowadays , solid walling is generally constructed of either bricks , precast concrete blocks or in-situ concrete .

  4. 效率最低的是无通风孔的实体墙式太阳房。本文最后通过一算例进一步阐述了效率曲线在被动式太阳房热工设计中的具体应用。

    The practical use for these curves in passive solar heating design is illustrated by a worked design example .

  5. 有限元计算表明,网格墙在轴力和水平力作用下的正应力分布与实体墙总体上一致;

    The finite element analysis showed that the normal stress distribution of the grillage wall was about the same as that of the solid wall .

  6. 实体墙热工性能,过去多用简化计算和试验房测定法加以评价。

    In the past , the thermal characteristics of a solid wall were often evaluated by a simplified calculation method or by an experimental means .

  7. 经三方案位移与应力分析,专家组认为实体墙方案对抗震有利,工程投资增加亦有限,施工简单,倾向采用此方案。

    By analysis on the displacement and stress , the experts believed the solid wall scheme would be favorable for the vibration resistance and the construction , with a limited increased costs .

  8. 基于更高程度地提高检测精度以及使得现场使用更加方便的目的,进行实体墙的试验,并利用实体墙及试块数据共同建立商品混凝土实体墙的超声回弹现场测强曲线。

    In order to improve the accuracy and make the spot use more convenient ulteriorly , this subject makes experiments on wall entities , makes use of the data of wall entities and blocks to make up ultrasonic-rebound scene strength test curve of commercial concrete entity wall together .

  9. 本文对这种非均匀的高层建筑平面结构在T-300微型机上进行了实例分析,算例包括实体剪力墙、联肢墙、框剪结构。

    Some numerical examples of non-homogeneous plane structures are analyzed on T-300 microcomputers . They include shear wall , coupled shear wall and frame shear wall structures .

  10. 你还弄了实体的墙和地板,我们用条板是有原因的,那样更便宜。

    And you 've got solid walls and floors.We have those slatted for a reason . It 's cheaper .

  11. 天宝:用实体的墙牛就不会被外部的光或者动静干扰到,它们在突发事件面前会畏缩

    Temple : The walls are solid so the cattle won 't be by light or movement outside . They balk at unexpected things .

  12. 本文通过6片不同拉接筋间距的空心砖复合夹心开洞墙及2片空心砖实体开洞墙的低周期反复荷载试验,研究其破坏形态、抗震性能及变形能力。

    The damage form , aseismic behavior and deformation capacity of cavil walls are studied by pseudo - static low cyclic load test whose sample includes six cavity walls and three solid walls .