
  • 网络Data Correction;data correcting
  1. 对航速数据修正的精确程度直接关系到船舶能否顺利交付使用。

    The accuracy of speed data correction directly matters to ship delivery .

  2. 一种大气折射数据修正方法

    A Method of Data Correction of Atmospheric Refractive Index

  3. GDP数据修正前后中国货币缺口的变化&兼论未观测经济对货币供给的影响

    The Change of Money Gap of China for-and-aft Revising GDP Data : also Analyzing the Impact of Unobserved Economy on Money Supply

  4. CBS图像重建中的数据修正

    Data Correction of Compton Backscatter Scanning Image Reconstruction

  5. 通过数据修正及模型统计分析,得到了修正后可靠度Bayes估计较优;

    Through the data modification and models statistical analysis , the Bayes estimate of the reliability after modification is super to ML estimate ;

  6. 在此基础上,结合电力负荷呈连续性和日周期性变化的特性,提出了用于负荷数据修正的零加数GM(1,1)组合预测方法。

    Based on the means , combining with the characteristic of continuity and day periodicity changing of power loads , a zero addend GM ( 1,1 ) combined forecasting approach is developed to correct load data of distribution systems .

  7. 自航因子估算以SSPA大油轮系列自航试验资料为基础,用上海船研所大量肥大船模型自航试验数据修正得出。

    In the calculation of propulsion factors , a corrected formula are used which are based on the SSPA formula for full tankers with a correction by using a great number of SSSRI model test results .

  8. 并基于测试数据修正模型参数实现仿真校准工作。

    And the simulation parameters are calibrated by the test data .

  9. 实验模态数据修正计算模型的拉直算法

    A Straightened Algorithm to Modify Calculating Model Using Model Experiment Data

  10. 用不完全模态测量数据修正有限元分析模型

    Updating finite element analytical models using incomplete modal data measured

  11. 一种利用模态测量数据修正刚度矩阵的新方法

    New updating method for stiffness matrix by using incomplete modal experimental data

  12. 利用稳态数据修正航天器热网络方程及其系数

    Correcting spacecraft thermal network and its coefficients with ultimate thermal vacuum test data

  13. 一种提高消除衰减非周期分量响应速度的交流采样数据修正法

    An approach to raise the response speed on eliminating non-period AC sampling components

  14. 基于数据修正的改进型灰色-RBF网络预测

    Improved Gray-RBF Network Prediction and Based on Revised Data

  15. CINRAD/SC天气雷达系统太阳法标校数据修正研究

    Data correction of solar calibration method for CINRAD / SC weather radar system

  16. 卷积反投影法重建康普顿背散射图像过程中的数据修正

    Data correction in reconstructing the image of CBS in the manner of filtered back-projection

  17. 二氧化硫的紫外光谱测量数据修正方法

    Correction Method of Ultraviolet Spectrum Measurement of SO_2

  18. 这次可能也要做出类似的数据修正。

    Similar revisions are possible this time round .

  19. 最后,简要论述了考虑诸多影响因素的原始数据修正方法。

    The corrections on various factors that influence primary measured data are described in brief .

  20. 使用校准数据修正系统误差。

    Correct system error with calibration data .

  21. 人体运动的测量与数据修正

    Measurement and Data Modification of Human Motion

  22. 配电系统不良数据修正方法的研究

    On bad data correcting for distribution systems

  23. 基于数据修正的实时阴影反走样算法

    Anti-Aliasing Shadow Maps Based on Data Shift

  24. 利用地震层析成像数据修正中国西北地区莫霍界面深度

    Correction to the Moho discontinuity depth of the northwestern China using the data of seismologic tomography

  25. 即使对于中国这样一个庞大而不透明的国家,本次的数据修正幅度也是相当巨大的。

    Even for a country of China 's size and opacity , the scale of the correction is immense .

  26. 然而,随后的数据修正过于草率,以至于许多人质疑这些数据的可信度。

    The subsequent data revision was so sloppy , however , that many now question the credibility of the numbers .

  27. 通过实验和轧制中的实际数据修正了变形抗力的志田茂公式,提出了在武钢生产条件下的变形抗力公式。

    By analysing the experimental and actual rolling data , the equation of deformation resistance proposed by Moshitami was corrected .

  28. 用所测得的试验数据修正了准则方程,并验证了修正方程的准确性。

    The calculation procedure is amended by using the test data and the accurate of the amended procedure is verified .

  29. 重点分析了利用经典的卷积反投影算法重建康普顿背散射扫描图像过程中的数据修正问题。

    The paper primarily analyses the data correction in reconstructing the image of CBS in the manner of classical filtered back-project .

  30. 提出了一种基于不完备复模态测量数据修正阻尼陀螺系统有限元模型的有效数值方法。

    An efficient numerical method for the finite-element model updating of damped gyroscopic system was developed based on incomplete complex modal measured data .