
  • 网络Digital TV;dtv;DVB-T;ISDB-T
  1. 由于数码讯号较模拟讯号强,消费者可透过数码电视收到质素更佳的声音及画面。

    As digital signals are more robust than analogue ones , consumers would be able to get much better sound and picture quality through dtv .

  2. 上周,在苹果计划提供网络电视服务的消息传来前,苹果刚宣布已与HBO达成独家合作伙伴关系,届时将提供这家付费有线电视网新推出的数码电视服务“HBONow”。

    News of Apple 's plans for a web-TV service follows an announcement last week that it had formed an exclusive partnership with HBO to offer the premium cable network 's new digital TV service , called HBO Now .

  3. 根据贸易媒体RodyCasbaa的估计,数码电视将在亚洲成为热门。西蒙?屈斯顿?戴维斯,亚洲有线卫星广播协会CEO数码是这个产品的出发点,而对数码电视的需求将是巨大的。

    According to Media Trade Rody Casbaa , digital television will be the hot industry trend in Asia .

  4. 根据贸易媒体RodyCasbaa的估计,数码电视将在亚洲成为热门。西蒙•屈斯顿•戴维斯,亚洲有线卫星广播协会CEO数码是这个产品的出发点,而对数码电视的需求将是巨大的。

    According to Media Trade Rody Casbaa , digital television will be the hot industry trend in Asia . Digital is where it starts . And digital demand is going to be huge .

  5. 马尔凯塞是一家叫做TrueX的小型初创企业的联合创始人。TrueX是一家广告科技公司,它用一个互动广告,取代了一系列网络、移动设备和数码电视上的标准广告或视频广告。

    Mr. Marchese was the co-founder of a small start-up called TrueX , an advertising technology company that replaced a slate of standard advertisements or video commercials - on the web , mobile and digital TV - with one interactive ad.

  6. 广泛用于数码电视、显示器、多媒体教室以及投影系统当中。

    Widely used in digital televisions , monitors , multimedia classrooms projection systems .

  7. 不一样的,我想要数码电视。

    B : That 's another story . I wanted to have a I digital TV .

  8. 购买了额外的数码电视服务的用户在家就如同坐在赛场的最佳位置上。

    Subscribers of the premium HD TV service would enjoy the best seats in the house .

  9. 克里斯蒂北京市已要求在2008年前实现提供数码电视服务,正好赶上奥运会。

    KRISTIE Where Beijing has d digital terrestrial services ready by 2008 , in time for the Olympics .

  10. 尽管目前高清晰度电视节目尚未开播,但有一小部分香港消费者已经购买了图象清晰的数码电视。

    A few consumers are snapping up the sharp sets in Hong Kong , even though there 's no high definition programming .

  11. 我们在研究,软件,市场和设计方面的能力是世界最好的,我们在移动通讯,数码电视和半导体设计方面也处于领先地位。

    Our skills in research , software , marketing and design are the best in the world . And we are well ahead in areas like mobile communications and digital TV and in areas like semiconductor design .

  12. 面对更愿意为互联网而非传统电视网络订阅服务付费的新一代观众,众多媒体、通讯和科技公司都纷纷在今年开始引入数码电视服务。

    A flood of media , telecom and tech companies are introducing digital TV services this year , trying to appeal to a generation of viewers willing to pay for Internet access but not traditional TV cable subscriptions .

  13. 今天在这一地区大约有800万台数码电视,我们估计,到2010年,市场上将会有1.6亿台数码电视或是享受数码服务的电视。

    Digital is where it starts . And digital demand is going to be huge . There will be ------ today there are about 8 million digital TV sets deployed across the region -------- we see that there will be 160 million digital terrestrial TV sets , or serviced in the market by 2010 .

  14. *为引进数码地面电视服务进行技术测试;

    Technical trials of digital terrestrial television services ;

  15. 去年,政府和广播业界联合进行了数码地面电视的技术测试。

    In the past year , government and the television industry had jointly completed technical trials of dtt .

  16. 数码卫星电视的声音和图像与电影一样清晰,可与激光视盘相媲美,其诱惑力是不可抗拒的

    The lure of digital TV , which promises crystal-clear , cinema-like video and sound comparable in quality to that on compact disks , could prove irresistible

  17. 介绍了CCD数码照相系统电视分辨率和空间分辨率的实验测试方法。

    The experiment testing methods of TV and spatial resoluting power for CCD digital camera are described .

  18. 电视新闻口播数码配图作为电视新闻形式的一个分支,在新闻传播过程中起着重要作用。

    As a branch of modality of television news , digital broadcasting auxiliary-picture makes a important role in the communication .

  19. 但从很多方面来说,今夏的伦敦奥运会对处于数码时代的电视台将是一个里程碑式的冒险。

    But in many ways , this summer 's London Olympics will be a monumental experiment for network television in the digital age .

  20. 图像从和一个数码相机的电视被咬断,如此我们为些微粒状的质量道歉,但是你得到正在发生的东西概念,连同生动的岛设定的视野。

    The images were snapped from the TV with a digital camera so we apologize for the slightly grainy quality but you get the idea of what 's happening , as well as a view of the picturesque island setting .