
  • 网络data accuracy;Data precision
  1. 这种拉取方式的频率要足够高才能保证很高的数据精确度,但高频率可能会导致多余的检查,从而导致较高的网络流量。

    The pulling frequecncy needs to be high to ensure high data accuracy , but high pulling frequency may induce redundant checks leading to high network traffic .

  2. 网络气象服务系统NWS产生的CPU可用性预测数据精确度高、可靠有效,已广泛应用于网格环境中。

    The predictions of CPU availability which are generated by the network weather service system ( NWS ) are accurate , credible and effective to grid users .

  3. 在我的案例中,因为我不能够用cookies或者页面跟踪代码去跟踪用户,所以相对而言,我的数据精确度比我期望的要差,这是因为日志文件分析方法的造成的。

    In my case , I am not able to use cookies or page tags to track visitors , so my data is always going to be less accurate than it could be because of the way the log files are interpreted .

  4. 结果表明:二者测量值之间无统计学差异(P0.10),证明采用本方法获得的数据精确度是可靠的,能满足评价手术效果的需要。

    The results showed that : the two was no significant difference between the measured values ( P 0.10 ), thus proving the accuracy of the data obtained is reliable and can meet the need for evaluation of results of operations . 3 .

  5. 浅谈煤质检验数据精确度的控制

    Control of Precision of Coal 's Quality Test Data

  6. 浅谈控制煤质分析检测数据精确度的重要性

    Preliminary discussion on the importance of precision control of coal 's quality test

  7. 究其原因,一是适合泥石流测年的方法手段很少,二是可用的测年方法机理不清,数据精确度、准确度都不高。

    The reason for that is a few Measures can use for the dating , the mechanisms of dating are unclear , and the data are inaccurate .

  8. 这一点对于在尺寸数据精确度非常严格的地方非常有用,特别是检查、测试、定位和追踪物体的边缘测定的时候。

    This attribute is important for applications where precise dimensional data is critical , particularly in the determination of object edges for inspection , measurement , positioning , and tracking .

  9. :叙述煤质检验工作中检验数据精确度对产品判别的重要性,通过实例提出控制和提高数据精度的途径和方法。

    Importance of precision of test data in the course of product 's test in coal 's quality inspecting was expounded . Through practised examples the way and method of controlling and rising data 's precision were also put forward .

  10. 实验结果表明:多路凝聚IB算法提高了数据分析精确度,其数据分析结果更加易于解释。

    Experiment results show that the Multi-way aIB algorithm can significantly improve the accuracy of data analysis and the results can be interpreted easier .

  11. 倾斜试验数据处理精确度的改进

    On the Improvement of Accuracy in the Calculation of Inclining Experimental Data

  12. 本系统所测量的数据值得精确度,也是在原来理论范围之内的。

    The system measurement accuracy of the data is worth , but also within the scope of the original theory of .

  13. 由此可以得出结论,在数据库设计中不影响决策的前提下,降低存储数据的精确度,可以提高系统处理的效率。

    We can conclude that in the precondition of not effecting the decision-making of the database , the system processing efficiency can be improved by reducing the accuracy of stored data .

  14. 最后,分析得出本文定位模型的定位精度主要取决于地球模型的有效性、斜距和多普勒参数测量的准确性以及卫星星历数据的精确度等。

    Finally , after analysis , the positioning accuracy of the positioning model in this paper is mainly influenced by effectiveness of the earth model , slant range , and the accuracy of both Doppler parameters measurement and satellite ephemeris data .

  15. Radiance软件是建筑采光设计和研究领域的权威模拟软件,国外学者以所在地域的气候数据对其精确度进行了验证,软件能够实现基于地域性光气候进行建筑采光模拟。

    Radiance software architectural lighting design and research the authority of the simulation software , foreign scholars to the entire region , the climate data was verified for its accuracy , software-based architectural lighting for regional climate simulation of light .

  16. 采用最小二乘法由微机进行数据处理,精确度高。

    The data is accurate because it is processed with computer by least square method .

  17. 实验表明,考虑上下文的模型可以较大程度的提高系统性能;决策树参数捆绑策略可以达到训练数据和模型精确度之间的一种动态平衡。

    The results conclude that Context Dependent models could improve the recognizer performance on a quite large extent , and Decision-Tree based parameter tying technique could reach a dynamic balance between speech corpus containing training data and model accuracy .

  18. 通过采用粗糙集理论的有关思想和方法,用相似关系代替粗糙集理论中的不可分辨关系,提出了基于相似关系的填充算法,提高了遗失数据填补的精确度。

    Through making use of relevant idea and method of rough set theory , substituting similar relation for indiscernibility relation in the letter , a complement algorithm , and presents based on similar relation was presented , so that the accuracy of missing-data complementation was improved .

  19. CPU时间记账是性能评测和进程调度的数据来源,其精确度直接影响评测的可靠性和调度的公平性。

    CPU time accounting provides the data source of performance measurement and process scheduling , and its accuracy will impact the reliability of measurement and the fairness of scheduling .

  20. 用UNIFAC法推算有关正、异丁醇精制系统的各类相平衡数据,其计算精确度接近或达到NRTL等方程的关联结果。

    The UNIFAC method has heen used in phase equilibrium calculations for systems of n-and iso-butanol purification process with accuracy approaching or attaining that of results calculated by NRTL and other correlations .

  21. 具有试验次数较少,数据分析简单,精确度高,可靠性好等优点。

    With a smaller number of test , data analysis , high precision , simple good reliability , etc.

  22. 补偿后的结果满足远动自动化系统对数据准确度和精确度的要求。

    The results after compensated met the demands of remote automation system for preciseness and accuracy of data .

  23. 提高了数据存取速度和精确度,并大大简化了芯片结构和数目,节约了成本。

    Improve data access speed and accuracy , and greatly simplifies the structure and number of chips to save costs .

  24. 此方法通信能力强、覆盖区域广泛,数据接收迅速、精确度高。

    This method has powerful capability of communication and wide coverage , and has the ability to receive data quickly and precisely .

  25. 网内数据融合技术可以消除无线传感器网络中的冗余信息,提高数据的精确度,并延长网络的生命周期。

    In wireless sensor network , in-network data aggregation can eliminate redundancy , improve the accuracy of data and thus prolong the lifetime of network .

  26. 该应用系统可以实现回弹检测数据的自动计算与查询,减少检测人员的工作量,提高回弹检测数据处理的精确度,从而有效地提高回弹检测的工作效率。

    The system can realize the automatic calculation of and search for data detected by the rebound method , lowering the workload of inspectors and improving the precision of data processing . As a result , the system effectively enhances the detection efficiency of the rebound method .

  27. 试验表明:本装置可靠性高、操作方便,完全实现了生产数据的采集、处理和记录的自动化,提高了数据收集的连续性和数据的精确度。

    It can be proved by experiment that this equipment is reliable and convenient and it can achieve automatization about collecting , processing and recording of production data , which improves the continuity of data acquisition and precision of data .

  28. 他们所记录的数据被老普林尼记录在了他的一本名为自然历史的书里。他们记录的数据的精确度比起现在来都毫不逊色,他们就像是被雇佣的机械一样。

    Their measurements were later recorded by Pliny the Elder in his Natural History , and they are so accurate compared to modern measurements that a mechanical device was almost certainly employed .