
  • 网络Number Pairs;pair numbers
  1. 旋流数对旋流煤粉燃烧器NOx生成影响的研究

    Study on NO_x Formation in Swirl Pulverized-Coal Burner with Different Swirl Numbers

  2. 本文还分析讨论了体积比α、混和模数M以及Sc数对微观混和过程状况的影响。

    Sc on micromixing process were also discussed .

  3. Fresnel数对光束填充因子的影响

    Fresnel number and fill factor of laser beam in high power laser

  4. 而亲本Ds元件拷贝数对Ds的跳跃频率影响不大。

    It was found that Ds copy number had little influence on Ds transposition frequency .

  5. 通过深入研究其混沌吸引子的形状、关联维数及最大Lyapunov指数,发现这些混沌特征数对电力短期负荷预测具有重要意义。

    Chaotic attractor and its correlation dimension and maximum Lyapunov exponent have important influence on power short-term load forecasting .

  6. 不同标记数对家蚕茧质性状的QTL定位比较

    A Comparison of Location of QTLs Controlling Cocoon Traits of Silkworm With Different Number of Markers

  7. 后掠激波边界层干扰中Mach数对特性区影响的研究

    Mach number effects on upstream influence in swept shock wave / turbulent boundary layer interactions

  8. 自适应DBF中采样快拍数对系统输出SINR影响

    Effect of the number of snapshots on the SINR of adaptive DBF system

  9. 考虑实际微结构表面粗糙度对粘着特性的影响,利用表面力以及表征微尺度粘着弹性接触理论的粘着数对微机械中典型的微悬臂梁结构的剥离数(peelnumber)进行修正。

    Considering the effect of surface roughness on the adhesion of microstructures , the surface force and adhesion parameter characterizing the micro-scale adhesive contact were used to modify the peel number .

  10. 液封层Marangoni数对液桥内热毛细对流的影响

    Effect of Marangoni Number of Liquid on Marangoni Convection in Liquid Bridge

  11. 本文中我们通过仿真的方法确定CFAR中的实际门限系数,研究有限的参考单元数对虚警性能的影响。

    In order to guarantee the false alarm probability of CFAR detector , we determine practical threshold coefficients by using simulations .

  12. 结合烟粒子扩散风洞实验研究了不同Sc数对被动标量扩散的影响。

    The effect of Schmidt number on the turbulent diffusion of passive scalar is studied together with experimental data in wind tunnel with incense as passive scalar .

  13. 利用15N示踪技术,试验研究了N肥不同用量和留叶数对烤烟烟叶N吸收、分布及烟碱含量的影响。

    By using the () ~ ( 15 ) N technique , the effects of nitrogen application and remained leaves on the N uptake and nicotine content of flue-cured tobacco were studied .

  14. 对过渡-镧系(锕系)元素组成的合金,B原子的价电子数对其Laves相结构影响最为明显,且价电子和原子半径对Laves相结构的影响作用互为反向。

    Besides , the effects of both valence charge and atomic radius on Laves phase structures are in opposition to each other in transition-lanthanide ( actinides ) alloys .

  15. 详细讨论了曲率、挠率、Dean数对二次流动、流函数等值线和轴向速度的分布以及壁面摩擦力的影晌。

    The effect of curvature , torsion and Dean number on secondary flow , the isoline of stream function , the distribution of axial speed and wall friction is discussed in detail .

  16. 通过数值计算讨论了正交各向异性系数以及Mach数对场分布和幅度的影响。

    Through numerical calculation it is seen that the distribution of the field and the amplitude of the field 's quantity are greatly influenced by the plastic orthotropy and Mach number .

  17. 文章讨论了采用ARMA模型实现随机激励谱的问题,分析了模型阶数对ARMA谱的影响。

    This paper deals with the realization of the spectrum of random exitations with the aid of ARMA model . The influence of the model order on the ARMA spectrum is studied .

  18. 研究了光场与V型三能级原子依赖强度耦合系统场熵的演化特性,讨论了单光子跃迁失谐量和初始光子数对场熵演化的影响。

    The evolution properties of the entropy of a single_mode light field interacting with the V_type three_level atom via intensity_dependent coupling have been studied . The discussion is centered on the influence of detuning and initial photon number on the field entropy evolution .

  19. 通过pushover分析,研究了板厚、楼层数对预应力板-柱结构在不同地震作用水平下抗震性能的影响以及三种结构的抗震性能对比。

    Through the pushover analysis , we have researched on the effect of the slab-thickness and floor-number on the aseismic performance of the prestressed slab-column structure under different aseismic action levels .

  20. 文章针对单元机组负荷控制的特点,采用最优预见控制(OPC)策略设计了基于多变量预见控制原理的单元机组负荷最优预见控制系统,并讨论了预见步数对控制品质的影响。

    This paper designed a multivariable load Optical Preview Control ( OPC ) system for a thermal power unit , and discussed the effect of preview step number on control performance of the load OPC system .

  21. 采用FLUENT流动计算软件对某空射型导弹发动机的喷管及羽流流场进行了一体化的数值仿真研究,分析了导弹飞行高度和马赫数对喷管羽流流动的影响。

    The numerical simulation of the nozzle and plume flow field of a rocket motor launched from air was performed using FLUENT software . The influence of flying altitude and Ma number on the plume flow was analyzed .

  22. 推导了使用OVSF码的CDMA系统下行链路信号瞬时功率表达式,分析了OVSF码构成的最大游程长度不小于8的组合码个数对信号PAPR的影响。

    The expression of down link signal instantaneous power in CDMA systems was deduced , and the influences of the number of the combined codes with maximum run-length of 8 or longer on PAPR were observed .

  23. 方差分析结果表明,交配类型、胎次、分娩年份×分娩季节互作、总产仔数对NSB、PBA均有极显著(P0.001)影响;

    The results of variance analysis indicated that mating type , parity , farrowing year × farrowing season interaction and total number born had highly significant effects on NSB and PBA in sows ( P 0.001 ) .

  24. 目的探讨控制超排卵(COH)中获卵数对体外受精-胚胎移植(IVF-ET)结局的影响,及超排卵中最佳获卵数。

    Objective : To evaluate the impact of the number of retrieved oocytes in controlled ovarian hyperstimulation ( CHO ) on the outcome of in vitro fertilization embryo transfer ( IVF-ET ) and the optimal number of the retrieved oocytes .

  25. 分析了在均匀密度分层环境中潜艇热尾流中程和远程的浮升特性,并进行了数值模拟,发现Grashof数对热射流的影响十分显著。

    In this paper the floating rule of mid-range and long-range submarines ' thermal jet wake in well-distributed density area and layered density area is analyzed , and numerical value is simulated , we find Grashof is a very obvious effect on thermal jet wake .

  26. Re数对水泵效率换算影响的试验研究

    Experimental Study on the Effects of Reynolds Numbers on Efficiency Transformation

  27. 不同播种粒数对水稻生育及其产量的影响

    Effects of Different Seeding Quantity on Rice Growing and Yield

  28. 同高连续数对的无限性

    Infinity on Pairs of Consecutive Integers of the Same Height

  29. 雷诺数对压气机特性及发动机稳定性影响的计算和分析

    Effects of Reynolds Number on Compressor Performance and Engine Stability

  30. 雷诺数对涡扇发动机性能及稳定性影响

    Reynolds Number Effects on Performance and Aerodynamic Stabilities of the Turbofan Engines