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shuò mài
  • rapid pulse
数脉[shuò mài]
  1. 迟脉、数脉是临床上常见的脉象,其诊法无疑也非常重要。

    Slow pulse and rapid pulse were commonly pulse conditions and their diagnosis was of great importance in clinical practice .

  2. 肝火炽盛特征症状群包括:目赤、咳血、口苦、头痛、心烦、数脉。

    Characteristics of Liver flourishing syndrome include : conjunctival congestion , hemoptysis , pain , headache , upset , a few veins .

  3. 症状频次依次是头晕、头痛、耳鸣耳聋、失眠、心悸等,以红舌、暗舌、淡舌、腻苔、白苔、黄苔及弦、细、滑、数脉为常见。

    The symptom sequence was : dizziness , headache , tinnitus , deafness , insomnia and palpitation . Common tongue was red , dark or pale with a slimy , white or yellow fur , while pulse was stringlike , fine , slippery or rapid .