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  • 网络interior deficiency
  1. 了解文学性文本的空白类型,想象文本空白里的虚灵之美。

    Understand the blank type of literature text , and image some beauty of the vacant space in the blank text .

  2. 这让我难过,不见了她看节目时的那种笑脸,我的心也像没了寄托似的,脑子里空虚虚的。

    It makes me sad , missing her when watching shows that smiling face , my heart did not like the sustenance like , mind empty and vain .

  3. 戏院里座无虚。

    The theater was filled to capacity .

  4. 卡拉抬起头,松散的头发像一篷乱草。满脸泥垢的她看起来像《绿野仙踪》里的芒虚金。

    Her face was lined with dirt that gave her the appearance of one of those munchkins from the Wizard of Oz.

  5. 你没注意到家里的灯在虚闪吗

    You didn 't notice the lights flickering ?

  6. 在孤寂的山坡和溪谷里,她独自虚盈其步缓缓行走的身影和四周的环境融为一体。

    On these lonely hills and dales her quiescent glide was of a piece with the element she moved in .