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shī bìng
  • diseases caused by dampness
湿病[shī bìng]
  1. 目的:观察湿病病变过程中血瘀的轻重程度。

    Objective : To investigate the degree of blood stasis in seasonal febrile disease .

  2. 湿病是湿邪蕴积于人体而产生的一类疾病,时刻重视阳气在体内的通达是仲景论治湿病一大特色。

    Zhongjing 's therapies for damp disease are characterized by the much attention to the smooth circulation of yang-qi in the body .

  3. 近代岭南名家温病学术思想简介与暑湿病经验整理研究

    Brief Introduction of Academic Thoughts of Warm-induced Diseases of Famous Modern Lingnan Physicians and Collection and Studies of Therapeutic Experience of Summerheat-damp Diseases

  4. 路老是中医风湿病(痹证、痹病)学科的创始人之一,发展湿病理论,提出燥痹、产后痹等病名,形成燥痹学说,推动风湿病学科建设。

    Lu Zhi-zheng is one of the founders of the subject , TCM rheumatism ( bi syndrome , bi disease ) . He developed wet disease theory , proposed a " dry bi "," postpartum bi " problems , formed dry bi theory , and promoted rheumatism discipline construction .