
shī miàn
  • Wet surface;dough
  1. 采用工厂自制NNW保鲜剂可抑制鲜湿面中的细菌和霉菌的生长繁殖,延缓鲜湿面的变质。

    Used the factory self developed fresh retain agent NNW growth and reproduction of bacterium and mold in the fresh-wet noodles can be restrained , and the deterioration of which be delayed .

  2. 影响鲜湿面分散性的因素研究

    Studies on the Influential Factors upon Dispersibility of Fresh Wet Noodles

  3. 相关分析表明,两种中国面条(鲜湿面和干挂面)综合评分之间存在极显著正相关,面团流变学特性是反应小麦加工品质的重要指标,其中面团稳定时间和面条品质显著正相关。

    Noodle-making quality significantly correlated with flour quality and dough Theological .

  4. 软包装即食湿面配方优化研究

    Study on the Optimal Formula of Ready-to-eat Pouched Wet Noodle

  5. 湿面和应用,避免眼睛周围。

    Wet face and apply , avoiding eye area .

  6. 鲜湿面工业化技术的研究

    Study on industrial ization-technology of fresh wet noodle

  7. 鲜湿面保鲜的研究与探讨

    Study and discuss on fresh and wet noodle

  8. 湿面保质保藏的研究

    Study on stocking and conserve of wet noodles

  9. 海带湿面制作技术及品质影响因素的研究

    Making Technique of Kelp Wet Noodle and the Influence Factors for Kelp Wet Noodle Quality

  10. 湿面压延机组设计中几个值得注意的问题

    Noticeable Problems in Pressor Unit Designing

  11. LL方便湿面及生产线简介

    Product Line of Instant Wet Noodles

  12. LL方便湿面生产线杀菌隧道主参数的确定

    How to Calculate Main Parameters of Stream Sterilization Equipment in LL Fast Wet Noodle Assemble Line

  13. 湿面品质的影响因素研究

    The Study on Making Technique of Wet Noodle and the Influence Factor of Wet Noodle Quality

  14. 鲜湿面生产新工艺

    New Process of Fresh Noodle

  15. 湿面粘接理论

    Adhesive Theory on Wet Interface

  16. 用螺旋式挤压机生产鲜湿面,对其生产工艺及产品质量进行了探讨。

    Some studies were made on the processing and quality of fresh - noodle produced by screw extrusion machine .

  17. 结果表明,在实验条件下,湿面在室温(18℃)下可以保存10d。

    The results showed that under the experimental condition and room-temperature ( 18 ℃), it can be kept for 10 days .

  18. 生鲜湿面由于水分含量高,极易发生腐败霉变。

    Because wet-fresh noodle is a food with high moisture content , so it will be apt to deteriorate and mildew .

  19. 医生和牙医在检查所有患者时,如需接触粘膜或其他湿面,一定要戴手套。

    Medical and dental professionals should wear gloves when examining all patients if contact with mucous membranes or other wet surfaces may occur .

  20. 湿面属于一种高水分食品(含水量≥60%),它的保藏是生产技术上的关键。

    A key point of wet noodle production is noodle preservation because of the high moisture of wet noodles ( water content ≥ 60 % ) .

  21. 用法:湿面后,取出适量本品在面部打圈按摩,揉出丰富泡沫后用清水洗净即可。

    Application method : massage face circularly with right amount after make face wet , clean face with water after rub it in rich of foam .

  22. 用法:湿面后,挤出少许涂于面部由内向外的方向轻轻打圈按摩,稍后用清水冲洗干净即可。

    Usage : After skin wetting , apply small amount onto face , gently massage skin outwards using spiral movement , then rinse off with clear water .

  23. 该文概述保鲜湿面(LL面)生产发展历史,介绍LL面生产特殊工艺流程及其原辅材料选择。

    Thin paper refers the history and development of instant wet noodles as well as presenting the special production process of long-life noodle together with its selection of raw and supplementary material .

  24. 用法:湿面后,取适量于掌心,于脸部顺纹理轻柔打圈按摩,然后用清水洗净。

    Direction : After skin wetting , dispense proper amount onto palm , extend onto face , gently massage for a while , and then rinse off with clear water.Use1-2 times a week .

  25. 它可改良面条组织的粘结力,减少断头率和湿面回头率,提高正品率,还对挂面的酸度有抑制作用。

    It can eliminate adhesion stress of noodle organization , reduce rate of broken and wetted flour , enhance rate of quality goods ; furthermore , it can restrain the acid of noodle .

  26. 由于鲜面条的水分含量高、极易腐败变质,至今国内尚无有效的常温保鲜方法,一直是生鲜湿面工业化生产的瓶颈。

    Fresh-wet noodles are easy deteriorated due to high content moisture , and there is no effective method for maintain their freshness at normal temperature up to now , which limits industrial fresh-wet noodle production .

  27. 室内外的装饰灰泥,可作立体装饰、光滑的油漆表面或壁画的湿底面。

    Exterior or interior plasterwork used as three-dimensional ornamentation , as a smooth paintable surface , or as a wet ground for fresco painting .

  28. 结果表明,结构性黄土存在一个与广义应力路径无关的湿陷面,结构性黄土的变形与结构强度的破坏有直接的关系。

    The test results demonstrate that the structural loess has a collapse surface which is independent of the generalized stress path , and its deformation characteristic has close relation with the loss of structural strength .

  29. 局地相似性理论在林地及林木湿地下垫面塔层中的应用研究

    Local Similarity in the Tower Layer over the Forest and Wetland - Forest

  30. 结果显示,该白湿皮粒面细致、革身丰满、收缩温度达到78℃。

    The results show that wet-white leathers treated , with the shrinkage temperature to 78 ? ℃, give fine grains and better fullness .