
shī zhònɡ
  • wet weight
  1. 血栓湿重治疗前平均为54.1mg,治疗后为32.3mg,两者前后相差均非常显著(P<0.01)。

    And the average wet weight of thrombus was 54.1 mg before and 32.3 mg after the HBO treatment . There were very significant difference ( P < 0 001 ) of average length and wet weight measurements between those before and after the HBO treatments .

  2. 在术后行坐骨神经功能指数(SFI),电生理学和小腿三头肌肌湿重检测。

    Sciatic function index ( SFI ), electrophysiology and wet weight of muscles triceps surae were detected after surgery .

  3. 基于改进型BP神经网络的湿重软测量

    Wet Weight 's Soft Measuring Based on Improved BP Neural Network

  4. 升温诱导表达后,每升培养液大约可得到菌体湿重3g,其中目的蛋白约占菌体总蛋白量的40%。

    3g cell wet weight per liter of culture broth was obtained .

  5. 应用干-湿重法观察脑水肿规律、HE染色观察血肿周围炎性细胞浸润,免疫组化方法观察NF-κB表达。

    Brain edema law was observed by dry-wet method , inflammatory cells infiltrating round hematoma by HE staining , and NF - κ B expression by immunohistochemistry .

  6. 小鼠颌下腺(每mg组织湿重)NGF含量为(202.09±32.61)ng。

    The NGF level in mouse submaxillary glands was ( 202.09 ± 32.61 ) ng / mg .

  7. 然而两组间比较,在脑湿重、大脑及小脑中蛋白质和DNA含量等指标方面没有显著性差异。

    However comparation between the two groups showed that no significant difference between the indexes of brain wet weight , protein and DNA contents in cerebral and cerebellum .

  8. 结果:B组的小腿三头肌湿重恢复率、运动神经传导速度、再生的有髓神经纤维数量、直径、轴突直径、髓鞘厚度均优于A组。

    Results : At 6 months following operation , nerve regeneration in group B was superior to that of group A in triceps weight , nerve conduct velocity and nerve morphology .

  9. 用快速血糖测定法测定SAH后外周血糖水平,湿重-干重(wet-dryweight)法测定脑含水量的变化。

    The cerebral water content was measured by dry-wet weight method and blood sugar was detected dynamically .

  10. 结果:1.实验组血清泌乳素水平、垂体湿重均显著高于对照组,P0.05。

    The serum prolactin levels , the pituitary wet weights in the experimental group were significantly higher than that in the control group P0.05.2 .

  11. 结果12周高脂饮食成功复制大鼠NAFL/NASH模型。与正常对照组比较,模型组大鼠肝湿重及肝指数明显增高(P<0.01);

    Results the NAFL / NASH rat model was successfully established with high fat diet for twelve weeks .

  12. 4周后,取双侧肾上腺及比目鱼肌(soleus,SOL),称取湿重。

    After 4 weeks , bilateral adrenal glands and soleus muscle were dissected and weighed .

  13. 用降纤酶治疗前后,血栓长度、湿重均有显著性改变(P<0.05)、Q值有极显著性改变(P<0.01)。

    The length , weight of thrombus and the thrombus index Q were remarkably lower in treatment group with defibrase ( P < 0.01 ) .

  14. 定期测定血清TG值、淀粉酶(AMS)值,测定胰腺湿重以及光镜与电镜观察胰腺组织病理损害程度。

    At regular intervals , the values of serum TG , AMS and the wet weight of pancreas were measured .

  15. 在心脏骤停后3h,用碘125标记的白蛋白和湿重与干重的比例来测定脑水肿。

    Brain edema was measured 3 hours after cardiac arrest using I-125 labelled albumin and wet : dry ratio .

  16. 减轻静脉血栓的湿重、干重(p<0.05,p<0.01),延长凝血酶原时间和部分凝血活酶时间(p<0.05,p<0.01);

    Could reduce the wet and dry weight of vein thrombus ( p < 0.05 , p < 0.01 ) and prolong the prothrombin time and partial thromboplastin time ( p < 0.05 , p < 0.01 );

  17. 加入的Bt蛋白、棉籽成分提取液增加,菌丝湿重增加。

    The undried weight of the mycelia increased with the increase of the Bt protein or the extraction of cottonseeds in the media .

  18. 与全湿重有关的2个QTL,定位到J1和C1上。

    Two QTL were identified for total weight on the J1 and C1 linkage maps .

  19. 结果1.大鼠一般表现:与C组相比,F组大鼠体重增加明显(P0.05),肝湿重和肝指数显著升高(P0.01)。

    Compared with group C , weight of the rats ( P0.05 ), the wet liver weight and liver index ( P0.01 ) were significantly higher in group F. 2 .

  20. 术后2周、4周、8周辐照侧腓肠肌和比目鱼肌湿重质量与对照侧比较,差异有统计学意义(P0.05)。

    The qualities of gastrocnemius muscle and soleus muscle were significant difference between the two group at 2 , 4 , and 8 weeks ( P0.05 ) . 4 .

  21. 胫前肌肌湿重分别为(1.67±0.24)g和(1.71±0.25)g,均优于对照侧(P<0.01);

    The wet weight of tibial muscles was ( 1.67 ± 0.24 ) g and ( 1.71 ± 0.25 ) g , superior to that on the control sides ( P < 0.01 );

  22. 利用生物测定法测得兔耳动脉内源性阿片肽(OLS)的含量为377.2±118.0pg/mg组织湿重。

    A mean value of opiate-like substances ( OLS ) in rabbit ear artery measured by bioassay was 377.2 ± 118.0pg/mg of wet tissue .

  23. 肺的湿重/T重比在A,B,C3组依次增大,A和C组差异显著(P<0.05)。

    The wet / dry weight ratio of the lung in all the groups increased successively and there was a significant difference between groups A and C ( P < 0.05 ) .

  24. 雌性悬吊大鼠比目鱼肌的湿重与相对重量4d时没有明显变化,在第5天才显著降低。

    The significant decrease in the relative weight of tail suspended female rats began on the 5th day .

  25. 在LPS注射后0,1,3,9,12小时分别测定动脉血氧分压(PaO2)、肺湿重/干重比值(W/D);

    At 0,1,3,9 and 12h after LPS injection , arterial partial pressure of oxygen ( P_aO_2 ) and lung wet / dry ratio ( W / D ) were recorded ;

  26. 脑缺血24h后,观察神经症状,并测定脑湿重和脑梗死体积。

    Twenty four hours later , the neurological symptoms were observed , brains were weighted , and infarct volumes were measured by computer imaging analysis .

  27. 结果术后2、4周A组的肌湿重维持率、肌细胞横切面积、肌肉蛋白含量均明显高于B组,但细胞凋亡数低于B组,差异均有统计学意义(P<0.05)。

    Results At 2 and 4 weeks after operation , the rate of the muscle wet weight preservation , the cross section area of the myocyte , and the protein amount were significantly greater in Group A than in Group B ;

  28. 结果大鼠肺湿重/干重比、BALF中白蛋白及LDH含量随时间的延长而增加;

    Results The wet / dry weight ratio of rat 's lungs and contents of albumin and LDH in BALF increased with the passage of time .

  29. 体外血栓湿重和干重在MCI和PCI组高于对照组(P<0.05);

    The moist are dry weight of external thrombosis model were found to be raised in MCl and PCI groups as compared with those of control ( P < 0 . 05 ) .

  30. 结果:1、大鼠体重、肝湿重的变化情况:12周F组体重及肝脏湿重明显高于C组(P<0.01);

    Results : 1 . Changes in rat body masses and liver wet weights : The body masses and liver wet weights of group F were significantly higher than those of group C at 12 weeks ( P < 0.01 );