
  • wet purification
  1. 含铜、铅等杂物粗银的湿法提纯方法

    A Wet Purification Method of Crude Silver With Copper and Lead Mixture

  2. 结果表明,湿法提纯前钙基膨润土的蒙脱石含量为91.79%,是一种高品位钙基膨润土,提纯后蒙脱石含量达到95.97%。

    The results showed that bentonite content reached 95.97 % after purification from 91.79 % before wet purification .

  3. 然后,本文以莱西膨润土为原料,用二次湿法提纯了-2μm的钙基蒙脱石(Ca-M),对其进行了钠化改型研究;

    Calcium montmorillonite ( Ca-M ) was prepared by purifying LeXi bentonite with wet method two times . After purification , sodium modification of Ca-M was studied .

  4. 太阳能硅制备过程湿法提纯工艺的实验研究

    Experimental Study of Hydrometallurgical Purification Unit for Preparing Solar-Grade Silicon

  5. 紫外光照射下冶金级硅湿法提纯工艺研究

    Hydrometallurgical Purification of Metallurgical-Grade Silicon under the Ultraviolet Radiation

  6. 研究结果表明,改进的火法&湿法提纯法可将固定碳含量为84.18%的隐晶质石墨提纯至固定碳含量达99.25%的产品。

    Research results show that the improved pyro-hydro purifying method can increase fixed carbon content of the aphanitic graphite from 84.18 % to 99.25 % .

  7. 根据广西宁明膨润土的矿物特性和目前的开发现状,分析了湿法提纯的原理。

    The principle of wet-way purification has been analyzed according to the mineral characteristics and current developing situation of Guangxi Ningming bentonite in this paper .

  8. 本文研究了含有方英石等难去除杂质蒙脱土的提纯,比较了传统湿法提纯与碱提取法提纯效果的差别。

    The montmorillonite containing impurities which is difficult to remove such as cristobalite was purified . The purification effectiveness of traditional centrifugal purification method and alkali extraction purification method were compared .

  9. 介绍了中等规模太阳级硅粉的湿法提纯工艺,就硅粉回收率、硅粒尺寸及酸洗液浓度等重要工艺参数对杂质含量及提纯成本的影响进行了分析。

    Therefore . the recovery rate which greatly affects the cost of purification has been studied . the effects of other important process parameters such as Si particle size and acid concentration have also been analyzed .

  10. 根据水力旋流器的结构特点,应用水力旋流器进行湿法提纯的工艺流程,研究了底流孔径、流量、液固比和分散剂对膨润土含量和回收率的影响,提出了优化的工艺参数。

    Hydrocyclone is used to purify bentonite according to the structure characteristic of hydrocyclone , the effects of apex diameter , flow quantities , liquid-solid ratio and dispersant on the recovery ratio and purity of bentonite have been studied , the optimum parameters of technology are put forward .

  11. 以湖北某地产钙基膨润土矿为试验研究对象,提出了湿法分级提纯工艺流程,获得了w蒙脱石>90%的膨润土精矿。

    Ca-bentonite from a certain mine in Hubei Province is taken as the object of the study . A technical process for purifying bentonite is given and the montmorillonite content can reach 90 % .

  12. 膨润土湿法离心提纯试验及工业应用研究

    Wet-etching Technology for Centrifugally Purifying Bentonite & Industrial Application

  13. 湿法黄金精炼提纯工艺试验研究

    An experimental study on the hydrometallurgy of gold refining