
  1. 东江湖湿地效益评价体系初探

    Study on Value-evaluation on the Wetland Benefit Index of Dongjiang Lake Wetland

  2. 潜在土壤养分效益估算及其空间分异研究,弥补了湿地效益评估的空白;

    Estimation on latent soil nutrient benefit makes up the weakness of wetland benefit assessment .

  3. 土壤在湿地效益中的作用研究

    Study on Wetland Soil Benefit

  4. 盐城自然保护区人工湿地生态效益研究初报

    Research on the Artificial Wetland 's Ecological Profit in Yancheng National Nature Reserve

  5. 将原本为负的生态效益扭亏为盈,湿地生态效益大幅度改善,对土地的可持续利用具有积极作用。

    A significant improvement in ecological benefits of wetlands has a positive effect on the sustainable use of land .

  6. 红树林湿地生态效益能值分析&以南沙地区十九涌红树林湿地为案例

    Energy analysis of ecological benefit in mangrove wetland & Case study of the Nineteenth Chong mangrove wetland in Nansha

  7. 结果表明:湿地生态效益占69.4%,社会效益占13.2%,经济效益占17.4%。

    The results show : wetland ecological benefits take up 69.4 % , social benefits account for 13.2 % , economic benefits are 17.4 % .

  8. 因此加强对湿地土壤效益研究,会弥补湿地效益研究中的薄弱环节,会使湿地效益评价体系更加完善,评价的结果更趋于准确和实用。

    Enhancing the study on wetland soil benefit will make up weakness in the study on wetland benefit and make the wetland benefit assessment system perfect and the result more accurate and practical .

  9. 减少营养物质流失效益为390.41万元,大于前两项效益。湿地抗侵蚀效益评估研究,进一步丰富了湿地效益评价的理论基础,是建设绿色GDP的需要。

    Evaluation of anti-erosion benefit of wetland further enriches the theory of wetland benefit assessment , and it is the need of building Green GDP .

  10. 江西省丘陵区湿地松多效益经营模式最适立地类型的研究

    Study on the optimal site types for the multi-benefit management pattern of Pinus elliottii stands in the hilly region in Jiangxi province

  11. 通过立法来建立洞庭湖湿地的生态效益补偿机制,使湿地保护工作由点到面,从而解决洞庭湖开发与保护的问题。

    In order to solve the problem of exploiting and developing Dong-ting lake , it is necessary to form the ecological compensation system in Dong-ting wetland through legislation .

  12. 应用生态经济系统能值分析理论,定量分析广州市南沙地区十九涌红树林沼泽湿地的生态效益以及系统内的物流和能流。

    The energy and material flux in addition to ecological benefits in the Nineteenth Chong mangrove wetland in Nansha of Panyu district , Guangzhou City were analyzed quantificationally with the energy analysis method of ecological economy system .

  13. 浅议湿地的多种经济效益

    Discussion the Diverse Economy - benefits of Wetland

  14. 上海湿地生态系统的效益分析

    The Benefits Analysis of Shanghai Wetland Ecosystem

  15. 生态效益指标有均化洪水、涵养水源、生物栖息地、气候调节、净化水质、水土保持等;经济效益指标有供水和湿地产品;社会效益指标有休闲旅游和科研文化。

    Ecological benefit indexes have flood homogenization , water conservation , biological habitat , climate regulation , purifying water quality , soil and water conservation , etc. ; Economic indicators have water and wetland products ; Social benefit indexes have leisure tourism and research culture .

  16. 受湿地围垦、市场效益和政策变化等方面的影响,农业生态系统内部各地类的数量结构和空间分布变化较大且过于频繁,特别是养殖塘,其修建与废弃具有较大的随意性。

    The quantity structure and spatial distribution of land use types in agricultural ecosystem , due to the effect of wetland reclamation , market benefit and policy change on them , varied greatly and frequently ; especially the aquaculture pond , its construction and abandon presented considerable casualness .

  17. 湿地宣教是发挥湿地的社会效益,更好地保护湿地的内在需求。

    The paper tries to define the concept of propaganda and education on wetland conservation , in order to generate greater social benefit from wetland and to better conserve wetlands .

  18. 湿地开垦后,导致湿地防洪功能下降,湿地效益减弱。

    But after reclaimation , the function of flood control and wetland benefit will be weakened .

  19. 东江湖湿地是一个具有独特性质的人工水库型湿地,运用层次分析法对东江湖湿地效益及其功能进行评价,得出东江湖湿地效益指标体系,并进行权重分析。

    The Dongjiang Lake wetland is the artificial reservoir wetland with unique nature . By using the level analytic method , we appraise the Dongjiang lake wetland benefit and its function , and obtain Dongjiang Lake wetland benefit target system and weight analysis .

  20. 白云湖湿地是济南市最大的天然淡水湖泊,由于其水源供给不稳定,直接影响着湿地生态和经济效益的发挥。

    Baiyun Lake is a most natural fresh-water lake in Jinan , Because the supply of water was unstable , it effected directly ecological and economical benefits of wetland .

  21. 文中在利用Richards函数对湿地松生长进行拟合和利用动态规划方法在计算机上直接模拟抚育间伐的基础上,初步确定了江西省丘陵区湿地松多效益经营模式林分的采伐技术。

    In this article , the cutting technology of the multi-benefit management pattern of the Pinus elliottii plantation in the hilly region of Jiangxi Province was established at the base of modeling its growth by use of Richards function and simulating its cutting using dynamic programming by computer .

  22. 湿地水文情势与湿地植被相互关系与作用机制研究是湿地科学的重要内容,为了加强对湿地的优化管理,改善湿地功能和效益,提高湿地生产量。

    It is important to study the relevant relationship between the wetland hydrological situation and the wetland vegetation , which has important economical and social effects to the optimal management , and to the improvement of the amount of production of the wetland .