
  • 网络Wetland value;the values of wetlands
  1. 湿地价值及其有关问题探讨

    Discussion on the Values of Wetlands and Related Problems

  2. 洪湖湿地价值评价与生物多样性保护

    The Assessment of Wetland Value and Protection of Biodiversity in Honghu Lake

  3. 湿地价值分析及其基本原则

    Analysis on the Value of Wetlands and General Principles

  4. 干旱对沧州东部滨海湿地价值的影响

    Impact of Drought on the Value of Littoral Wetland Ecological in the East of Cangzhou

  5. 干旱区草型湖泊湿地价值量化评估

    Evaluation of Grass Type Lakes Wetland Value

  6. 近年人们逐渐意识到湿地价值的同时,也发现湿地退化严重。

    In recent years , people are getting to realize the value of wetlands , but also found serious degradation of wetlands .

  7. 其目的是让全球提高湿地价值的意识,以及它们所起到的重要作用。

    It aims to raise awareness of the value of wetlands around the world and the unique and important place they have .

  8. 湿地价值可分为自然资源价值、生态环境价值、特殊保护价值、文化科研教育价值等。

    The wetland value can include natural resource value , ecological environmental value , special protection value , and scientific research and education value .

  9. 湿地经济价值的研究

    A Study on the Theories and Methods of Economic Evaluation of Wetlands

  10. 人工湿地资源价值整体调整系数研究

    Integration Adjustment Co-efficient for Resource Value of Constructed Wetlands

  11. 湿地经济价值分析

    Analysis of Economic Value of Wetland

  12. 计算所得的湿地生态价值总损失量及单位面积价值损失量即为湿地生态的总补偿量和补偿标准。

    The total compensation is calculated by the total loss of wetland ecological value , while the compensatory standard is established by the loss of value in unit area .

  13. 但长期以来,人们对湿地的价值认识不足,人们为促进经济发展,对湿地进行大面积不合理的开发和利用,导致天然湿地日益减少。

    But for a long time , people on the value of wetlands , inadequate understanding , to promote the economic development , the people of wetland area not reasonable exploitation and utilization of natural wetland , decrease .

  14. 维持现存生态系统以及防止自然力侵蚀此项价值在湿地总价值里面比重较大,其1990年、1999年和2008年价值分别为997.56亿元、975.67亿元、712.34亿元。

    The maintain existing ecosystems and to prevent erosion of the value of the forces of nature in which the proportion of the total value of wetlands larger its 1990 value in 1999 and 2008 were 99.756 billion yuan , 97.567 billion yuan , 71.234 billion yuan .

  15. 应用条件价值法(CVM)评估白洋淀湿地非使用价值是维持白洋淀湿地可持续发展的前提,而个人支付意愿又是CVM的核心内容。

    The application of CVM to evaluate non-use value of Baiyangdian wetland is the premise of continuable-development for Baiyangdian wetland .

  16. 人工湿地环境经济价值评价及实例研究

    Assessment of Environmental and Economic Values for Constructed Wetland and a Case Study

  17. 渝西稻田湿地服务功能价值巨大,为每年8842.59万元。

    The service function of West Chongqing paddy wetland is valuable . It reaches to 88845 thousands each year .

  18. 国内外许多学者从经济学角度评价湿地的经济价值,阐述保护湿地的重要性。

    Many scholars estimate the economic values of wetlands from the economic view to describe importance of protecting wetlands .

  19. 该计划的目的在于提高对湿地功能和价值认识,同时保证人们通过一种方式实现湿地的可持续合理利用。

    This paper considers the diversity of wetland centres worldwide and their potential in delivering CEPA for the sustainable wise use of wetlands .

  20. 湿地是全球价值最高的生态系统之一,具有丰富的动植物资源及多种独特功能。

    Wetland is one of the most valuable ecosystems in the world , with a rich variety of animal and plant resources and unique features .

  21. 洞庭湖湿地的遗产价值或存在价值较大,洞庭湖湿地珍稀物种很多,一些种群的密度较大。

    There is very large heritage and existent value of the ecosystem of Dongting Lake wetland . There grows many valuable and rare species , some of which are scattered thickly .

  22. 湿地生物多样性价值评价指标及方法研究

    Study on Valuation Indexes and Methods of Wetland Biodiversity in China

  23. 安徽省湿地生态旅游的价值研究

    Study on the value of eco - tourism of Anhui wetland

  24. 基于遥感的辽河三角洲湿地生态系统服务价值评估

    Value evaluation on ecosystem function of wetland in Liaohe River Delta

  25. 洞庭湖湿地资源间接利用价值评估

    Evaluation of the Indirect Use Values of the Wetland Resources in Dongting Lake

  26. 苏州太湖国家旅游度假区人工湿地生态服务功能价值评估研究

    Evaluation of Artificial Wetland Eco-system Service in Suzhou Taihu Lake National Tourism Resort

  27. 自然湿地辟为稻田价值评估

    The Value Evalution of Natural Wetland Developed into Paddyfield

  28. 鄱阳湖湿地生态环境损失价值初步核算

    Preliminarily Accounting the Value of Zoological Environmental Losses of the Wetland of Poyang Lake

  29. 厦门滨海自然湿地生态系统服务价值的变化研究

    Study on the Change of Service Value of Natural Coastal Wetlands in Xiamen City

  30. 人工湿地生态系统服务价值评价研究

    Valuation of Ecosystem Service for Constructed Wetland