
chuán rǎn ɡuò chénɡ
  • Infectious process;infection process
  1. H7N9病毒在禽类中的温和表现同时意味着其传播过程的隐蔽性,相较于高度致病性流感,比如横扫野外和家养禽类,传染过程明显可见的H5N1,H7N9被探测到的难度更大。

    Its mildness in birds could also mean H7N9 is a ' silent spreader ' - harder to detect than highly pathogenic flu strains such as H5N1 that can wipe out entire flocks of wild birds or domestic poultry and are therefore far more visible .

  2. 提出了一个完整的软件故障检测过程:执行过程、传染过程、传播过程。

    It presents a whole process of software fault detection , which comprises executing process , infecting process and propagating process .

  3. 通常生活于消化道或暖血动物粘液表面的细菌科;有时与急性传染过程有关。

    Family of bacteria living usually in the alimentary canal or on mucous surfaces of warm-blooded animals ; sometimes associated with acute infective processes .

  4. 从第三代货币危机模型开始,相关理论研究逐渐跳出汇率机制、货币政策等宏观经济分析范围,着眼于微观机构在危机的发生和传染过程中的作用。

    From the beginning of the third generation , theoretical research has go beyond the macroeconomic scope such as exchange rate or monetary policy , looking at the role of micro-institution in the occurrence and contagion of financial crisis .

  5. 主要介绍Win32PE文件病毒的机理、关键技术及其传染的过程,以期对其的破解和控制有助。

    This paper introduces the mechanism , key techniques and the infection process of the virus of Win32 PE file format .

  6. 就患病治愈后有很长免疫期的一般传染病传播过程进行研究,建立了该类疾病传播过程的动态微分方程模型。

    We discuss the propagating process of epidemic diseases which makes people acquire strong immune abilities to them after recovering .

  7. 本文的传播过程包含了两种传播过程,传染病传播过程和手机短信息传播过程。

    There are two spreading processes included in the thesis , the spreading process of epidemic and the spreading process of short message .

  8. 结果:发现部分维生素和微量元素在病毒性传染病防治过程中有一定的积极作用。

    Results : It was discovered that part of the vitamin and minute quantity element had some nice effect in the prevention and treatment of viral epidemic .

  9. 所以我们提出这个模型来研究泊松分布和胖尾分布这两种人类行为模式传染病传播过程的影响。

    Consequently , we propose this model to research the influence of Poisson distribution activity pattern and heavy-tailed distribution activity pattern in terms of the spreading of infectious diseases .

  10. 这位19岁的女孩在吃完鸭肉后死亡。专家表示,这一病例反映出水禽在病毒传染给人类过程中的角色和危险。

    The19-year-old died of the H5N1 virus after gutting ducks , which experts say highlights the role and risks of waterfowl in the transmission of the virus to humans .

  11. 方法收集三起有关疫情资料,分析流动人口在传染病流行过程中的作用及分布特征,从法治及行政管理角度提出了四项对策。

    Approach Collecting the relative information about the three outbreaks of epidemic disease in Xiaoshan , analyzing the function amd distribution characteristics of immigrating population during the epidemics , and then proposing four respective strategies in the view of law and social management .

  12. 不同的传染病在传染过程中有各自不同的特点。

    The different Infectious diseases have the different features of their own .

  13. 在传染风险的估计上,本文使用了最大熵矩阵法,该方法可以完整且清晰地刻画传染路径和过程,使传染效应更具直观性。

    When estimating the contagion risk , we use the Maximum Entropy method , which can depict the transmission path and process clearly and make the contagion effect more intuitive .