
zhuàn jì piān
  • biopic;biographical film
  1. 以男性为主角的战争片和传记片也属于男性催泪影片。

    War movies and biographical films of a male character tend to also be guy-cry films .

  2. 库彻将在这部名为《jOBS》的传记片中饰演苹果联合创始人乔布斯。

    Kutcher will play the Apple co-founder in the new biopic JOBS .

  3. 由艾什顿·库彻(AshtonKutcher)主演的乔布斯传记片首张剧照已经发布。

    The first official picture of Ashton Kutcher as Steve Jobs has appeared online .

  4. 我建议佩奇看看《史蒂夫·乔布斯》(SteveJobs),导演丹尼·博伊尔(DannyBoyle)为已故苹果掌门人新拍的传记片,由迈克尔·法斯宾德(MichaelFassbender)扮演乔布斯。

    I 'd urge Mr. Page to watch " Steve Jobs , " the director Danny Boyle 's new biopic about the late Apple impresario .

  5. 环球影业的《走出康普顿》(StraightOuttaCompton)是关于说唱组合“N.W.A.”的影片,获得1.612亿美元票房,创下了音乐传记片的票房纪录。

    Universal 's " Straight Outta Compton , " about the rap group N.W.A. , took in $ 161.2 million , setting sales records for a musical biopic .

  6. 德国也提交了一部传记片——《姐妹情深》(BelovedSisters),它讲述的是18世纪诗人、哲学家弗里德里希·席勒(FriedrichSchiller)与卡洛琳和夏洛特·冯·伦格费尔德(CarolineandCharlottevonLengefeld)姐妹的爱情纠葛。

    Germany has also submitted a biopic of sorts , " Beloved Sisters , " about an 18th-century love triangle involving the poet and philosopher Friedrich Schiller and the sisters Caroline and Charlotte von Lengefeld .

  7. biopic:传记片嗯,这应该是传记。

    Dan : Yeah , I think it 's a biopic .

  8. 电影留在晚生代亦史亦诗史诗兼融&试论影视传记片的美学特征

    Aesthetic Features of Biographic Films and TVs

  9. 没演过足够的传记片。

    She hasn 't done enough biopics .

  10. 詹姆斯·布朗的传记片《激乐人心》以1400万美元的票房排名第三。

    In third place , the James Brown bio-pic , Get On Up with 14 million .

  11. 九歌九部摇滚传记片

    Nine Rock of Biographical Films

  12. 让历史伟人在观众中鲜活起来&论陈晋在领袖电视传记片创作上的探索创新

    Reappearing the Historical Great Men on the Screen & Exploration and Innovation of Chen Jin 's Documentaries of Leaders

  13. 《斗士》是一部2010年上映的运动类传记片,由大卫·O·拉塞尔执导,马克·华伯格和克里斯蒂安·贝尔主演。

    The Fighter is a2010 biographical sports film directed by David O.Russell , and starring Mark Wahlberg and Christian Bale .

  14. 一部关于苹果联合创始人的新人物传记片寻求的便是这个问题的答案。由塞斯·罗根饰演的斯蒂夫·沃兹尼亚克提出了这一问题。

    A new biopic about the Apple co-founder seeks to answer that question posed by Steve Wozniak ( Seth Rogen ) .

  15. 我喜欢看电视剧,传记片,娱乐节目,比如格拉汉姆.诺顿,戴维脱口秀。

    I love TV dramas , biopics , TV series and entertainment shows like Graham Norton or The David Letterman Show .

  16. 正在筹拍的英国体育传记片《雄鹰爱迪》,讲述的是1988年冬奥会上那位自学成才的跳台滑雪选手的故事。

    There are plans for a British biopic of Eddie the Eagle , the self-taught ski jumper who entered the1988 Olympics .

  17. 为了拍制这部短片,陈凯歌暂时将《梅兰芳》搁置一旁,这是一部有关京剧大师梅兰芳传记片。

    Chen halted post-production work on " Mei Lanfang ," a biopic of the late Peking opera master , to shoot the film .

  18. 众所周知,对人物传记片的评价离不开作者自身的艺术风格与主体意识。

    As we well known , the judge of film biography does not leave the auctorial art style and consciousness of main body himself .

  19. 还出现过以著名作曲家或表演艺术家为题材的音乐传记片,如肖邦,李斯特和中国的聂耳等。

    There have been biographical films on the life of famous composers or performers such as F.Chopin , Liszt , and Nieer in China .

  20. 从本质上来说,它是一部传记片,但遗憾的是,它并未超越这类影片为人熟悉、可预测的节奏。

    It 's a biopic , essentially , and the disappointment of it is that it never quite transcends the familiar , predictable rhythms of that genre .

  21. 传记片这一特殊类型电影在整个电影艺术发展的事业中,有着悠久的历史传统、深厚的美学特质和顽强的生命力。

    Film biography , a special film of genre with a long historic tradition , profound aesthetic particularity and stong vitality during the whole development of cinematics .

  22. 第二、三章在充分了解奥斯卡传记片创作历史与现状的基础上,着重从叙事和审美的角度对奥斯卡最佳传记片进行细致的分析和研究。

    The second and third parts make particular analysis on their narration and aesthetical characteristics respectively , based on an adequate understanding of the past and present of biographical films .

  23. 她出演的最新传记片《克莱特》凯拉扮演了一位著名的法国女作家,在发现丈夫以自己名字发表她的作品时发起了反抗。

    In her latest biographical drama , Colette , Keira plays the famed French author as she battles against her husband who 's passing off her work as his own .

  24. 导演彼得·考斯明斯金正准备为人物传记片《后备之王》招兵买马,电影将围绕着哈里王子丧母和在阿富汗服役的经历展开。

    Director Peter Kosminsky is set to begin casting for biopic The Spare , which will depict the royal 's experience losing his mother Princess Diana and serving for the Army in Afghanistan .

  25. 2002年,王家卫首次宣布将拍摄这部电影,当时该片被称为咏春拳一代宗师叶问的传记片。

    When Wong first announced his intention of creating the movie in 2002 , it was described as a biopic of Ip Man , a real-life master of the Wing Chun school of martial arts .

  26. 《塔拉迪加之夜》将我们在《王牌播音员》中所看到的那种毫无章法、半即兴式的喜剧发挥得更加出色,而对于好莱坞传记片的那种惟妙惟肖的模仿则更是锦上添花。

    Talladega Nights is a more refined version of the kind of anarchic , semi-improvised comedy that we saw in Anchorman , with the added bonus of being a dead-on pastiche of the Hollywood biopic genre .

  27. 这部耗资巨大的传记片讲述了女王伊丽莎白二世的一生,从她与菲利普亲王的婚姻一直到她现在的统治。目前,第三季正在拍摄。

    The costly biographical retelling of Queen Elizabeth II 's life - from her marriage to Prince Philip right through to her present-day reign - will continue with a third season that is currently being filmed .

  28. 在过去的几天里,她在与一位作家互通电子邮件,那人想要和她一起待上一两个星期,为一部好莱坞传记片的剧本采集素材。

    In the last few days , she had been exchanging emails with a writer who wanted to come stay with her for a couple of weeks , taking notes for a screenplay for a Hollywood biopic .

  29. 妮弗·洛佩兹在一次全国性的女演员选拔中脱颖而出,平生头一遭被推到了聚光灯下。那是为导演格雷戈里·纳瓦的电影《塞莱娜》挑选演员,这是部关于一位被害的泰迦诺歌唱家的传记片。

    Jennifer Lopez was first thrust into the spotlight when she won out in a nationwide search for an actress to play the lead role in Selena , director Gregory Nava 's biopic about the slain Tejano singer .

  30. 特伦斯·戴维斯的这部非传统传记片轻松愉快,以诗意的凝练和音乐般的优雅回顾了迪金森的一生,展示了她的性格特质以及19世纪新英格兰严肃、知性的环境,那个环境既孕育也限制了她的天赋。

    Terence Davies 's blithely unconventional biopic glides through Dickinson 's life with poetic compression and musical grace , illuminating both her temperament and the austere , intellectually intense 19th-century New England environment that nurtured and constrained her gifts .