
  • 网络Own film;My Own Movie
  1. 中国最大的视频网站优酷土豆(YoukuTudou)周四宣布将设立自己的电影工作室,以便从中国电影市场分得更大份额。

    Youku Tudou , China 's largest video hosting website , announced the creation of its own film studio Thursday in a move to capture a larger slice of the film industry .

  2. 斯嘉丽·约翰逊的黑寡妇终于有了自己的电影,混乱的自杀小队里唯一上得了台面的玛格特·罗比的小丑女即将在《猛禽小队》中归来。

    Scarlett Johansson 's Black Widow is finally getting her own film , and Margot Robbie 's Harley Quinn , the only decent thing about the shambolic Suicide Squad , returns with Birds of Prey .

  3. 他总是在自己的电影中运用细腻刻画和淡化手法。

    He always goes for subtlety and understatement in his movies .

  4. 她20年来一直力图完全主宰自己的电影事业。

    For two decades she has sought complete control over her film career

  5. 我最喜欢的“彩蛋”类型是他们把其它影视系列中的角色以不显眼的方式放到自己的电影里面,以示致敬。

    My favourite Easter eggs are when they discreetly1 include characters from other franchises2 as a nod to another film .

  6. 这笔钱由香港制片公司银都机构有限公司与侯孝贤自己的电影工作室3HProductions分摊。

    Costs were split between Sil-Metropole Organization , a Hong Kong production company , and Mr. Hou 's film studio , 3H Productions .

  7. 当他在1931年与查理·卓别林(CharlieChaplin)见面时,据说卓别林对他说,公众为他们两人喝彩,是因为每个人都理解自己的电影,但没有一个人理解爱因斯坦的理论。

    When he met Charlie Chaplin in 1931 , Chaplin is said to have told Einstein that the crowds cheered them both because everyone understood him and no one understood Einstein .

  8. 所有13部电影都可以在Dish网站上观看,如果观影者还想扩大自己的电影马拉松范围,他们可以用赠送的礼品卡在影院看《小丑回魂2》或《睡梦医生》。

    All 13 movies are available to watch on Dish , and if the viewer wants to extend their movie marathon , they can use a complimentary gift card to see IT Chapter 2 or Doctor Sleep in theaters .

  9. 20世纪40年代末,山口淑子以“RiKoran”,即“李香兰”的日文拼法在香港与日本重新开始自己的电影事业。

    As " Ri Koran , " a Japanization of Li Xianglan , Ms. Yamaguchi began re-establishing her film career in Hong Kong and Japan in the late 1940s .

  10. Buzzfeed的电影评论家艾莉森威尔莫(AlisonWillmore)称女星艾米莉布朗特在戛纳电影节宣传她自己的电影《边境杀手》之际,于一场记者招待会上被问到女星被拒的问题。

    Buzzfeed 's film critic Alison Willmore said actress Emily Blunt had been asked about the story at a press conference while promoting her own film , Sicario , at Cannes .

  11. 我试着用在了自己的电影里。

    Which I try to use in my own films .

  12. 他们自己的电影去纽约参展

    Of their movies to new york for the critics to see ,

  13. 世界各国都有自己的电影审查和分级制度。

    Each country has its own system of movie gradation and examination .

  14. 许多导演喜欢在自己的电影中使用同一类型的演员。

    Many directors use the same types of actors in all their movies .

  15. 马度说你开始拍自己的电影了。

    Mado said you started to shoot your movie .

  16. 他组建了自己的电影公司并自己写剧本拍片子。

    He had formed his own film-making company and was writing and producing his own films .

  17. 王家卫差点错过今年在戛纳电影节放映自己的电影。

    Wong Kar Wai almost missed his own movie screening at the Cannes Film Festival this year .

  18. 主持人:那么你看过几遍自己的电影呢?

    Host : so , how often , how many time did you see your own film ?

  19. 随着其他国家自己的电影产业的发展,好莱坞在这些地方的所占的市场份额有所滑落。

    Hollywood has lost market share in some places as other countries develop their own film industries .

  20. 他现在被判终身监禁,但表示看到自己的电影形象很激动。

    He is now serving a life sentence but admits to finding his film portrayal pretty exciting .

  21. 另外,学生在展示自己的电影的同时,发挥了学习的主动性,也让口语表达得到了更全面的训练。

    On the other hand , Speaking is adequately trained by carrying out tasks of my movie show .

  22. 中国自己的电影制片人也同样被紧紧束缚,图书出版商亦然。

    China 's own film producers are likewise kept on a short leash , as are book publishers .

  23. 没多久,史瑞克就有了自己的电影,而且拥有经典钜作的所有要素。

    Before long , Shrek had his movie , and it has all the ingredients of a classic .

  24. 尽管她忙于出专辑、开演唱会,但她从来没有放弃过自己的电影事业。

    Although she is busy in her albums and concerts , Hilary hasn 't discarded her film career .

  25. 为了感谢彼得的救命之恩,这个电影明星便替他在自己的电影里安排了一个角色。

    To thank him for saving his life , the movie star cast him a part in his movie .

  26. 他知道自己的电影是什么样,他会帮助每个人在片中找到自己的方式。

    He knows what his movie is , and he 's going to help everyone find their own way there .

  27. 而中国似乎也满足于这种模式&尤其是因为这种模式有助于中国发展自己的电影业。

    China appears to be content with this status quo & particularly because it may help them grow their own industry .

  28. 晚饭后,他们出去散步,或他们去他们享受自己的电影。

    After supper they go out for a walk , or they go to the cinema . And they enjoy themselves .

  29. 但是施瓦辛格曾经表示,从去年11月当选为加州州长起,他将暂缓自己的电影事业。

    But Schwarzenegger said he would put his film career on hold when he was elected governor of California in november .

  30. 就像我们自己的电影《傀儡人生》一样,我们给孩子传递了一个信号:

    like our very own version of the movie " Being John Malkovich , " we send our children the message :