
zì rán lǜ
  • natural law;laws of nature
  1. 正如推翻重力律和自然律非常不易。

    It is difficult to overthrow the law of gravitation and the laws of nature .

  2. 整个现代的世界观都建立在一种幻觉的基础上,即认为所谓的自然律是自然现象的解释。

    The whole modern conception of the world is founded on the illusion that the so-called laws of nature are the explanations of natural phenomena .

  3. 我们把自然律的缺陷揭穿了,把自然律的运用给人类的窘迫看明白了。

    We uncover the defects of natural laws , and see the quandary that man is in by their operation .

  4. 神迹不是破坏自然律,而是属灵定律的启示。

    Miracles are not breaches of natural but revelations of spiritual law .

  5. 一种不用计算的律制&浑然天成的自然律制

    Natural Temperament System with No Need of Calculation

  6. 自然律一概念在西方向为道德哲学和法律理论的基础。

    The concept of natural law has long been regarded as the foundation of moral and legal principles in Western philosophical thought .

  7. 不少学者认为,中国传统文化中缺乏平等、自由等思想资源,亦未形成西方的自然律等思想。

    Lots of people think Chinese traditional culture lack of these thinking resources and not yet form the law of nature in western thoughts .

  8. 在实际的科学研究中,必然性是自然律的理想和极限,它总是未完成的,它引导着科学探索的方向。

    In actual scientific researches , necessity , as the ideal and ultimate , is always unfinished , and it guides the direction of scientific explorations .

  9. 他认为,只有超越理性的信仰和超越自然律约束的积极自由,才能为道德提供内在理由,从而使其成为可能。

    He only think faith of surmount the reasonableness and freedom of surmount the natural law stipulation can provide the inside reason to make morality possible .

  10. 汤查理,另一诺贝尔物理学奖得主,有份发明激光的。他说:物理学的发现似乎反映自然律中有智慧。

    Charles towns , a Nobel winning physicist and co-inventor of the laser , has said the discoveries of physics seem to reflect intelligence at work in natural law .

  11. 但在耶稣基督里,另有一条关于精神生活和肉体生活的定律,可使我们超升,藉此抵制或克服那另一条使我们沉沦的自然律。

    But there is another law of spiritual life and of physical life in Christ Jesus to which we can rise , and through which we can counterpoise and overcome the other law that bears us down .

  12. 进化论在中国的发展经历了一个从自然律扩张到历史律直至世界观的过程,这种扩张有其历史的合理性及其内在的逻辑。

    The development of evolutionism in China went through two stages of expansion , one from the sphere of nature to history , the other from history to world outlook , each of which has its historical inevitability and inner logic .

  13. 所谓规律知识指的是对于以往固真,可是,只要相应于它的经验不从此打住,对于将来也真的知识,规律知识主要是指自然律。

    And the regular knowledge is the knowledge which is always true for the past , but will be true for the future as long as tie relevant experiences wont stop working in the future . It mainly concerns about natural rules .

  14. 天然气采掘成本指数自然递增律及其运用

    Natural increasing law and its application for natural gas producing cost exponent

  15. 亨利在竞选级长中被远远抛在后面。与我们所相信的截然不同,作用于每一个物种的自然选择(律)不喜爱长远利益。

    Henry is nowhere when it comes to the race for class president . Much as we might like to believe otherwise , natural selection , working within each species , does not favour long-term stewardship .

  16. 自然对技术的作用后果主要表现在三个方面:自然之然规定技术反然性质,自然之律设定技术活动边界,时间之矢决定技术荷载风险。

    The outcomes which nature operates on technology embody in three aspects : the natural state of nature regulates the anti-natural character of technology , the laws of nature set the boundary of technological activities , and the arrow of time decides the concomitant adventures of technology .