
  • 网络idumaea
  1. 大希律是以土买人,不是犹太人。

    Herod the Great was an Idumean , not a Jew .

  2. 还有许多人听见他所做的大事,就从犹太、耶路撒冷、以土买、约旦河外,并推罗、西顿的四方来到他那里。

    8When they heard all he was doing , many people came to him from Judea , Jerusalem , Idumea , and the regions across the Jordan and around Tyre and Sidon .

  3. 此后,许多以东人居住南犹大的地方,为以后所知的以土买人。

    Afterwards , many Edomites inhabited the area of Southern Judah , and came to be known as Idumeans .