
yǐ nónɡ lì ɡuó
  • 熟语base a nation's economy on agriculture
  1. 中国是以农立国的大国。

    China is a great country setting up on the basis of agriculture .

  2. 我国以农立国,已有五千多年的历史。

    China has a agricultural history of 5000 years .

  3. 中国自古以农立国,农业生产高度发达。

    China has always been founded on agriculture , agricultural production is highly developed .

  4. 中国自古以农立国,有着悠久的农业生产历史。

    Since the dawn of history , China has long been taking agricultural production as her foundation .

  5. 在以农立国的传统中国,农业发展问题从根本上来说就是如何实现近代化或现代化的问题。

    So , agricultural development problem basically is a problem how to realize modernization in agricultural China .

  6. 在中国传统社会中,以农立国的生活方式,决定了女性的从属地位。

    In the traditional society of China , the life style based on agriculture caused women 's subordinate status .

  7. 古代中国以农立国,对其经济进行考量必然绕不开对其农业的考查。

    Ancient China is an agricultural country , its economy considerations must not open its agriculture around the test .

  8. 以农立国派主张复兴农村,振兴农业以引发工业。

    The faction supporting to build country by agriculture proposed rural revival and stimulated industry by the revitalization of the agricultural industry .

  9. 但是不能因此认定宋代已是一个重商社会而非以农立国的社会。

    But can 't assert a merchant society already in Song dynasty has been but not with the agricultural society that founded a state .

  10. 20世纪20年代后实业救国思潮逐渐消退,转化为以农立国与以工立国的经济发展道路大争论。

    After 20s , Industry Salvation Thought gradually transformed into the controversy about the development of our national economic development path should depend on agriculture or rely on industries .

  11. 一个以农立国的发展中国家,农业强则国家强,农村兴则国家兴,农民富则国家富。

    For an agriculture-based developing country , the strong country will result from strong agriculture , and prosperous country results from rural prosper , further more rich country results from farmer rich .

  12. 以农立国与以工立国之争&20世纪40年代关于中国发展道路论争的再认识

    The Dispute on " Taking Agriculture as Country 's Base " and " Taking Industry as Country 's Base " & A Reexamination to the Dispute on the Chinese Path in the 1940s

  13. 中国以农立国,农村教育面广量大,农村教师是我国基础教育改革和发展的最大问题和最大的希望。

    Because of China being an agricultural country and a wide range of rural education , the rural teachers are the biggest problems and greatest hopes in the reform and development about china ' basic education .

  14. 最后揭示作者描写苦难的意义,提醒大家,中华民族以农立国,中国要走上现代化之路,迫切要解决的是农民的问题。

    Finally , the thesis displays the significance of the writer 's description about hardship , reminding everyone of us , as a nation supported by agriculture , China needs badly to solve the problems of the peasantry on its way to the modernization .

  15. 认为中国古代以农立国,农业是先民的主要生产部门,故历史农业地理研究应该是所有历史地理研究中最为主要的领域,困难与挑战并存,该领域的研究还将大有用武之地。

    The historical agricultural geography was supposed to the most important part of China 's historical geography because agriculture was the main field in ancient China . There is a hopeful future of China 's historical agricultural geography though it has both difficult and challenge .

  16. 中国作为一个以农立国的国家,以民为本的施政思想贯穿中国历史的始终,在这种思想的指导下,中国古代历代统治者非常重视农事,以安抚民心维持统治。

    China as a country based on agriculture . " people-oriented " policy thinking has always been throughout the history of China , under the guidance of the thought , successive rulers in ancient China attaches great importance to farming and pacify the people , maintain the rule .