
  1. 第二部分:乡村教育运动产生的背景。

    Chapter two : The background of the Country Education Movement .

  2. 乡村教育运动与远程教育服务三农

    Rural Education Movement and Distance Education ′ s Service for the " Three Rural Issues "

  3. 第三部分:乡村教育运动推崇的民间文化教育理念。

    Chapter three : The education belief suggesting the folk culture by the Country Education Movement .

  4. 乡村教育运动中的民俗学问题

    Folklore in the Country Education Movement

  5. 论乡村教育运动的发展及其对我国新农村教育改革的启示

    On the Development of the " Village Education Campaign " and Its Enlightenment to China 's New Rural Education Reformation

  6. 中国农村教育改革的先声&对20世纪20年代至30年代乡村教育运动的再认识

    The Forerunners of Rural Education Reform in China & Comments on the Rural Education Movement in the 1920 's-1930 's

  7. 乡村教育运动是教育救亡思想和教育体制的革新两种因素共同作用的结果。

    The movement is formed by the idea Saving the Nation with Education together with the innovation of the education system .

  8. 乡村教育运动具有实施主体民间性、教育对象全民化和教育内容适用性的特点。

    " Rural Education Movement " is characterized by the fok educating subject , the whole-people educating object and the appropriate educating content .

  9. 20世纪二三十年代开展的乡村教育运动,不仅在教育理念上,而且在教育实践中体现出农村主体性教育的价值观。

    Rural education campaign , developed in the 1920s and 1930s , manifested itself the rural subjective educational outlook of value not only in rural educational concepts but also in the educational practice .

  10. 南京国民政府乡村师范教育运动述论(1927年-1937年)

    The Rural Normal Education Movement of the Nanjing National Government ( 1927-1937 );

  11. 论20世纪上半叶“乡村教育”运动的基本特点

    The Basic Features of " Countryside Education " in the first half of the 20 ~ ( th ) Century

  12. 20世纪上半叶的“乡村教育”运动,不仅是中国现代教育史上活跃一时的一种重要的教育思潮,也是中国现代史上一次重要的社会改革运动。

    The " countryside education " movement in the first half of the 20th century was not only an important education wave but also an important social reform .

  13. 高等农业院校在近代乡村教育与建设运动中的作用研究

    On the Functioning of Higher Agricultural Colleges and Universities in the Modern Rural Education and Construction Campaign

  14. 乡村学校是改造乡村生活的中心,并且是唯一可能的中心,并号召全国同胞一起加入乡村教育改革运动。

    Rural schools are the center of transforming village life which is the only possible center , and summon that the fellow citizens join the rural education reform movement together .