
kuò dà jiā tínɡ
  • extended family
  • extend a family
  1. 扩大家庭是最基本的社会单位,由最老的男性成员管理。

    The extended family is the basic social unit , headed by its eldest male member .

  2. 因此,主张用代际互动疗法来解构病态的三角关系,增加与扩大家庭中的互动,从而增强个体的自我分化程度,以减轻焦虑。

    So he advised to use generational interaction therapy , and enhance interaction between individuals and extended family , in order to enhance differentiation of self and relieve anxiety .

  3. 关于扩大家庭教育投资的金融思考

    The Financial View on Increasing Family Investment on Education

  4. 扩大家庭体育的组织形式;

    7th , expanded family sports organization form ;

  5. 富裕的,没有孩子的伊壁鸠鲁发现,到他的穷邻居那里去,是扩大家庭的好办法。

    The rich , childless Epicurean finds it very good to go to his poor neighbor to augment his family .

  6. 第四,典型引路,抓点带面。要以试点家庭为基础,发挥试点家庭的示范作用,逐步扩大家庭建档的范围。

    Fourthly , setting the typical families as an example and playing its examplary role to expand the scope of establishing family archives .

  7. 关注家庭教育消费,扩大家庭教育需求已经成为当前教育研究、社会研究和经济发展研究中的热点问题之一。

    It has been a key point of research not only in education but also in society and economy development to attend and enlarge the consumption in family education .

  8. 通过发展农业企业化经营,有利于扩大家庭农场经营规模,改变农业经营方式,实现农业商品化,并带动千家万户农民脱贫致富,促进农村经济全面发展,为营造和谐社会作贡献。

    Through developing agriculture commercialization management , it is helpful to enlarge the scale of family farm , change the agriculture management ways , lead farmers to prosperity , promote the rural economy all-around development and make the contribution for harmonious society .

  9. 新体制扩大了家庭医生的作用。

    The new system expanded the role of family doctors .

  10. 是扩大对家庭放贷,特别是对低收入家庭。

    Was to expand lending to households , especially low-income ones .

  11. 传统上,扩大的家庭的全部成员都居住在同一个地区。

    Traditionally , all the members of an extended family lived in the same area .

  12. 随着我国家族企业规模的不断扩大,家庭企业内部出现了信任问题。

    Along with continuous expansion of the Chinese family business enterprise scale , the problems of confidence appeared inside enterprise .

  13. 发展居民家庭体育消费,对于扩大居民家庭消费需求,拉动经济增长和改善居民家庭生活质量有重要意义。

    Sports consumption of households shows its significance to expand the household consumption demand , stimulate economic growth , and improve residents ' quality in the family life .

  14. 家庭收入的增加和金融资产需求的扩大使得家庭金融应运而生,不少学者和金融机构开始关注家庭金融领域的研究。

    With the increase in household income and demand for financial assets , many scholars and financial institutions , financial sector began to give attention to household finance research .

  15. 随着浙江省农村土地不断流转和家庭经营规模的扩大,家庭农场将会成为现代农业经营的重要模式选择。

    With continuous transferring of land utilizing right and enlargement of household management scale in our province , family farm will become important way of developing modern agricultural management .

  16. 近代中国少数民族形成了一种以核心家庭为主,主干家庭、扩大式家庭和多偶婚家庭为辅的多种形式并存的家庭结构。

    During the modern period in China , ethnic minorities have gradually come into being family structures with the main form of nuclear families and auxiliary form of trunk families , extended families and plural marriage families .

  17. 实行扩大式家庭的主要原因是:崇尚子孙满堂的大家庭理想,便于安排劳动力的使用,维持密切的家庭人际关系及少纳捐税。

    The cause of implementing extended families is as follows : Advocate the ideal of a big family full of descendants , beneficial to usage of labors , maintain intimate relations of family , and contribute fewer taxes .

  18. 国家助学贷款能增加贫困家庭子女上大学的机会,扩大贫困家庭学生对高等教育的需求,是国家解决高等教育公平的重要手段之一。

    National student loans can offer more opportunities for the poor family children to go to university , and expand the impoverished students demand for higher education . It is also the one of important fair means for our country to solve the entrance problems .

  19. 由于流动人口数量不断扩大且家庭化趋向日益明显,流动适龄儿童少年的教育问题,特别是随父母流入城市的广大民工子女如何接受义务教育,逐渐成为当前社会关注的一个热点问题。

    Because the size of population flowing is expanded constantly and the family mobility day by day obviously , the educational problem of the teenagers of the right age that flowing into city , become one of focus problems which society pay close attention to at present .

  20. 就好像他们也是我们扩大了的家庭。

    It 's like they 're extended family .

  21. 他要将生活重点从拍戏转向新奥尔良的重建和继续扩大自己的家庭。

    He will shift his focus from acting to rebuilding New Orleans and extending his family .

  22. 扩大妇女对家庭资源的支配权,让她们平等地获得信贷和资产,对于儿女后代具有积极的影响。

    Greater control over household resources and equal access to credit and assets for women has a positive impact on children .

  23. 这些制裁措施特别有效,因为美国可以通过扩大官员与家庭成员的名单加大施压。

    These are particularly effective , because pressure can be increased by additions to the lists of officials and family members .

  24. “齐奥纳说:“即使是现在,我也很愿意继续娶妻,扩大我的家庭。”

    Even today , I am ready to expand my family and willing to go to any extent to marry , " Ziona said .

  25. 第二代农民工及独居老人的丁克模式&扩大的丁克家庭模式的内涵和外延

    The DINK pattern of the second generation of the works from countryside and the old person lives alone & expanded connotation and extension of the DINK family pattern

  26. 我们的任务是找到办法最大限度地扩大稳固双亲家庭的数量、并对家庭(包括单亲家庭)培养健康孩子的各种努力均予以支持。

    Our challenge is to discover ways to maximize the number of strong two-parent families and support all family efforts to raise healthy children , including efforts by single-parent families .

  27. 大力发展农村中等职业教育,对于培养农村适用技术人才、促进农村教育均衡发展、扩大农村贫困家庭子女就学、缓解高考升学压力以及推动素质教育的实施等均起着至关重要的作用。

    It plays a critical role in training the rural technical personnel , balancing the education development in rural areas , helping promote poor families ' schooling , easing the pressure of national examinations and implementing the quality education .

  28. 完善国家助学制度,逐步将中等职业教育免学费政策覆盖到所有农村学生,扩大普通高中家庭经济困难学生资助范围。

    We will improve the state financial aid system for students by gradually making all rural students exempt from paying tuition for secondary vocational education , and by granting financial aid to more students from poor families who attend regular senior secondary schools .

  29. 如果法国和意大利实施结构性改革,将会打消欧洲央行(ECB)的疑虑,让其相信其货币刺激将被有效传导至实体经济、来扩大对企业和家庭的放贷。

    Should structural reforms be implemented in France and Italy , the European Central Bank would be reassured that its monetary stimulus was being channelled effectively through to the real economy to boost lending to enterprises and households .

  30. 东部地区和其他有条件的地区在2008年底之前将廉租住房制度扩大到低收入家庭。

    Meantime , by the end of2008 , the eastern area and other advanced developed areas should incorporate the low-income families into the low-rent housing system .