
  • 网络black women;The Black Woman
  1. 这个黑人妇女回想起找这个工作费了多少事。

    The Black woman remembered what had cost her to get that job .

  2. 沃克因其长篇书信体小说《紫色》(1982)获得了普利策奖而闻名遐迩。她笔力遒劲,富于表现力地描写黑人妇女为争取性平等和精神再生而进行的斗争。

    Best known as the author of Pulitzer Prize-winning epistolary novel The Color Purple ( 1982 ), Walker writes powerful , expressive fiction depicting the black woman 's struggle for sexual equality and spiritual resurrection .

  3. 她成为第一个被选进参议院的黑人妇女。

    She became the first black woman to be elected to the Senate .

  4. 査辛说:“一场以国家对黑人妇女和黑人女孩施加的暴力为主题的活动最让我感动,”她解释说,在那次活动里,人们在一个房间里写下那些因此而死去的人的名字。

    " One of the sessions that moved me the most was state violence on black women and black girls , " says Chasin , explaining that in one room , people wrote down the names of those killed because of it .

  5. 普罗拉特卡的竞争对手美多拉克实验室(MedolacLaboratories)去年称,公司希望从底特律的母亲们那里购买人乳,结果被控告为损害黑人妇女利益而牟利。

    When Medolac Laboratories , a competitor of Prolacta , said last year that it wanted to buy milk from women in Detroit , it was accused of profiting at the expense of black women .

  6. 其中在患乳腺癌的黑人妇女中,有28个基因高表达,包括SOS1、TSPO和PSPH;

    Of these , 28 genes were more highly expressed in black breast cancer patients , including SOS1 , TSPO , and PSPH ;

  7. 黑人妇女可治疗的生殖道感染与早产

    Readily treatable reproductive tract infections and preterm birth among black women

  8. 一个高高个子的黑人妇女急忙走出来。

    A tall , black woman bustled out of a door .

  9. 而在绝经前的美国黑人妇女中未发现这一相关性。

    This association was not observed among premenopausal African-American women .

  10. 黑人妇女被看作是非洲传统文化的承接者,在某种程度上,受压抑的黑人妇女代表了整个受压抑的黑人群体。

    Black Women are considered as the bearers of traditional African culture ;

  11. 但是,黑人妇女并没有向她们的命运低头。

    However , the black women do not submit to their destinies .

  12. 所以我做了其他任何正常黑人妇女会做的事。

    So I did what any other normal black woman would do .

  13. 联邦调查局测试发现这条腿属于一个黑人妇女。

    FBI tests found that the decomposed leg belonged to a black woman .

  14. 第一部分分析了黑人妇女的双重意识。

    The first part is an analysis of double consciousness of black women .

  15. 强壮的黑人妇女与庞大的白种人的战斗。

    Strong Afro-American woman battles huge , white opponent .

  16. 这部小说描写了一位非洲黑人妇女塔西的人生经历。

    It describes the life story of an African American woman who named Tashi .

  17. 早期英国殖民者笔下的非洲黑人妇女形象

    Black English On the Images of African Women Written by the Early British Colonizers

  18. 压抑的符码权力的文本&美国黑人妇女刻板形象分析

    The Power and the Oppressed : a Study on the Stereotypes of African-American Women

  19. 民权运动以来美国黑人妇女地位的变迁及其成因

    The Status Change of the Afro-American Women and Reasons Since the Civil Rights Movement

  20. 由于黑人妇女的特殊性,她们的解放道路与白人妇女的道路是不同的。

    The liberation way of black women was different from that of the white women .

  21. 而被子作为黑人妇女文化的集大成者,其喻意更加深厚。

    " Quilts " is another typical embodiment for black woman culture with profound meaning .

  22. 黑人妇女被判入狱比白人妇女高8倍以上

    The number of imprisoned Black women is eight times higher than that of white women

  23. 自由下的奴役生活美国内战后南方的黑人妇女生活研究(18631920)

    A Study of the Postbellum Black Women 's life in American South ( 1863-1920 )

  24. 因为那看上去不是黑人妇女合适的工作环境。

    Because it doesn 't seem like the ideal working environment for a black woman .

  25. 在当时的美国,作为一名黑人妇女,生活更为艰难

    Being black and a woman made life even more difficult in America at that time

  26. 集团成员还组建了一个学习小组,并且成立了厨房餐桌:黑人妇女出版社。

    Members also formed a study group and established Kitchen Table : Women of Color Press .

  27. 艾丽丝·沃克是当代美国最重要的、最著名的黑人妇女作家之一。

    Alice Walker is one of the most important and prominent contemporary black American woman writers .

  28. 我是第一位当选国会议员的黑人妇女,这使我不同凡响。

    Being the first black woman elected to Congress has made me some kind of phenomenon .

  29. 这位92岁的黑人妇女到底做了什么竟能获得如此殊荣?

    Now , what did this 92 year-old black woman do that deserved such great honor ?

  30. 我也写了一本书:黑人妇女做牛仔指南。

    I wrote a Book too . it 's called a black woman 's guide to rodeo .